2024-1-10 Data Import Subgroup meeting

2024-1-10 Data Import Subgroup meeting

Recordings are posted Here (2022+) and Here (pre-2022)                   Slack channel for Q&A, discussion between meetings

Requirements details Here                                                                    Additional discussion topics in Subgroup parking lot

Attendees: Taylor Smith Jennifer Eustis Robert Pleshar Aaron Neslin Corrie Hutchinson (Unlicensed) Sara Colglazier Kim Wiljanen Tess Amram Lynne Fors Yael Hod Ryan Taylor 



    • Discuss any adjustments to DI Subgroup meetings for the new year
      • Note-taking assistance
        • A small group will rotate note-taking responsibilities. Jennifer Eustiss, Corrie Hutchinson, and Christie Thomas have volunteered. Christie is taking notes today. 
      • Meeting frequency: Do folks prefer weekly, or does every other week sound like a better cadence for the group to meet?
        • Based on the suggestions, we do have enough things to work on that we could use the time that has been set aside for the group.
        • Keep it as weekly for a while and come back to it later to see if that has changed.
      • Any other thoughts or suggestions?
        • Use time to center the big picture of data import in the discussion and work.
        • Maybe less focus on new features and more focus on fixing existing features that don't work the way that are supposed to.
        • Work on a common understanding of what it means for various functions to work, such as logs, field mapping, updates, and creates, etc. Need documented, shared requirements.
        • Have earlier and more frequent testing as functionality is developed and bugs are fixed.
        • Spend more time on requirements and expectations.
        • Spend time on documenting requirements and expectations. It is hard to know how data import is supposed to work. 
          • Maybe this needs to be a subgroup? 
          • Maybe documentation can be a part of the non-functional requirement as work is done.
        • In the ACQ SIG, the SMEs write up the stories and there is centrally managed list of all of the stories. Would this help identify issues before they end up in a sprint?
    • MODDATAIMP-879: Data Import removes duplicate 856s in SRS
      • Clarify expectations on removal of duplicates.
        • Need to clarify internally what we mean by de-duplication. De-duplication on the mapping to the inventory or holdings record vs removing duplicate data from the incoming srs records.
        • Also need to make sure that the requirements between de-duplicating within an import record and de-duplication of protected fields when overlaying an existing FOLIO record and a new record being imported.
        • Need to clarify what we mean by de-duplicate. It can be unclear what we are talking about.
    • UXPROD-2742: MARC-MARC matching enhancements: Narrowing multiple matches & Bug work
      • Discuss use cases and example files.

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