2018-11-01 Metadata Management Meeting Notes

2018-11-01 Metadata Management Meeting Notes



  • please put an 'x' next to your name in the list below the "Discussion items" if you are attending. Thanks!


Discussion items

Product Council UpdateFormer user (Deleted)There was not a Product Council meeting.
Subgroup updates
  • No updates from the ERM subgroup
  • Data Import - Last week the starting point was demonstrated in the sprint review. Working now on finalizing settings, with a lot ofhelp from Filip. There have been larger conversations about UUIDs and Human readable IDs. See JIRA - UIIN-369 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • MARCcat did not meet today, but expect a demo next week.

UX feedbackFilip Jakobsen

Since column headers and the idea of "cards" cannot coexist, Filip proposed a different method to sort by column header:

Reaction/Feedback: "Completely logical"

Charlotte mentioned that a sorting logic within the sorting will be needed in other places.

Selection behavior: When multiple rows are selected, actions related to the selection will be displayed.

Sarah mentioned that a use case for multiple selections may be to compare one record with another.

Icons/Colors: The purpose of the icons is to visually represent the type of information, given as the column header. These icons will "hold" when the rows turn into cards. When transformed to cards the spacing remains in place - lined up under each other. They are "visual clues" that don't control anything, but give information about the type of data being viewed, in a quick way.

Filip invited members to reach out to him via email or Slack if they have feedback on this feature.

New Members
Laura encouraged new members to feel free to speak up with comments and questions.
Review of  the misc. reference tables in the holdings recordCharlotte Whitt

Review and give feed back on reference tables - defined in Inventory Beta - Metadata Elements - tab Holdings:

  • row #20: Holdings type (accordion Administrative data) - would this be a select list (reference table)?

See: UX wireframe Holdings record, accordion Administrative data:

Feedback on Holdings Type:

      • At Chicago they have Print or Electronic for holdings types. Christie offered that institutions
      • At Duke holdings type is mono, multi-part mono, and serial. If we could distinguish e-holdings too that would be great.

      • Laura - Will this need to be hard-coded, or could this be set at the institution level?
      • Jacquie - Can we stick to "mode of issuance"?
      • Group feels "Physical" would represent an item better than "Print"
      • Some system supplied and some institution supplied.
      • Charlotte - we have defaults that can be removed (some that are part of RDA are not editable)
      • Conclusion - Start out with a basic holdings types, and allow the institution to turn these on and off.
      • Follow-up - Please write out a list to start with. This will give system to have ready values "out of the box".


row #26: Digitization policy (accordion Holdings details)


      • Group favors a free text note as opposed to a pre-defined selection.

row #33: ILL policy (accordion Holdings details)


    • If this is a fixed field value, then mapping back to a MARC record should be considered.
    • If there is no MARC record behind the Inventory holdings, can a MARC Holdings record be generated based on the the given information from Inventory?

row #35: Retention policy (accordion Holdings details)


    • Group favors free text.

In general, the need to generate a MARC record from an Inventory record is strongly desired. Group is very interested in holding a discussion about this to make sure "all of the pieces" to accomplish this are in place. Christie noted that should information be inextricably tied to MARC Holdings vocabulary it could hamper institutions who do not use MARC Holdings vocabulary.

Laura suggested that the FOLIO's ability to configure note types may solve this issue.

UX wireframe Holdings record, accordion Holdings details - to be updated (Charlotte: will do, and update jira's accordingly):


row # 41: Call number type (accordion: Holdings call number)

See: UX wireframe Holdings record, accordion Locations, Holdings call number:


Will this be a fixed list, or could it be locally defined? Ann-Marie - Have a suggested list with the most commonly used, then give an institution the ability to add their own localized.

0 - Library of Congress classification

1 - Dewey Decimal classification

2 - National Library of Medicine classification

3 - Superintendent of Documents classification

4 - Shelving control number 5 - Title

6 - Shelved separately

7 - Source specified in subfield $2

8 - Other scheme You can do 'out of the box' -- isn't that th same as saying #7 where we specificy the source in $2. So anything is permissible. ;-)

Additionally mentioned:



--LC Modified

Parking Lot Survey

Laura E Daniels

I'd like to review our Parking Lot – I suspect some of these issues have been resolved and there are others we might want to revisit.

MM SIG Parking Lot (Old)




      Alice Krim
xAnn-Marie Breaux

Ann KardosUMass Amherst
xCharlotte WhittIndex Data
xChristie Thomas

Damian Biagi

Dennis ChristmanDuke University

Dracine HodgesDuke University

Filip Jakobsen

Jacquie SamplesDuke University

Jason Kovari

Jessica JaneckiDuke University
xLaura Wright

Lisa FurubottenTexas A&M
xLisa McCollLehigh University

Lisa Sjögren

Lynn Whittenberger

Mary AlexanderUniv. of Alabama
xNatascha Owens

Niels Erik Nielsen

Patty Wanninger

Sarah SchmidtDuke University

Tiziana Possemato

Jenn Colt
xSarah Ross
xMartina Schildt


xSara ColglazierMHC/5C