2018-02-01 Metadata Management Meeting Notes

2018-02-01 Metadata Management Meeting Notes




Discussion items


Product Council Update
  • The Product Council had a presentation from Kirsten Kimmner-Heek Kirstin Kemner-Heek from GBV - in which she presented a justification for having a full ERM for FOLIO. There is a plan to have support from developers from HBZ to work on ERM development.
  • Kirsten will give a presentation on February 2 at the RM SIG. 8:30 to 10:00 EST on Fridays.
  • The Product Council agreed to the notion that a single browser will be focused on during development period, keeping in mind that FOLIO must work in all browsers ultimately.
  • Dracine will pass along a summary of the Madrid meeting given by Peter Murray.

  Forum facilitators update / linked data WG update / any other announcements  No updates.

Update on RM and Codex Session at the Madrid developers meeting - which include the session about Authority Control Data, and the Inventory/Cataloguing module - Madrid agenda etc

Google drive folder of notes, , presentations, etc: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1T1qyF19Gh7e7QXobmwMxvEvyiFSC5UcJ

Monday: RM 2: Inventory/cataloging. Discussion of cataloging apps and alignment/integration

Tuesday: RM 4: Cataloguing by reference: Authority data control and Linked data - - discuss if authority control is a step on the path to linked data

Tuesday: RM 3: Acquisitions and data flows into the rest of FOLIO and microservices in general plus Item Status

Tuesday: CODEX 1: Inventory and Codex review and next steps

Wednesday: RM 5: Determine where & which data loading occurs for FOLIO, acquisitions? RM? Cataloging? Where the data flows from there within FOLIO

Wednesday: CODEX 2: CODEX -- next steps for the API and for the Codex Search app. Concerns about usability of apps built on top of the Codex API (like the Codex Search). Expanding CODEX beyond two sources. Plans for the future.



  • This was the third and largest developer team meeting. There were 70+ in attendance. SIG members attended for the first time.
  • Mike attended an "Index Data" meeting. There were only 5 subject matter experts at this meeting, which prevented some decisions from being made. The overall response was positive.
  • Anne-Marie said they had a useful session on batch loads. They are moving toward the idea of having a batch load or bulk load app that will work with FOLIO.
  • The "Cataloging by Reference" meeting was recorded. Anne-Marie said there are good notes for each session. See the Google Drive link above to see the notes.
  • Charlotte recommended reading up on the RM 2 : Inventory/cataloging meeting notes in particular. Also, review RM 4: Cataloguing by reference notes.

Demo of the Inventory alpha version, and get feedback on the Inventory app in it's current state
  • folio-alpha.aws.indexdata.com was demoed by Charlotte. A username/password is needed to view the alpha version. ThisThere are millions of record in this DB. This alpha version was demoed at the Madrid meeting.
  • Inventory App:
    • Three-paned layout. First pane has Search&Filter. The search results showing are the MARC record search results. Performance on search results is very quick.

    • Charlotte welcomes comments on a Discuss post https://discuss.folio.org/t/inventory-app-search-and-filter-user-feedback-on-current-version-alpha/1562

    • Only keyword searching in the Inventory App is available for the alpha version.

    • Charlotte will demo the Codex search in another session. Anne-Marie stated in the chat,

      "When we do see the codex search next, it would be great to see a title that is represented both in the KB and the inventory - and how that looks in the codex"

    • There is a "Resource Type" working group working on refining the terms.

    • All filters are collapsible.

    • The second pane contains the results list. This is a multi-column list. This will be replaced by the hierarchical structure that Filip presented. Charlotte asked for feedback on how the results list is presented. A smaller working group may be good for this purpose.

    • Third pane: Instance record is equivalent with the bibliographic record. Holdings information and item information also show on this third pane. Everything is collapsible.

    • Anne-Marie - Will there be a way to get from the inventory to the MARC record? Charlotte - "yes" - a link will take the user to the source record. If it is a MARC record, it will take the user to the source record.

    • Jacquie asked why we need an Inventory search as well as the Codex search function?

      Charlotte: The Codex search is searching over more places than the Inventory search. Search results from the Codex search link into the different apps.

      Jacquie: Why would we use the Codex if it doesn't link into the data as well?

      Charlotte: Use case for Codex: you are subscribing to data in the knowledgebase, then a record may not be needed in the inventory.

      Ann-Marie (in chat): "Interesting question - we'll need to think about when someone would want to start with a codex search, or an inventory search, or a search in the MARC cataloging app"

      Jason (in chat): "the power of the codex will be clearer (I believe) when there are multiple inventories" ; "it may entail too much prelim work, but would be great if we could have a codex indexing multiple inventories when we put the codex thru its paces / investigation to make clear its advantages

      Ann-Marie (in chat): "And also maybe when thinking about consortial-level searching. Inventory might allow for easier searching in one's own holdings than the codex, if the codex is showing all invrntories for the various consortial partners."

      Jason (in chat): "i like the potential this has for consortial… esp if there can be some reconciliation services built around the codex indexing"

      Ann-Marie (in chat): "My understanding is v1 will have separate instances in the codex for each thing coming from an inventory or KB, with the idea of work (rolling up multiple versions of the same instance) coming later. I think that means that an eBook coming from 4 separate consortial partner inventories, plus from the KB, would result in 5 instance entries in v1 of the codex. Does that match other folks' current understanding?"

      Mike Winkler (in chat): "that is my understanding as well"

      Jason (in chat): "makes sense given that the dev process needs to tackle reasonable, iterative steps"

    • The instance record is being divided into three sections. Is this useful? Are there naming ideas? Charlotte has suggestions that she will put on Discuss: https://discuss.folio.org/t/inventory-app-display-of-instance-data-in-detailed-view-user-feedback-on-current-version-alpha/1563
    • Charlotte recommended the creation of two groups to put info into the UI:
      • Search / Filter group
      • Data presentation group

        Lynn thought this week we can start a discussion, then create working groups next week.

Update from the Resource/Format working group

Wikipage: Resource/Format working group (joint MM and RA SIG working group)

Update: The group met yesterday. They had a wide-ranging discussion. Members of the RA group were in attendance. Charlotte invited someone from the Reporting SIG to to join the working group since resource and format types are used for statistics and reporting. The next meeting of the group will be on Monday, February 5 at Noon EST on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/147373456

Meeting 1/31/2018 -see: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Zgyn9gMlZ7po5OGOMign-ISluTIqvodOBeqI3o8XeJU/edit#heading=h.8tjzzj7kaiq0

Homework: Comment on Inventory Discussion that Charlotte will put up on the Discuss Post.

Action items