2024-05-16 Metadata Management Meeting notes

Meeting time: 11:30 AM ET, 05:30 PM CET, 04:30 PM GMT

Meeting URL: Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting . The meeting password can be found here.


May 16, 2024

Note taker

Laura Daniels, Lynne Fors, Alissa Hafele, Natascha Owens


Recordings of meetings can be found in the Metadata_Management_SIG > Recordings folder on AWS from 2022 onwards: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/metadata-management-sig/

Discussion items








App Interaction discussion of making material type optional has been postponed to June 3. Use cases/requirements can be recorded here: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AQAqD (feedback can also be directed to @Laura E Daniels )

https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AgDlCw: mock-ups on Inventory - Agreements interactions have been presented at AI (Felix)

--this discussion will continue at the next AI meeting (May 20) where we will consider if custom fields might address the use cases (Agreements, Agreement lines, Licenses)

Remote Storage

@Thomas Trutt

Discuss null barcodes in items destined for remote storage

-transferring items to remote storage; null barcodes create feedback loop w/software (https://github.com/folio-org/mod-remote-storage/ )

-instead of adding something to mod remote storage, proposal is to add something to Inventory to prevent editing of holdings if an associated item lacks a barcode--would this impact workflows?

-if you were moving a holdings record to a remote storage location, the system would look at all associated items and pop up a dialog that the location could not be changed if one or more items were missing a barcode – e.g. “The record could not be updated, one or more items do not contain a barcode”

--would have to work w/Bulk Edit & DI how this error would be handled

This block is the 1st stage of the planned work

-the 2nd stage would be to modify mod-remote-storage so it could handle these items

-changes needed to mod remote storage before this can be implemented

Lynne/Kara: Does this not apply to holdings that don't have items attached? or is it only when items exists?

--would only apply if there are items

Another story that is not yet written: creating items without barcodes

This would only be for specifically designated “remote storage” locations

Other concern: are there libraries that purchase multiple copies of an item, one goes to stacks & another goes to remote storage? (would not be an issue if items were on separate holdings)

No major concerns identified; plan is for work to be incorporated into Ramsons release; please add any concerns to the Jira or reach out to @Thomas Trutt

MODRS-121: Remote storage allows null barcodesOpen




PC updates

@Charlotte Whitt

2024-05-16 Product Council Agenda and Meeting Notes

Patrick Pace is our new Developer Advocate who started in mid April. Working with Jeremy Huff. Patrick explained that he is coming up to speed on learning about the FOLIO community and FOLIO. He is particularly interested in how to consolidate developer documentation. Will be creating a working group for this (developer documentation) that will work with Technical Council.

Charlotte and Yogesh presented on the need to have better sample data in FOLIO snapshot and snapshot-2. Same minimal data has been used for many years. They will be creating a sub group and a call for volunteers will be sent out.

BELA (Bulk Edit and Lists App)

Jennifer Eustis

2024-05-14 BELA Meeting Notes

The working group talked more about how to deal with protected fields and bulk edit.

The group also discussed how best to get feedback for UAT (user acceptance testing). One idea is to do a general session with MM SIG. Would that be of interest?

Yes – we are interested in UAT.

Data Import Working Group

Jennifer Eustis


Prioritization for Ramsons is set for the following UXPRODs:

UXPROD-4573: ECS - Allow user to update "ownership" of Inventory Holdings and Items within ECS systemIn Review

UXPROD-4469: Data Import Architecture Refinements (Ramsons)In Review

UXPROD-4444: MARC-Instance default mapping changes: Canceled LCCN -- 010 $z (Ramsons)In Review

UXPROD-4348: Data Import: Ability to export Data import profile details via APIIn Review

UXPROD-4081: Refine and standardize handling of 035 OCLC numbers in MARC records (including potential duplicates)In Review

UXPROD-3556: Data Import: Ability to import Data Import profile details via APIIn Review

Some of these features are contract work for LoC, others are community priorities.

The working group discussed MARC modifications. As of Quesnelia, there is an expected flow as to where the modify action can be. See Data Import Marc Modifications for MARC Bibliographic Records for details. In testing MARC modifications according to this new flow, it was noticed that a modify after an update of a srs marc bib resulted in a 500 server error. This may be a bug. Ryan will investigate this with the team.

Next week we are discussing refinements to the functionality of “Set to Deletion”. (meetings are Wednesday 1-2 Eastern Time)

quickMARC Subgroup update

Raegan Wiechert

Meeting canceled this week
