2022-02-08 Acquisitions Meeting notes

2022-02-08 Acquisitions Meeting notes




  • Housekeeping -

    • reminder please respond to the poll regarding changing Friday meetings schedule if you haven't done so already

    Business -

Discussion items

  • Results from the poll do not show a problem with switching the Friday meeting time. 
  • Need to check with the ERM Sig, many of them also attend the Friday meeting. 
  • We are not meeting this Friday. 
  • For now, will schedule for next Friday, will update the group when (if) a change is made. 
 12:09 Summary of MODFISTO-283 discussed last Friday Dennis
  •  Calculation of over encumbrance is not being reported properly.
  • Working on it

Data sync questions re: the acceptable delay for data to be in sync across apps Martina Schildt   UXPROD-3342 - Implement data consistency approach for Piece<>Item interaction IN REFINEMENT

Martina Schildt
  • Slides: 
  • Data sync.pptx - Google Slides 
  • Cross-app data sync use cases - App Interaction SIG - FOLIO Wiki
  • Cross App Data Syncronization Use Cases - Google Sheets
  • From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone 12:17 PM
    Martina - I'm asking as a PO - will the lead devs for apps that are impacted by this proposal have a chance to review and discuss before there is a final decision on the solution?
      • Martina: Yes, we will do that.
    • From Julie Brannon (she/her) to Everyone 12:24 PM
      Is there a target date for collecting this feedback?
      • Next Monday, the 21st. 
    • From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 12:25 PM
      Will the link to the document be added to the agenda/minutes?
  • Kristin: You want us to go back to the institution, and fill out the information as an institution, or individually. 
    • Martina: If you copy that sheet and want to send it to me with all the individual answers, that is fine. 
  • From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 12:45 PM
    the barcode updates in the piece when you change it in the Inventory, so that is two way already?!
    • From Dennis Bridges to Everyone 12:46 PM
      Actually we don’t store the barcode in receiving. It is always retrieved. So there is no need to sync 🙂

Discuss the display of Item status in receiving - https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/UIREC-214

  • Dennis: Needs clarification in the receiving area. Item status here is retrieved. If there is an item with a status of available, it will show as available But there is some logic that states if the item status is order closed or on order, we display an item status of 'in process',  Logic from the past was that when you click receive, you are going to put the item status into the status in process.  This is causing confusion. 
  • Question: Should we just display the current item status?
  • From Lisa G Smith to Everyone 12:50 PM Yes, please display only the current item status!
  • From Bill Verner to Everyone 12:51 PM Yes, I agree with Lisa. I can see literally no reason not to display the current status.
  • From Julie Stauffer to Everyone 12:53 PM Does that mean that the item status can be updated at the point of receiving?
  • From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone 12:54 PM we had that previously, Julie, but we ended up changing to hard-coded. If the item has On order, then change to In process. If nay other status, don't change the status.
  • From Julie Stauffer to Everyone 12:54 PM I'm ok with that, it's just strange to talk about changing that into one or more columns, etc
  • From Kristin Martin to Everyone 12:55 PM How can you check out an item that hasn't been received?
  • From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone 12:55 PM
    Dennis, if we show the current status, could we add a sentence in the UI that indicates any open order will be changed to In process when received.
  • From Dennis Bridges to Everyone 12:56 PM
    Yes we could definitely add a note here
  • From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone 12:56 PM
    If an item received has a request attached to it, a message pops up to indicate that when receiving it.
  • Ann-Marie will make an video

Action items


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