2021-06-15 Acquisitions Group Meeting Notes

2021-06-15 Acquisitions Group Meeting Notes


Ann Crowley



Dennis Bridges


Dung-Lan Chen

@Frances Dotson

Heather McMillan

Jackie Magagnosc

Jean Pajerek

Julie R. Stauffer

@Katy Kazee

Kimberly Pamplin

Lisa Maybury

@Loyd Chittenden (Marmot)

Michael Phillips

Natalya Pikulik

@Okay Okechukwu

Sarah Dennis


Scott Perry

Scott Stangroom

Shannon Burke

Shyama Agrawal


Suzette Caneda


Discussion items

Minute taker

@Heather Thoele


Susan Martin

At some point soon will have people that have implemented folio talk about how that is going. 


 Today's Agenda 

  • Continue to discuss order renewal integration details and what data is most valuable to update.
  • Discuss EDIFACT order export. This refers to  UXPROD-531 - Export FOLIO orders in EDIFACT format  which has been identified as a very high priority in the community pointing exercises. We will review a proposed workflow for EDIFACT orders based on previous discussion and revisit use cases to be sure nothing has been missed.

Video - This discussion starts at 5 minutes after the hour.

FOLIO Order Renewal Integration 

Folio Wiki we use is Confluence. We are in the Resource Management space. Within that space is a parent page for active RM groups. There is a page called "Requirement Analysis". Dennis has started moving everything over to this requirements page. You can find a lot of the recent work done in this location. 

The Problems section has been updated with recent feedback. 

Is everyone comfortable with everyone sharing the results of the survey? The results show who voted for what. Is it better to keep those results somewhat anonymous and he extracts the results, or should the results be published for transparency. 

  • Feedback: Remove the email addresses. 

Data available for update

Some of these you wouldn't likely update. Or would not want updated by a 3rd party. 

Dung-Lan - Cancellation restriction note, we don't currently have this note in the po. Will this be coming though as part of the EDI?

  • Dennis, yes. But not as part of an EDI. In Folio there is a text field for this.  this information will be loaded into the pol via the API. There is no file exchange, its a direct transfer of information. 
  • Would you expect this cancellation restriction be updated every year? And is it added to previous year, or replace last year's information. 
    • Feedback: Only need most recent information. 

Dennis: Vendor reference number, if the ref number changes for some reason, in the vendor system when you renew. you want to add that information, not replace. So you may end up with reference number from two years ago. plus current. 

  • Would not be able to tell which reference number was current. 
    • Feedback: This is problematic. To safely update this field users would need to know what the most recent numbers are. Otherwise it could be very confusing as to which number is current. i.e. what they actually renewed this year. Consider adding a date added to vendor ref number.
  • Dung-Lan, Could we assume the location of the new reference reference number vs old?
    • Dennis: It does seem to place them in order. The one at the bottom seems to be the latest but would like to confirm. 
    • Susan: It needs to be clear which are active and which are not. 
    • Dennis: We can add reference numbers as long as there is more informatio included. 

Video - This discussion starts at 34 minutes after the hour.


Export FOLIO orders in EDIFACT format - Resource Management - FOLIO Wiki

Essential requirements: Able to generate and send files based on what you configured in your settings. 

Ability to restrict what orders are sent. 

Homework: Review these requirements. Have we missed anything in this high level workflow? Do you have specific use case not identified in the document? Fell feel to share in slack. 

It's been a while since we set this up, and a lot has changed in folio since we last looked at this. 

High Level workflow, In Organizations app, for a given org, do we want to automate export or not. 

You can have more than one option for EDI. 

For a given organization, you may have to different locations to send FTP files to. Maybe depending on account information. 

You can delete configurations and add multiple configurations. 

If we were to have the possibility of multiple configurations, it would likely be important to add account numbers. 

For different accounts, might have different configurations for the export. 

Right now, do not require accounts for the organization. "Account not specified' is an option. 

An account number can only be applied to one type. 

It is important to have the ability to have more than one type. Might use EDI or email to place an order. You can indicate email as an export type. 

Create purchase order

Toggle for Automate export and export via: 

At the pol 

In the past discussed basing on Acquisition method. If that detail is at the po, does it really need to be on the pol? If we just use the account number, it would tell us the export information. 

Once the order has been exported, Need to understand how that order line was exported, status, date.... 

Will have order details accordion. 

What has changed in the order is that previously had a 'manual' toggle at the po level that allowed you to say if you wanted it part of automated processing or not. We can now make the label of that field more specific to clearify its purpose. 

Other key change is allowing multiple configurations. 

May have multiple FTP locations for one organization. 

Use case from Dung-Lan;  Librarian forgets to indicate they want the order to be exported. The order is now open but we want to be able to check that box so it will be included in the next export. 

Dennis: What about resend orders? Dung-Lan. Have to communicate with vendor. If they see the same order twice the need to talk to you. 

Dennis: If you go back and check the box, are you wanting it exported immediately? or with the next export?

Dung-Lan - They run the script daily. 

Natalya - Should be able to resend file. 

Chat: From Susan Martin to Everyone:  12:59 PM I don't mean to diss EDI ordering, but shouldn't we be putting more effort into more Real Time Acquisitions - like more API ordering with additional vendors and then pushing the boundaries with that?

Natalya: Creating po's from MARC, should be able to export them via EDI. 

Dennis: So wouldn't want to send them right away.  For a given organization, is there a specific vendor you order from you get the orders in MARC then send to orders back via EDI? I Yes. Is it always the same behavior? No. 

Will continue this conversation next time. 

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