2024-03-28 Metadata Management Meeting notes

2024-03-28 Metadata Management Meeting notes

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/527543204. The meeting password can be found here.


Charlotte Whitt 


Note taker: Laura Daniels, Lynne Fors, Alissa Hafele, Natascha Owens

Recordings of meetings can be found in the Metadata_Management_SIG > Recordings folder on AWS from 2022 onwards: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/metadata-management-sig/

Discussion items


  • WOLFcon: Felix will submit a MM SIG working meeting as standard (50 minute) session. Content will be worked out later.
  • A reporter from the quickMARC Group is needed.
    • If you are attending quickMARC and MM SIG and would be willing to regularly report back to MM SIG please reach out.
Custom fields for InventoryBjörn Muschall
  • Leipzig University with small dev team are in process of getting custom fields added to apps - Orders in process (2 sprints left), next is Inventory.
    • Already implemented in Users
    • Khalilah is feature owner for Custom Fields
  • Inventory tickets UXPROD-2211 and UXPROD-2848
  • Custom fields setup in Settings - App. See Users as example
    • Type of field, e.g. single select or radio button
    • field label and help text
    • hidden and required
    • (default) options
  • Search Plan
    • all custom fields will be available in the filters and searchable via keyword and all shown as single search option from dropdown. Is that desirable?
      • Laura: suspects we wouldn't agree to what to add to keyword search - limited right now. Should be in separate index, not keyword
      • Could be added to All index? Yes
        • Laura: Cornell doesn't have it turned on
    • Custom fields added at end of filter list - not customizable
    • Query search?
      • should work but will look into.
      • Data not part of actual records. Stored in separate table.
      • Available in metadb? Will ask about this and List app availablity.
  • Where should the fields be in the records? In settings?
    • Any thing added to item records should involve input from RA SIG
    • Laura: should probably be put at bottom, MM SIG could consult with colleagues.
    • Will start at end of list and then bring to MM SIG for review.
      • Custom fields accordion will display even if nothing configured? Yes
  • Deletion of custom fields
    • if you delete a custom field in settings that is used in a record you are deleting the settings AND the values stored in records. Warning modal if records exist.
  • Any development will be available across all apps

Questions from group

  • Would you want it implemented for all Inventory record types?
  • Can MARC data be mapped to custom fields? Available via api but question for data import group
  • In inventory using elastic search so different from Orders app searching - accounted for in search ticket? Will require mod-search work.
  • Is there a limit for how many custom fields which can be added? 5+ not sure, will ask dev team.
    • Can only have 1 custom fields accordion per area, e.g. instances, holdings, or items
  • Need way to identify the records even if search is not implemented yet to review e.g. before field deletion
    • At minimum would want "has custom field" yes or no filter, e.g. suppress from discovery
    • Each custom field will have a filter and those should be used. Will be implemented alongside the addition of custom fields to Inventory
    • Any UX alignment possible with ERM solution?
      • done in completely different approach
  • Is there a way to use Lists App to find custom fields?
    • Or can these custom fields be added to the Lists App?
Multiple graphical representations continuedLaura E Daniels

Continuation of discussion during 2024-01-25 Metadata Management Meeting notes

Slide deck with proposal and outstanding questions

Postponed to next week