MM-Collection Analysis Report Prototype

MM-Collection Analysis Report Prototype

Report Description Detail

This report is intended to be run ad-hoc, to provide details that characterize the collection.

The model is based on UXPROD-885.

Users should be able to create a report that contains instances with the call number stem and/or format(s) provided. Users should also be able to filter by record suppression from discovery.

Start report with:

Instance Format | Item effective call number


Item Discovery Suppression | Holding Discovery Suppression | Instance Discovery Suppression |  Instance status | Instance Date Status Updated | Instance Publication Place | Instance Publication Date of Publication | Instance languages | Holdings Type | Institution | Library | Location

Data fields:

Instance HRID count


Effective Call Number Prefix | Effective Call No. | Effective Call No. Suffix | Effective location | Instance Discovery Suppression |  Instance status | Instance Date Status Updated | Contributor/Author (Primary only) | Title | Index Title | Instance Publication Place | Instance Publication Date of Publication | Instance languages | Holdings Type | Item Material Type | Orders POL

*Generated via use input in filter

Folio Attribute (Module/Path:Object)Folio Data Element DescriptionParameters/Query
Table name: mod-inventory-storage/locations

Location ID (mod-inventory-storage/location/locations:id)UUID for the Location record

Name (mod-inventory-storage/location/locations:name)Name of the Location

Code (mod-inventory-storage/location/locations:code)

Code to represent a Location
Institution ID (mod-inventory-storage/location/locations:institutionId)ID to retrieve the Institution that a Location belongs to

Provides a join point between mod-inventory-storage/location to mod-inventory-storage/locationunit. This allows us to pull names and codes of an Institution.

locations:institutionId == mod-inventory-storage/locationunit/location-units/locinsts:id

Campus ID (mod-inventory-storage/location/locations:campusId)ID to retrieve the Campus that a Location belongs to

Provides a join point between mod-inventory-storage/location to mod-inventory-storage/locationunit. This allows us to pull names and codes of an Campus.

locations:campusId == mod-inventory-storage/locationunit/location-units/loccamps:id

Library ID (mod-inventory-storage/location/locations:libraryId)ID to retrieve the specific Library that a Location belongs to

Provides a join point between mod-inventory-storage/location to mod-inventory-storage/locationunit. This allows us to pull names and codes of an Library.

locations:libraryId == mod-inventory-storage/locationunit/location-units/loclibs:id

Table name: mod-inventory-storage/location-units

Institution Location ID (mod-inventory-storage/locationunit/location-units/locinsts:id)ID for an Institution

Provides a join point between mod-inventory-storage/locationunit/location-units and mod-inventory-storage/location/locations. This allows us to pull name and code of an institution.

locinsts:id == mod-inventory-storage/location/locations:institutionId

Institution Location Name (mod-inventory-storage/locationunit/location-units/locinsts:name)Name of the InstitutionAfter joining based on Location Institution ID fields, include Institution Name in report.
Institution Location Code (mod-inventory-storage/locationunit/location-units/locinsts:code)Code to represent the InstitutionAfter joining based on Location Institution ID fields, include Institution Code in report.

Campus Location ID (mod-inventory-storage/locationunit/location-units/loccamps:id)

ID for a Campus

Provides a join point between mod-inventory-storage/locationunit/location-units and mod-inventory-storage/location/locations. This allows us to pull name and code of a campus.

loccamps:id == mod-inventory-storage/location/locations:campusId

Campus Location Name (mod-inventory-storage/locationunit/location-units/loccamps:name)Name of the CampusAfter joining based on Location Campus ID fields, include Campus Name in report.
Campus Location Code (mod-inventory-storage/locationunit/location-units/loccamps:code)Code to represent the CampusAfter joining based on Location Campus ID fields, include Campus Code in report.
Library Location ID (mod-inventory-storage/locationunit/location-units/loclibs:id)ID for a Library

Provides a join point between mod-inventory-storage/locationunit/location-units and mod-inventory-storage/location/locations. This allows us to pull name and code of a Library.

loclibs:id == mod-inventory-storage/location/locations:libraryId

Library Location Name (mod-inventory-storage/locationunit/location-units/loclibs:name)Name of the LibraryAfter joining based on Location Library ID fields, include Library Name in report.
Library Location Code (mod-inventory-storage/locationunit/location-units/loclibs:code)Code to represent the LibraryAfter joining based on Location Library ID fields, include Library Code in report.
Table name: mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items

