2024-07-25 Metadata Management Meeting notes

Meeting time: 11:30 AM ET, 05:30 PM CET, 04:30 PM GMT

Meeting URL: . The meeting password can be found here.


Jul 25, 2024

Note taker

Laura Daniels, Lynne Fors, Alissa Hafele, Natascha Owens


Recordings of meetings can be found in the Metadata_Management_SIG > Recordings folder on AWS from 2022 onwards: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/metadata-management-sig/

Discussion items








From Christine in Slack:

Hi everyone! We are happy to announce another round of testing of Ramsons work in the Metadata Management space. This UAT focuses on using the new publication place index, navigating through related titles, bulk editing of FOLIO instance notes, and updates to 035 normalization in Data import. Please note that you are not required to complete all sections.The form with testing instructions and other details can be found here: MM Ramsons UAT 7/19-8/2Our plan is to run this UAT from today, July 19th, until Friday, August 2nd. As always, we greatly appreciate your time and look forward to hearing your feedback.If you have any questions, please reach out to myself Christine Schultz-Richert (@christinesr), Ryan Taylor (@Ryan Taylor), or Magda Zacharska (@magdaz). Thank you!

The WOLFcon session list has been published: https://wolfcon2024.sched.com/

E-resources in Inventory and their connection to the ERM apps


Continuation from MM SIG meeting June 13th, 2024. Result of this meeting: ERM and Inventory should be more closely connected to support use cases of the FOLIO libraries.

Plan for this meeting: Presentation of concept that has been discussed in the App Interaction SIG

App Interaction SIG - Linking between Inventory and Agreement lines working group (WIP)

(@Sara Colglazier , @Charlotte Whitt , @Owen Stephens) and discussion/feedback in our SIG.

Sara shared need for connecting records in Inventory to Agreements & Licenses; Orders don’t always exist for the resources represented by the Inventory records

Overview of proposal: these links would be appropriate in Holdings records, new accordion would be added toward bottom of Holdings, called “ERM information,” it would look similar to existing Electronic access with slightly different elements & would not be intended to be public facing; repeatable, could be populated manually or via Data Import

-this approach leverages a lot that’s already in place, could be added to Elastic Search/as filter, could be incorporated into Bulk Edit & Lists


Christie asks:
What if there is a single holdings with multiple electronic access lines for access on each platform?
These relationships vary between institutions (and even within institutions). We also have some records that have a single URL/platform on individual holdings records.
I would think that the data model should be flexible rather than prescribed.

Charlotte: Owen had proposed a look-up option, but that is not what’s seen as needed now and would add more complexity
Felix adds: I think the main point was not really the look-up, but the direct link by storing a record's UUID instead of any link into this field.

Jennifer: in case where there are multiple agreements for the same holdings, would like stronger connection than a note; would prefer to see us manage resources like this as sets rather than via individual holdings

Christie: thinking about workflows for batch loading and wants to highlight Felix’s comment; storing and displaying the URL is confusing, would expect it to store the UUID to represent this relationship, just like is done to connect, e.g., a holdings to a PO – several of us agree with this

-Sara says that storing the URL is much less complicated; also, this is not intended for management purposes, rather for, e.g., trouble-shooting; will work with batch processes

Christie: concerns about scalability; e.g., for collections that are frequently updated, with records that may be part of more than one collection, how would we build something that would match to the right agreement lines? This feels like a thin thread, not a viable long term solution for the community

-Chicago’s current workaround (based on workflows from UMass Amherst & Cornell): file of records from WorldShare collection manager, updates from multiple collections – use a MARC 9xx field to identify each collection, mapped to a Collection ID (local Inventory identifier), use same names for the agreement lines & collection IDs. Inventory link for all titles in each collection embedded into agreement line. This doesn’t provide a direct link from Inventory to Agreements.

Felix adds: We are doing something similar as demoed by Christie: We store the ISIL code as dedicated instance identifier and also use the ISIL as the agreements alternative name. It is not ideal, but at least tells our staff the agreement through which we have access to the resource.

Felix asks: from a workflow perspective, to you add the same URIs to all the records in a file? And would this be something that could be added via BulkEdit in future?

-Yes, if file has mix of platforms, would need to set up task in MarcEdit to add different URL depending on which agreement. And yes, ideally we could retrieve a set of results via Lists and add or update these URLs via Bulk Edit (rather than round tripping records)

Ryan: has been reviewing the feature & the slides (both linked above); needs better understanding of use cases and how this might be approached on the implementation side; from what’s been presented today, it sounds simple at a high level, but complication could come in based on how to best support common use cases; also curious how some work Owen has done in Agreements might be similar

Khalilah: also wants to think about this more, understand all the components that would be needed, and other questions, e.g., does the order of these links matter? what happens when a holdings is moved? should this impact discovery?

Jennifer: I think disclosing the terms found in licenses is useful for discovery and patrons
Bob: Terms of use is very important data to expose in some way in discovery
Felix: Agreements provides a dedicated API for exposing license data: "Retrieve license data for an e-resource linked as agreement line" -> /erm/sas/publicLookup

Sara: related issue: URL relationship element is not searchable via query search (occurs in Instances, Holdings, and Items)
-would be nice to have in regular search also
-Khalilah will follow up on this. After meeting - KG created https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/MSEARCH-816 and reviewed it with Sara.

Next steps: Khalilah and Ryan will think further about the request for connection between Inventory & Agreements/Licenses and bring back any further questions to individuals or the SIG; don’t anticipate getting to this in a near future release








PC updates

@Charlotte Whitt

2024-07-25 Product Council Meeting Agenda and Notes

Announcements: New PC co-chair is Caitlin Stewart (LOC). Alexis Manheim (Stanford) continues to be the other co-chair.

WOLFCon PC meeting agenda planning: Planning for this years PC shoulder-to-shoulder meeting by following similar approach as last year.

The PC will revisit and re-group the work on FOLIO PC Sub Group Supporting Enhancements and Improvements

Updated list with all SIG Liaisons.

There was a talk about the Sprint Review Demos (which we used to do) versus that some SIGs (e.g. MM and RA) invites the POs to come and do demo of new feature development in advance of a given flower release. The PC would be interested in being notified by the PC liaisons on when new functionality was presented, and then the PC members can watch the recording.

Future topics: No news at this point


BELA (Bulk Edit and Lists App)

Jennifer Eustis

Bulk Edit and Lists App are implemented the process for community input:

  • New features and use cases can be added to the or

  • 15 min of meeting time will be dedicated to looking at one of the new features to understand the use case and then be able to write up a Jira issue or if one has been already created to refine that issue

  • Anyone in the community can use the Jira tool called “vote” for any issue that they feel is important. Voting allows the POs and developers to understand what the community feels important.

  • The Implementation Topics pages for Bulk and Lists will be updated to reflect when uses cases have been discussed, links to any Jira issues or if the issue is closed.

Data Import Working Group

Jennifer Eustis

No meeting this week.

quickMARC Subgroup update

Raegan Wiechert

All meetings for June and July have been cancelled
