2024-02-29 Metadata Management Meeting notes

2024-02-29 Metadata Management Meeting notes

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/527543204. The meeting password can be found here.


Charlotte Whitt

Note taker: Laura Daniels, Lynne Fors, Alissa Hafele, Natascha Owens

Recordings of meetings can be found in the Metadata_Management_SIG > Recordings folder on AWS from 2022 onwards: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/metadata-management-sig/

Discussion items


Daylight Saving Time starts on March 10 in the US, which will make meetings one hour earlier for those in Europe, until you make the change on March 31. Only some parts of Australia participate in DST, so please adjust accordingly.

Rita Albrecht: This will be her last meeting before retiring.  Congratulations and happy retirement!

Update on the call number browse by type issuesChristine Schultz-Richert

Shelf key is not being generated for Dewey call numbers.  The likely reason has to do with "validation" that is included in the shelf key logic.  Preexisting logic checked for a valid format to determine how to sort regardless of assigned call number type.  "Valid" for Dewey only includes numeric values and decimals but that is not always the case (sometimes it looks more like LC - begins with Alpha).  In the new world of Browse by call number type, logic compares against rules for assigned type but for Dewey it is not passing the validation rules so shelf key is not generated and does not show in browse.  Proposes to remove the validation.

Charlotte: some customers are having problems with browse if they migrated before introducing browse by type–will this cause even more problems now?  A:  Good question.  Currently the validation is problematic in Poppy.

Jennifer: Why was this validation logic added?  A: Not sure.  But they have tested that removing validation allows for sorting as expected.

Jennifer: What happens if there are call numbers with no type?  And would there be some sort of report to find call numbers with "no type."  A: they won't show up under any browse by type options.  But this is a good point, b/c if the shelf key is generated by type assigned so it would be useful to have this type of report.  

Charlotte: Has there been a written migration script to help customers who have migrated earlier?  Or how has EBSCO solved this for their customers?  

Christine: Is it intentional that call number type is left blank?  A: Sometimes, yes.  

Lynn: When this was first proposed, her library wrote a python script to find all their different call number types and assign the correct type to all their holdings records via API.  They initially migrated without any call number type assigned.  Lynn is happy to share their solution to this problem.

Christine: Will try to identify why this validation was ever put into place in case their was a good reason.  Other big concern: what happens when there is no call number type which is sometimes intentional and we would expect this to show up on the "all types" browse option.

Felix: How does call number browse work for locally added types?  A: Lynn's institution uses "Other Scheme".  But there is a "Local" option that would also show up in the "all type" browse.  

Christine: We can't yet make a decision on the validation issue before doing some more looking into the questions raised and she will keep us posted.

Raegan: Will the work for this be a Poppy patch? A: Yes, a patch because some of these issues are making it almost impossible to browse call numbers.

Lynn: I have noticed that the value box for Browse is not sticky. If you change your index for browse, the value you are searching doesn't stay and must be reentered

Felix: Once the fix is applied, does that require a reindex with "recreateIndex": true ? A: It likely does require reindex.

Quick check up on Inventory/MARC authority case insensitivity Christine Schultz-RichertCreated a story in Jira for Spitfire team to look into removing the case sensitivity.  Is there some use case for needing the case sensitivity?  None came up but people can reach out to Christine if they think of anything.  The matter of case sensitivity in the world of Z39.50 is not related to this issues.
PC updatesCharlotte Whitt

2024-02-29 Product Council Agenda and Meeting Notes

Announcement: Link to upcoming PC meetings

Continuation of the Prioritization discussion from last week: Expectations of the SIGs for the Prioritization process. The intend is to have the work listing the features as close to the experts/key interested people/the development teams, and not the old way of voting on the features per institution, and the old road-blocker/Gaps list view.  

New voting process. The topics are listed on the Acquisition Implementers list. The list is being discussed on a regular basis in the Acquisition SIG. This new process is being tested during Quesnelia. Votes are per person (everyone can vote). The number of votes are an indicator, but can not dictate development. Data Import has started a similar list, but can eventually be broaden for the complete Metadata Management domain. Jenifer Eustis pointed out this is a lot of work, and definitely if this is for the PO to lift the task alone, but maybe an assistant PO, or a small group from the given SIG could be trained and help out with this. 

Jennifer's work on Data Import Topic Tracker: Data Import Implementers Topic Tracker ; One thing they have noticed is that it has not been transparent how things are being prioritized, when were they discussed, when were they being worked on.  The topic tracker has only been up for a few weeks–all bugs and topics have been added.  The spreadsheet is hard to navigate so we will have to wait and see how helpful people find this to be.  It is nice to be able to filter what topics don't have a Jira, when they were added, what status they have, etc.  There is a lot of administrative work that needs to be done and it takes time so we have relied on a lot of volunteers to do this work.  Not sure how MM would take on this work.  Should each subgroup have their own topic tracker and who should take on this work?  Product Council is still working on answering these questions but welcomes any feedback.  

Felix thinks it would be nice to have a tracker specifically for Inventory.

Voting is in Jira (there is a thumbs up icon in upper right hand corner).  Voting is open for everyone in the community who has a Jira login.  

BELA (Bulk Edit and Lists App)

Jennifer Eustis

No meeting this week.
Data Import Working Group

Jennifer Eustis

2024-2-28 Data Import Subgroup meeting. We reviewed 3 new topics from the DI Topic Tracker for which Ryan will create draft Jiras. We reviewed MODDATAIMP-1010 - Getting issue details... STATUS , issue with Orders where the quantity electronic isn't being mapped and is instead 0. We are looking for help to test and document marc modifications functionality for UXPROD-4709 - Getting issue details... STATUS . CSP 2 is now due out March 8th and will include a fix for missing action profiles on migration.

If you have use cases that you know have worked or not worked, please share with Jennifer.  


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