2024-2-14 Data Import Subgroup meeting

2024-2-14 Data Import Subgroup meeting

Recordings are posted Here (2022+) and Here (pre-2022)                   Slack channel for Q&A, discussion between meetings

Requirements details Here                                                                    Additional discussion topics in Subgroup parking lot

Attendees: Robert PlesharLynne Fors, Taylor SmithJennifer EustisYael HodAaron Neslin, Peter MartinezRyan TaylorAutumn Faulkner, Corrie Hutchinson (Unlicensed)Raegan Wiechert, Sara Colglazier, Kim Wiljanen, Tess Amram

Notetaker: Jennifer Eustis, Corrie Hutchinson, Christie Thomas



TopicWhoMeeting NotesRelated JiraDecisions and Actions



CSP #1 has been released. 

Discussion notes:

RT: Poppy CSP 1 is out. release notes and dashboard are linked above. Unlinking of action profiles  MODDICONV-361 - Getting issue details... STATUS is addressed in this CSP.

Q: If Poppy has not been installed will this eliminate the problem only after migration?

RT: (Detailed discussion with the next section.) There are two different situations: unlinking of actions during migration and then unlinking of action profiles as a part of editing profile workflows. Correcting the migration