2021-12-14 Acquisitions Meeting notes



5C – University of Massachusetts0
5C - Mount Holyoke College 2Nancy Pelis, Sara Colglazier 
Amherst College1Nancy Finn
Cornell University4Ann Crowley, Masayo Uchiyama, Jackie Magagnosc, Lisa Maybury
Duke University3Julie Brannon,  Bethany Blankemeyer, Shyama Agrawal (Shyama)
Ebsco2Dennis Bridges (EBSCO, Product Owner), Ann-Marie Breaux (Ebsco, Co-Product Owner)
GBV2Peter Sbrzesny, Martina Schildt
hbz, Cologne0
Holy Cross1Mary Moran
Java developer1Kimberly Wiljanen
Marmot Library Network1Lloyd  Chittenden  
Middle Tennessee State University1Susan Martin (Convener)
Missouri State3Dwayne Swigert, Tracy Patton, Mark Arnold
Owen Stephens Consulting Ltd, Designer / Developer0
Skidmore College1Dung-Lan Chen 
Smith College Libraries0
Stanford University2Alissa Hafele, Linh Chang
Texas A&M University4Frances Dotson, Shannon Burke , Winter M. White, Michael Phillips
University Library Frankfurt0
University Library Regensburg (Germany)1Sabrina Bayer
University of Alabama0
University of Chicago3Julie Stauffer, Kristin Martin, Scott Perry
University of Colorado1

Steve Selleck

Unknown2Lisa G. Smith, Zeynep Buyukonal
Total attending35


  • Topics

    • Housekeeping
    • Discussion around canceling orders. Are their use cases for "un-canceling: an order or order line

Discussion items

3 min past the hourHousekeepingSusan
  • this is the last meeting this year
  • we will meet again on Jan 4th 2022 and then on Friday, Jan 7th
  • Susan Martin will be stepping down as convener - Jan 25th 2022
  • looking for volunteers to take over the convenership
  • if possible, use January as transition month
  • idea: have term limits; will be discussed in a future meeting
11 min past the hour

Cancelling orders

  • Discussion around canceling orders and use cases for "un-canceling: an order or order line
  • Requirements analysis
  • use cases were collected a while ago for cancelling POLs
  • at the moment orders can manually be set to cancelled, so currently the POL needs to be edited 
  • it is planned that there will be an action "cancel" in the action menu
  • a reason for cancelling can be recorded
  • receipt status and payment status will be set to cancelled; any related encumbrance will be cancelled as well
  • icons for the action "cancel" should be consistent across FOLIO (see "cancel requests"); Dennis will check with Kimie
  • when user cancels: system will check for number of POLs
  • for multi line POs: if other POLs are cancelled already, the PO will be closed
  • Dung-Lan: is it necessary to set the payment status to "cancelled"? → it may be relevant information to know that the POL has been fully or partially paid
  • Dennis: maybe this needs discussion
  • Cancelled is considered a resolution status
  • FOLIO is currently not going to prevent users from paying or receiving, even if the status is cancelled
  • Bethany in chat: Should it say "Close order line" instead of "Cancel?" You're not really cancelling anything, just closing the record
  • Sara in chat: +1 to Close POL rather than Cancel. Or, the two are different, so both?
  • Lisa in chat: Sometimes we do pay for something, and get refunded.  And then end up cancelling, because we cannot get another copy.  But closing the PO is enough, I think.
  • Kristin in chat: I'm not understanding this matrix. How can you have a payment status of Receipt Not Required?
  • Susan in chat: I see what you mean, Kristin. Something is filled in a bit odd.
  • Julie in chat: There is one of Payment not required, so it would be helpful if the x and y axis were clearer (is one for payment and one for receipt?)
  • Susan in chat: +1 Julie.
  • Sara in chat: I have a problem with Cancel be the only word. It needs to be similar to at the Order level. That is, for the POL we need to be able to Close it and then specifiy what the reason for Closure is.
  • Bethany: +1 Sara
  • Status matrix from wiki page: Allow user to cancel orders

  • Ann-Marie in chat: I think that's the idea - see the status is Closed, but Dennis said the bottom 3 rows (Fully rec'd, Rec not req, Canceled) all are Close statuses (in combination with the Payment status. Cancel is one of 3 receipt options (and 9 permutations) that trigger the PO to be Status = CLOSED
  • Julie S.: maybe we should consider one-time and ongoing orders differently
  • Sara in chat: One-time with one POL or X POLs is also different
  • Sara: there is a difference between closing at the POL level and the PO level - question is: what happens in each case
  • the table /status matrix is to reconcile the payment and receipt statuses of the POLs; the green fields are PO related fields (pending, open or closed); the blue fields are the automatic resolution statuses
  • it does get more complicated when there are more POLs
  • Dung-Lan in chat: For one-time orders, I think payment & receive status should be designed to respond accordingly depends on the order (POL) status change.
  • Ann-Marie in chat: Dung-lan - we do have that logic in place for one-time order. If the payment and receipt requirements are met for all the POLs on the PO, then it automatically closes
  • Martina: is it planned to send a cancellation out to a vendor (like an order)
  • Susan in chat: Excellent question, Martina!
  • Dennis: this is not planned currently; this could be done, but there are currently no use cases for it 
  • Ann-Marie: this would be a separate feature
  • Ann-Marie in chat: Martina - I'm looking in Jira to see if anything resembling your question exists - being able to send a cancellation notice to a vendor (similar to being able to send out claims) - basically being able to tell a vendor something about an existing, not-yet-complete POL
  • Ann-Marie in chat: Only ones I've found so far: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/UXPROD-1129 Manage communication of individual Purchase Order information with vendor via email
    https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/UXPROD-1845  Claiming unreceived or unreceivable items
  • Kristin in chat: How does the POL determine when something is partially paid?
  • On the invoice line the encumbrance can be released - if it is not released → the POL is partially paid
  • Julie in chat: Does the order status changes to Partially paid once the invoice is "Approved" or "Paid"?
  • Dennis in chat: That status is changed on Approve as the encumbrances are released on approved.
  • Dung-Lan: if I set my receipt status to "receipt not required" for electronic resources - for ongoing orders it would change to ongping, although I do not want to receive it
  • Sara: would like to retain the information for closed or cancelled orders that it has been fully paid - this information should not disappear
  • for ongoing orders: no matter what I have set my receipt or payment status to, if I open it, it becomes "ongoing"; user cannot see what was initially set
  • Dennis: the more logic is added, the more complicated it gets; maybe it would be easier to change the statuses manually

Action items
