2024-3-13 Data Import Subgroup meeting

2024-3-13 Data Import Subgroup meeting

Recordings are posted Here (2022+) and Here (pre-2022)                   Slack channel for Q&A, discussion between meetings

Requirements details Here                                                                    Additional discussion topics in Subgroup parking lot

Attendees: Ellis Butler Peter Martinez Ryan Taylor Christie Thomas Tess Amram Lynne Fors Corrie Hutchinson (Unlicensed) Kim Wiljanen Jennifer Eustis Yael Hod Sara Colglazier Robert Pleshar

Notetaker:  Christie Thomas



TopicWhoMeeting NotesRelated JiraDecisions and Actions


  • Poppy CSP 2 released
  • Poppy CSP 3 forthcoming

Poppy CSP 2 Release notes: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/REL/pages/39944194/Critical+Service+Patch+2

Poppy CSP#2 Test execution results: https://foliotest.testrail.io/index.php?/plans/view/2382

CSP 2 is out and CSP 3 is scheduled for March 29.

Enhancement request: Use case for adding today's date to an Admin note: I want to be able to track changes made when updating e-resource records by using an admin note with the ###TODAY### format used in the Instance Cataloged date field. would want to be able to code it into an Import job. For example, Adding a new Admin note with "Updated ###TODAY###" and then today's date would be automatically populated. Or replacing a previous Admin Note with today's updated date.

Ramsons Priorities ExerciseRyan

Asynchronous exercise to help prioritize potential features for Ramsons. Fill out for the institution. Allocate 100 points across the provided issues to identify issues that you would like to see addressed sooner rather than later. 

Second tab for bug prioritization. Add bugs in the backlog that you would like to see get done. Make a list of the top 5 bugs for your institution. 

Q: Are we limited to just the features in the spreadsheet or can we add features in the spreadsheet. A: Intention was just the features, but open to others. Send Ryan a message to add something. Or can add a line and highlight it in yellow. 

Q: How do we consider things that don't have adequate representation in Jira, such as MARC modifications. A: We need to discuss in this group on how to get those things into Jira as features or bugs. Team is working on some Marc Modifications updates. Hopefully we can look at this next week. Will help us what is still missing. 

Q: Should we be using the voting functionality that is built into Jira. A: Ryan has not used it, but Jennifer Eustis has started voting for issues. As has Lynne Fors. And, Acq Sig used the voting functionality. Likes the idea of using the votes, but maybe reorganizing the approach. 

Pause on the activity and revisit plan of using voting. Feel free to review the issues in the spreadsheet. R