Effective Call Number Prefix (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items:effectiveCallNumberComponents:prefix)Prefix for Effective Call Number String
Effective Call Number (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items:effectiveCallNumberComponents:callNumber)Call number for Effective Call Number String
Effective Call Number Suffix (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items:effectiveCallNumberComponents:suffix)Suffix for Effective Call Number String
Effective Location ID (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items:effectiveLocationId)UUID for Location to correspond to where an item is currently located

Provides a join point between mod-inventory-storage/item-storage and mod-inventory-storage/location.

items:effectiveLocationId == mod-inventory-storage/location/locations:id

Item ID (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items:id)UUID for an item.
Discovery Suppress (mod-inventory/item-storage/items:discoverySuppress)Records the fact that the record should not be displayed in a discovery systemThis data element can be used to filter the report for Item Discovery Suppress where True or False.
Material Type ID (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items:materialTypeId)UUID for the type of material an item is

Provides a join point between mod-inventory-storage/item-storage and mod-inventory-storage/material-type. This allows us to get the name for the material type.

items:materialTypeId == mod-inventory-storage/material-type/mtypes:id

Status Name (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items:status:name)

The Status of an Item (e.g. Available, Checked out, In transit, etc.)

This data element can be used to filter the report to include or exclude specific status names.
Item's Holding Record ID (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items:holdingsRecordId)ID linking an Item to a Holding record

Provides a join between mod-inventory-storage/item-storage and mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage. This allows us to pull the holding data to ultimately get at the instance data.

items:holdingsRecordId == mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdings:id

Item's Purchase Order Line Item ID (mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items:purchaseOrderLineIdentifier)

Table name: mod-inventory-storage/material-types

Material Type ID (mod-inventory-storage/material-type/mtypes:id)UUID of a material type

Provides a join point between mod-inventory-storage/material-type and mod-inventory-storage/item-storage.

mtypes:id == mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items:materialTypeId

Material Type Name (mod-inventory-storage/material-type/mtypes:name)Name of material type describing an itemAfter joining based on Material Types ID, include Material Type Name in report.
Table name: mod-inventory-storage/call-number-types

Call Number Type ID (mod-inventory-storage/call-number-type/callNumberTypes:id)UUID for a Call Number Type

Provides a join between mod-inventory-storage/call-number-type and mod-inventory-storage/item-storage.

callNumberTypes:id == mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items:itemLevelCallNumberTypeId

Call Number Type ID (mod-inventory-storage/call-number-type/callNumberTypes:name)Name of the Call Number type (e.g. LC or Dewy)

callNumberTypes:name == "LC", "Dewey", etc.

Table name: mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holding

Holding ID (mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdings:id)UUID for a Holdings record

Provides a join between mod-inventory-storage/holding-storage to mod-inventory/item-storage. This allows us to gain access to instance level details.

holdings:id == mod-inventory-storage/item-storage/items:holdingsRecordId

Discovery Suppress (mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdings:discoverySuppress)Records the fact that the record should not be displayed in a discovery systemThis data element can be used to filter the report for Holding Discovery Suppress where True or False.
Holding's Instance ID (mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdings:instanceId)UUID to link a Holdings record to an Instance

Provides a join between mod-inventory-storage/holding-storage to mod-inventory/instance-storage. This allows us to pull the bibliographic data in the instance record.

holdings:instanceId == mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instances:id

Holding's Instance ID (mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdings:holdingsTypeId)UUID to link the holdings type assigned to a holdings to its holding type label in the reference table.
Table name: mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instances

Instance ID (mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instances:id)UUID for an Instance record

Provides a join between mod-inventory-storage and mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage.

instances:id == mod-inventory-storage/holdings-storage/holdings:instanceId

Instance HRID (mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instances:hrid)

Discovery Suppress (mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instances:discoverySuppress)Records the fact that the record should not be displayed in a discovery systemThis data element can be used to filter the report for Instance Discovery Suppress where True or False.
Instance Status ID (mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instances:statusId)

Instance Status Updated Date (mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instances:statusUpdatedDate)
Needs to be extracted from the JSON object. 
Instance Languages (mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instances:languages)
Needs to be extracted from the JSON object
Instance Type ID (mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instances:instanceTypeId)The unique term for the resource type

Provides a join between mod-inventory-storage and mod-inventory-storage/instance-type. This allows us to access the Instance Type Name and Code.

instances:instanceTypeId == mod-inventory-storage/instance-type/instanceTypes:id

Instance Format ID (mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instances:instanceFormatIds)The unique term for the resource format

*Repeatable field*

Provides a join between mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage and mod-inventory-storage/instance-format. This allows us to access the Instance Format Name and Code.

instances:instanceFormatIds == mod-inventory-storage/instance-format/instanceFormats:id

Title (mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instances:title)The primary title (or label) associated with the resource
Index Title (mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instances:indexTitle)Title normalized for browsing and searching; based on the title with articles removed
Place of Publication (mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instances:publication{place}

Date of Publication (mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instances:publication{dateOfPublication}Date (year YYYY) of publication, distribution, etc.*Repeatable field*
Contributor Name (mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instances:contributors{name})Personal, corporate, or meeting name that contributed to a work

*Repeatable field*

Only pull the contributor that is marked as the primary contributor.

