List App Resource Management Implementation Topics
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Topic | Status | Description/Use case | Date Added | Discussed On | Provided by Name, Institution | Interested Parties | Has been discussed in meeting: Link to agenda/meeting | Link to Jira Issue | Action required | |
1 | Add indicator when waiting for additional data to display | in progress | With the introduction of dynamic queries, provide an indicator to inform users about potential delay | 2023-12-17 | @Kathleen Moore | ALL | UILISTS-79: Add indicator when waiting for additional data to displayDraft | There is a need for this. Refresh to be added to shortcuts and perhaps an action icon next to query Revise language from test query to preview query and remove pen/pencil icon | ||
2 | Display enum and chron & Volume with effective call number for items and holdings | in progress | when we run Lists to find Serials and Periodicals , the Item effective call number does not display what we see in Inventory and think of as the Item effective call number. That is, it does NOT include the enum, chron, or volume info. It displays the Call Number and if there is a call number Prefix then that as well, and it does display the copy number, but not that other info, which is really important when dealing with Serials and Periodicals. I just checked, and it looks like we're still defining the item effective call number as prefix + call number + suffix + copy number. I'm not sure if they were available in Poppy, but it looks like Ramsons will have | 2024-07-11 | @Sara Colglazier | ALL | MODFQMMGR-158: Add enumeration fields to Items entity typeClosed MODINVSTOR-1159: Item effective call number missing enumeration dataDraft | Add year, caption This is a HIGH priority Check with App Interaction on how to handle Inventory not generating full (ie all these elements) with effective item call number | ||
3 | Create a list of orders that don’t have any invoices for a given fiscal year [query build: includes fiscal year] | OPEN | An acquisitions staff person needs to know what orders don’t have an invoice by fiscal year to be able to pay for them or reach out to the vendor to get the invoice. | 2024-07-12 |
| @Jennifer Eustis Five Colleges | ALL |
4 | Create a list of orders, funds, budgets, invoices, and associated inventory information | OPEN | As an acquisitions staff member, ERM or collection development person, a list of all open orders by order type, order format, with information on title, fund code/expense class, material type, vendor code, POL, total cost by fiscal year (based on actual payment amounts and credits), internal note, receiving note, vendor reference numbers, tags is needed for collection review | 2024-07-12 |
| @Jennifer Eustis & Sara Colglazier | @Peter Sbrzesny for GBV @Dung-Lan Chen |
5 | Budget overview | OPEN | As an acquisitions staff member, there is need of a budget overview including encumbrances for a fiscal year that includes information on allocations, expenditures, in process invoices, free balances, transfers by fund | 2024-07-12 |
| @Jennifer Eustis | @Peter Sbrzesny for GBV |
6 | Information from the fields in the Electronic Access for Holdings/Item/Instance | OPEN | As a metadata staff, a list of information in the Electronic Access field is needed including the ability to search for any empty/null values such as there is no URI for an eResource or specified URL Relationship or Link text. | 2024-07-12 |
| @Jennifer Eustis & Sara Colglazier |
7 | List of regular items that are coded as Government documents | OPEN | As a metadata staff it is necessary to find items that are coded as government documents and that aren’t (typically univ. presses) |
| @Jennifer Eustis |
8 | List of item formats and types and item material type | OPEN | As a metadata staff it is necessary to find items that are coded as a serial, continuing resources, monograph, etc (from the LDR) and if it is print or electronic (008) along with the item material type and holdings type | 2024-07-12 |
| @Jennifer Eustis |
9 | List of agreements | OPEN | As an ERM librarian, it is necessary to have a list of agreements that being with a particular prefix and include the required and base FOLIO fields (period dates, etc.) |
| @Jennifer Eustis
10 | List of notes in agreements, eHoldings, organizations | OPEN | As an ERM librarian, it is necessary to have a list of notes and the associated AGL’s or notes from the eHoldings assets, organizations | 2024-07-12 |
| @Jennifer Eustis |
11 | Item Record Display Summary field | OPEN | As a serials librarian, I need to update the Display Summary field in the item record. | 2024-08-05 |
| @Jennifer Eustis @Sara Colglazier | ALL |
12 | Item suppress from discovery | OPEN | This is available for holdings and instances but not items. It should be | 2024-11-26 |
| @Jennifer Eustis | All |
13 | Instance (titles) & Holding records that share an Item | OPEN | In Lists I would like to be able to search by call number or barcode or other item thing, and retrieve all the records associated/related via the (item level) Bound-with and analytics function. Currently (in Q) only the Parent title/Instance is found and listed. | 2025-03-05 |
| @Sara Colglazier | @Jennifer Eustis |