2022-01-21 Acquisitions Meeting notes

2022-01-21 Acquisitions Meeting notes




Discussion items

PC Update (Kristin Martin)Kristin
  • 2nd Thursday of the month, SIG conveners are invited to the meeting to give updates and to get a sense of what is going on across the project.  Meetings are at 9:30 on Thursdays. Others are invited as well to just listen in. 
  • Martina is leading a group to look at new ways to prioritize folio features. They are interested in how other ILS's are prioritizing. 
  • SWOT analysis, working on getting out some action items. 
  • The roadmap is on ongoing processes.  Working on connecting all the themes to JIRA. 

  •  There were 7 responders to the UAT testing. 

Subscription dates in invoicesDennis
  • Subscription dates in invoices
  • Once an invoice is approved, this information cannot be changed. 
  • From previous discussions, the group isn't really worried about the information being changed. Being able to edit small mistakes out weighs any other worries. 
  • Does anyone think these fields need to stay restricted once an invoice is approved or paid?
    •   From Scott Perry (he/him) to Everyone 08:12 AM Amounts would be the real issue for me, not these fields.
    • From Bethany Blankemeyer to Everyone 08:13 AM Agreed, Dennis. Would rather be able to edit the subscription dates.
    • From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 08:13 AM Please let us edit them after the thing is Paid
    • From Robert rscheier@nelib.org to Everyone 08:13 AM Would it be useful to indicate it has been edited?
    • From Owen Stephens to Everyone 08:13 AM Would this require additional updates to external systems following edits?
    • From Scott Perry (he/him) to Everyone 08:13 AM No external systems here. 
    • From Bill Verner to Everyone 08:14 AM
      +1 to editing subscription dates
    • From Owen Stephens to Everyone 08:15 AM
      If the data isn’t in the voucher then I guess it doesn’t make any difference. If you’ve told an external finance system something different to what is stored in Folio then that would seem to be a problem. But if it isn’t included then I can’t see it matters
    • From Kristin Martin to Everyone 08:16 AM
      adding $0.02 to allowing these to be edited.
    • Sara: Is there any interaction between these dates and the received date?
      • no
      • Invoices are independent of anything happening in invoices. We do display some receiving information in invoices, but there's no interaction. 
    • From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone 08:19 AM
      I'm sorry to be late. This would be editing the subscription from/to in the invoice line after the invoice is approved? What is the use case for needing to change them? Wouldn't you know what you're paying for at the time that you're creating/approving the invoice?
      • Use case is made a mistake, vrs paid for something different. 
      • From Kristin Martin to Everyone 08:20 AM
        Or forgetting.
    • From Bill Verner to Everyone 08:20 AM
      That's understandable, but any system needs to allow for the ability to easily fix human errors.
    • From Bethany Blankemeyer to Everyone 08:21 AM
      +1 Bill
      From Martina Schildt to Everyone 08:21 AM
      +1 to Bill and editing after approving
      From Bethany Blankemeyer to Everyone 08:21 AM
      Not all vendors support EDI
      From Bill Verner to Everyone 08:21 AM
      And again, many of us use many, many vendors who cannot use EDI. So the system needs to be able to deal  with that.
    • From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone 08:22 AM
      Yes, I totally understand - just wanting the press a little harder on being able to edit after approval, since my understanding is that invoices need more care and accountability than orders.

8:21Receiving pieces
  • Use case from law library, There are some titles you may receive every day. 
  • Want to learn more about use cases where you may have over the span of two or three years you may end up with over a 1000 pieces received. 
  • Want to talk about this because I don't think the 3rd pane, for browsing through pieces, will accommodate that kind of volume. 
    • From Lloyd (Marmot Library Network) to Everyone 08:23 AM
      sounds like a daily newspaper
    • From Robert rscheier@nelib.org to Everyone 08:23 AM
      Looseleaf services
    • From Jean Pajerek to Everyone 08:24 AM
      Looseleaf services do not usually arrive every single day.
    • From Bethany Blankemeyer to Everyone 08:24 AM
      Also, weekly publications that we've subscribed to for decades will most likely have ~1000 pieces
    • From Jean Pajerek to Everyone 08:24 AM
      More similar to a daily newspaper.
    • From Bethany Blankemeyer to Everyone 08:24 AM
      not super common, but definitely possible
    • From Bethany Blankemeyer to Everyone 08:24 AM
      not super common, but definitely possible
    • From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 08:25 AM
      v./issue: year
    • From Jean Pajerek to Everyone 08:26 AM
      Our experience is the same as Heather's.
    • From Peter Sbrzesny to Everyone 08:27 AM
      Pieces are displayed in pages of 20 pieces in our current system. You can browse through the pages or jump to a certain number (go to 550 for example)
    • From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone 08:28 AM
      In FOLIO, we only have 3 digits for order line, so max of 999 possible order lines on an order. Is there a similar constraint on receiving pieces, or can we create/store more than 999 pieces on an order line?
    • From Peter Sbrzesny to Everyone 08:30 AM
      We have filters. You may filter years or volumes, e.g. all pieces of 2021, all pieces of volume 5 ...
    • From Nancy Pelis to Everyone 08:30 AM
      Filter called "Limit by" : year, volume, and/or location is available  in the ALEPH OPAC that MH/5 Colleges has
    • Dennis: Peter- you can jump to a page, or specific material?
      • Peter: you can jump to a specific piece you can jump to 300 for example. It's a box you can put in the number you want to go to. 
    • Dennis: If you are only seeing a limited pieces at a time, does it limit your workflow in anyway? For example, 20?
      • Julie: 20 is to small. If it's a weekly, you'll have more than 20.  As long as we can scroll or page, that's fine. 
      • Would like to see a separation between supplements, Indexes, regular pieces. 
    • From Kristin Martin to Everyone 08:41 AM
      So if you receive in Receiving, is the default Public Display=checked?
    • Kristin: So once it's sent over to the holdings record, is that box to display checked? Or do we have to go to inventory to check the box?
      • Dennis: It's not actually being sent to the holdings. It's not being put into the holdings, it's being displayed. 
    • Dennis: We need a way to display this information to the public.  
    • Kristin: If the functionality isn't there, shouldn't see the field. (re the box for display to the public)
    • From Julie Brannon (she/her) to Everyone 08:50 AM
      +1 to not displaying a field that isn't yet functional
    • From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone 08:50 AM
      And we need an efficient way to disappear that automatic receiving info from the holdings record once pieces are bound and added to the permanent holdings statement. Going back and editing the receiving pieces to make them disappear from the holdings record is not efficient

Allow users to export invoices
  • UXPROD-3435
  • Exporting of invoices for an accounting system. 
  • Exporting invoices to a csv file
  • Use cases for this relate to workflow support, reports. 
  • A lot of this depends on purchase order information as well. 
  • When would you want to export invoices for folio?
  • Specifically when it's about evaluating what has been purchased?
  • Dung-Lan: generating reports for cost for titles. to consolidate how much was spent. 
  • Solving invoicing discrepancies with vendor
  • From Lisa G Smith to Everyone 08:58 AM
    POL/invoice info could help us with making serial projections through the year.  It for sure would help with problem solving, like correcting expense classes.
  • From Peter Sbrzesny to Everyone 09:02 AM
    Title, order, invoice, fund Information are needed for reporting. E.g. we purchase material on behalf of University Institutes and they want detailed Information on how their funds were spent.

Action items


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