Identifier Value (mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instances:contributors{primary})Boolean for if contributor is main contributor

*Repeatable field*

instances:contributors{primary} == True

Mode of Issuance ID (mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instances:modeOfIssuanceId)

Table name: mod-inventory-storage/modes-of-issuance

Instance Type ID (mod-inventory-storage/modes-of-issuance/issuanceModesid)

Instance Type Name (mod-inventory-storage/modes-of-issuance/issuanceModes:name)

Table name: mod-inventory-storage/instance-types

Instance Type ID (mod-inventory-storage/instance-type/instanceTypes:id)UUID for instance type

Provides a join between mod-inventory-storage/instance-type and mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage.

instanceTypes:id == mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/instances:instanceFormatIds

Instance Type Name (mod-inventory-storage/instance-type/instanceTypes:name)Name of the instance type ("still image", "computer dataset", "tactile text", etc.)
After joining based on Instance Type ID, include Instance Type Name. This data element can be used to filter the report including or excluding selected Names.
Instance Type Code (mod-inventory-storage/instance-type/instanceTypes:code)Code of the instance type ("sti", "cod", "tct", etc.)
After joining based on Instance Type ID, include Instance Type Code. This data element can be used to filter the report including or excluding selected Codes.
Table name: mod-inventory-storage/instance-formats

Instance Format ID (mod-inventory-storage/instance-format/instanceFormats:id)UUID for an instance format

Provides a join between mod-inventory-storage/instance-format and mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage.

instanceFormats:id == mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/

Instance Format Name (mod-inventory-storage/instance-format/instanceFormats:name)Name of an instance format ("audio – audio disc", "audio – cassette", "computer – online resource")After joining based on Instance Format ID, include Instance Format Name. This data element can be used to filter the report including or excluding selected Names.
Instance Format Code (mod-inventory-storage/instance-format/instanceFormats:code)Code for an instance format ("sd", "ss", "cr", etc.)After joining based on Instance Type ID, include Instance Format Code. This data element can be used to filter the report including or excluding selected Code.
Table name: mod-inventory-storage/holdings-types

Instance Format ID (mod-inventory-storage/holdings-types:id)UUID for a holdings type

Provides a join between mod-inventory-storage/instance-format and mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage.

instanceFormats:id == mod-inventory-storage/instance-storage/

Instance Format Name (mod-inventory-storage/holdings-types:name)Name of an holdings type ('print', 'electronic')After joining based on Instance Format ID, include Instance Format Name. This data element can be used to filter the report including or excluding selected Names.
Table name: mod-inventory-storage/instance-statuses

Instance Status ID (mod-inventory-storage/instance-statuses:id)

Instance Status Name (mod-inventory-storage/instance-statuses:name)

Table name: mod-orders-storage/po-lines

Instance ID (mod-orders-storage/po-lines:instanceID)

Instance UUIDUsed to join Instance UUID from Inventory. May be a 1:many relationship.. Should be one line per Instance with multiple POLs resulting in csv lists or summaries in the respective field.
Acquisition Method (mod-orders-storage/po-lines:acquisitionMethod)
May have a 1: many issue; multiple values should be in a single cell as csv list.
Cost (mod-orders-storage/po-lines:cost)

May have a 1:many relationship. Multiple values should be summed together for presentation in the results. 

Donor (mod-orders-storage/po-lines:donor)
May have a 1: many issue; multiple values should be in a single cell as csv list.
Fund Distribution (mod-orders-storage/po-lines:fundDistribution)
May have a 1: many issue; multiple values should be in a single cell as csv list.

Payment Status (mod-orders-storage/po-lines:paymentStatus)

May have a 1: many issue; multiple values should be in a single cell as csv list.
Purchase Order ID (mod-orders-storage/po-lines:purchaseOrderId)
May have a 1: many issue; multiple values should be in a single cell as csv list.
Reporting Codes (mod-orders-storage/po-lines:reportingCodes)
May have a 1: many issue; multiple values should be in a single cell as csv list.
Tags (mod-orders-storage/po-lines:tags)
May have a 1: many issue; multiple values should be in a single cell as csv list.