2024-02-15 Metadata Management Meeting notes

2024-02-15 Metadata Management Meeting notes


Charlotte Whitt


Note taker: Laura Daniels, Lynne Fors, Alissa Hafele, Natascha Owens

Recordings of meetings can be found in the Metadata_Management_SIG > Recordings folder on AWS from 2022 onwards: https://recordings.openlibraryfoundation.org/folio/metadata-management-sig/

Discussion items


Reporting SIG is looking for someone to help with documentation. If you're interested, reach out to Sharon Beltaine, Scott Perry, or Jennifer Eustis.

New cloud version of Confluence is opening a blank page for MM SIG home. Felix has reached out to Peter Murray.

Updating bound-with holdings records

Intro of the problem in VuFind version 7 seen by Wellesley College.

Demo by Maccabee Levine (Lehigh) of the solution developed by Maccabee for VuFind version 10. In test at Lehigh right now (with Orchid release of FOLIO), and to be launched in Production Spring 2024.

Bound-with model: single item record may be associated with more than one holdings record, through which it can be associated with more than one instance.

VuFind hierarchy is slightly different from FOLIO: instance, items, and grouping logic (which may or may not be holdings id) – grouping logic is configurable

Wellesley College is undergoing a major library renovation. All collections have been moved to remote storage for the duration, barring a small number of materials held back for teaching. We have applied temporary locations for all Item records (and journal/serial Holding records as they have no Item records). During our spot checking to make sure we caught everything, we found oddities stemming from bound-with items. Because bound-withs in the FOLIO data structure consist of one Item record attached to multiple Holdings records, the temporary location is only being applied to the parent/primary Holding record and not the other Holding records. Not an ideal situation for managing and providing accurate locations of our materials.

What is being presented to the end user is extremely confusing when they can see that one title is available but another is not.  Wellesley College uses VuFind as the library catalog.

  1. Is this what we are expecting (or wanting) to see in our discovery layers?
  2. Do we need to rethink the implementation of Bound-with handling in FOLIO and change to a one Item record & one Holding record attached to multiple Instance records?


-Items "inherit" location/status from Holdings, but Holdings don't "inherit" anything from Items

-But the public catalog should be displaying the appropriate effective location/status based on the item, whether it's bound-with or not

Question: how can you tell which is the "primary" holdings/instance for a bound-with item? The item is marked in the MCL with a bound-with icon. When looking at that item, the instance title displayed at the top of the item view and listed first in the bound-with data is the "primary" instance/holdings

-The grouping logic in the upcoming version of VuFind may solve the display problems seen by Wellesley?

Question: who has adopted/is using the FOLIO bound-with model?

Lehigh, Wellesley, Stanford – both migrated data but not fully implemented; Stanford uses Blacklight for discovery

--Wellesley is on FOLIO Orchid CSP #6.

-Note: Order of creation of bound-with parts is important; should be in the order the titles appear in the piece, as FOLIO itself doesn't have the concept of "order" other than the order added

-- should the display in FOLIO be clearer about which holdings has the "primary" relationship with the item? (e.g., the holdings where the item was initially created, which should be associated with the first title in the bound-with)

-Feel free to message Maccabee in Slack with further questions

Temporary locations and Course reserves (Courses Apps)

Lynne Fors

Kara Hart

There is a problem with items that already have a temporary location and then are put on Course Reserves. The temporary location is not replaced with the course location.

Slack Post: "Cross-posting.  I talked about this during the Implementers SIG where we discussed the Courses App.  I mentioned we had some weird things going on with the course's location not being assigned to items and after some more testing I think I know what is going on.
We just moved to a temporary location for a renovation.  We put all of the main library items into new temporary item locations.  When we started putting items on reserve for courses, they were not getting the course location added as a temporary item location.   It appears that when an item record already has an assigned temporary location, that it is not replaced by the course location when put on reserve.  I don't think this is expected behavior.  I opened a ticket with EBSCO as our hosting vendor, but thought I would bring it up here.
I could see some logic in not replacing a temporary location with the course location, in that if an item with a temporary location is put on reserve, it will loose that temporary location when taken back off reserve, since there is no data field that I know that would hold onto that information.
Do you agree that the expected behavior would be to replace the temporary item location with course location?"

Also posted in RA and Implementers Slack channels.

One reason you might not want the temp location to override: already on reserve for different location

Ideal solution: pop-up notification when there is already a temp location and a new temp location is attempted to be assigned by course reserves

Do other apps (other than Courses and Inventory) act on item temporary location? Yes, Bulk Edit

Thomas Trutt is planning on writing up a UXPROD feature for this new pop up solution;

--should there also be a warning message in Bulk Edit that an item already has a temp location? (if attempting to assign a temp location via Bulk Edit)

--the proposed development in Courses will be shared in MM Slack; documentation will need updating as well

PC updatesCharlotte Whitt

2024-02-15 Product Council Agenda and Meeting Notes

Announcements: RMS Group meeting update: In 2024: Two flower releases: Quesnelia and Ramsons. GA date for Quesnelia: 4/29/2024 and for Ramsons proposed date is 11/25/2024. Quesnelia is going to be a 'short' release. And Ramsons a long one (similar as Poppy last year). Short summary for Ramsons: ~ 15 sprints for development, 0.5 sprint for module releases, 3 weeks bugfest test.

FOLIO Discovery Survey Task Force: results and discussion: FOLIO wiki page: Results of the survey, and link to slide deck 

Good and very interesting discussion. The PC admitted that they had not had the same focus on development of APIs supporting the Discovery systems as on FOLIO Functionality. The PC is to have a follow up meeting. See the PC meeting notes for more details. 

BELA (Bulk Edit and Lists App)

Jennifer Eustis

No meeting this week.

Data Import Working Group

Jennifer Eustis

DI met yesterday, 2024-2-14 Data Import Subgroup meeting. There was an update of CSP 1 that was recently released which fixes some log issues and linking issues for action profiles. There is more fixes for CSP 2. We also discussed MARC modifications and the challenge of differentiating the modify action from update action.
