Custom fields setup in Settings - App. See Users as example
Type of field, e.g. single select or radio button
field label and help text
hidden and required
(default) options
Search Plan
all custom fields will be available in the filters and searchable via keyword and all shown as single search option from dropdown. Is that desirable?
Laura: suspects we wouldn't agree to what to add to keyword search - limited right now. Should be in separate index, not keyword
Could be added to All index? Yes
Laura: Cornell doesn't have it turned on
Custom fields added at end of filter list - not customizable
Query search?
should work but will look into.
Data not part of actual records. Stored in separate table.
Available in metadb? Will ask about this and List app availablity.
Where should the fields be in the records? In settings?
Any thing added to item records should involve input from RA SIG
Laura: should probably be put at bottom, MM SIG could consult with colleagues.
Will start at end of list and then bring to MM SIG for review.
Custom fields accordion will display even if nothing configured? Yes
Deletion of custom fields
if you delete a custom field in settings that is used in a record you are deleting the settings AND the values stored in records. Warning modal if records exist.
Any development will be available across all apps
Questions from group
Would you want it implemented for all Inventory record types?
Charlotte: makes sense to implement for all while doing the work. +1 from others