2021-05-18 Acquisitions Group Meeting Notes


Ann Crowley

Ann-Marie Breaux

William Verner

@Catherine Geard

Dennis Bridges

Diane Cannon

Dung-Lan Chen

@Frances Dotson


Jackie Magagnosc

Jean M. Pajerek

Joanna Cerro

John Ballestro

Julie Stauffer

Kimberly Pamplin

Lisa Maybury

Lloyd Chittenden

Martina Schildt

@Masayo Uchiyama 

Michael Phillips

@Okay Okechukwu 


Scott Perry

Scott Stangroom

Shannon Burke

@Shyama Agrawal

@Steven Selleck


Discussion items

Minute taker

@Heather Thoele

Discuss results of poll at Refining available columns in order search result list.

Dennis - about 5 minutes after in the video

    • https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RM/Refining+available+columns+in+order+search+result+list
    • If it’s underlined, already displayed. 
      • current data points we show that majority said yes too.
      • PO number, vendor code, status, order type,
    • If it’s green, has been voted to add.
      •  There was a majority to add date created, approved, date ordered and for ongoing orders if the subscription toggle is active or not.
      • Ann-Marie – If we add dates, make sure they are consistent format.  
    • Step one will be making these data points available. If you don’t want to see them, you can hide them. It is saved based on your session. As long as you are logged in, it will stay. Once you log out, it will reset.
    • Dennis: Do we need to run a similar exercise to decide on the order of these elements? Currently can not drag the columns into the order you want them to appear in.
    • Chat: From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone:  12:16 PM Can it be done at Settings level instead? So we don't have repeat doing the same every time when we log on?
      • Dennis: There should be a way to do it. It is not built at the moment. At the tenant level.
        • Conversation: Not sure there would be agreement across the tenant level.
        • Dennis: The goal is user level settings. Can create a story for this,
        • Dennis: Sounds like tenant level would not be worth it, More important to focus on user level setting. Or a way to persist the settings once you log out then back in.
    • Lloyd: Can you keep the setting the same by using a browser cookie?  (24 minute mark in video)
      • Dennis: Possible, a question for the development team. They probably looked at that. There are a number of features geared towards user level settings. It was unclear which app needed to manage that. Need an application in the back end for other apps to store user level settings. There could be security issues related to cookies storing user details.  There is a feature you can prioritize for this.
      • User preferences: USPROD 1398
    • Back to the order of the fields. Will go ahead and set something up for us to rank the order.  
    • Feedback from last time – to have an ‘I don’t care’ option. Will see what’s possible with the widget to accommodate that.

Discuss how to treat encumbrances when re-open orders.

Video - 31 minute mark

    • When you create a po, as long as there is a cost and fund distribution, when you open it the system will encumber the money against the funds.
    • Use case that came up, is that if you receive an invoice for one copy on an order that had two, and the second copy can not be acquired. Or receive both and one is damaged, and you only want to pay for one copy…. In the invoices app you only pay for one copy.
      • We know we will get another invoice later for the 2nd copy. Or for whatever reason do not want to release the money encumbered for the 2nd copy at this point
      • If decide to close the order while the money is still encumbered, when you close the order it will release the remaining encumbered money.
      • Is it possible after closing an order you might want to reopen it? If so, do we want the system to re encumber the money that was left on the order when it was closed? Does this align with your expectations?
        • Yes
      • 12:39 Dennis: To complicate it a little more: Now lets say we are ordering two things on this order. In his example two copies of one book and one copy of another on the same po.
        • PO line 1 is fully paid, and po line 2 is partially paid.
        • PO gets closed.
        • PO gets reopened. Do not want the value of the fully paid title re encumbered.
        • Ann-Marie – ordered two copied, paid for two copies. Then discover one  was missing a bunch of pages. Need to return it. So may get a credit and reinvoiced for new copy.
        • Julie, or, may need to pay an additional charge that comes in later. Don’t need to deal with encumbrance process.
        • Bill: Most valid case he’s heard is if it was closed in error.
        • Dennis: You can process an invoice against a closed order.
          • Chat: From Scott Perry (he/him/his) to Everyone:  12:46 PM You can pay against a closed po—with a warning
        • Dennis: If there was encumbered money when you closed the order. When you reopen the order you would expect the encumbrance to be there again.
          • In the cases where the money was spent when you closed the po, there is nothing to re encumber if it’s already been paid.
Review re-linking invoice lines to POL'sVideo - 50 minute mark

UINV -193

    • Open invoice that has not been approved.
    • Currently, the only way to change a line is to delete it, then add another line.
    • Ann-Marie 12:56 Quantity and price take from the invoice. But vendor ref number is the field where she has had questions. The way incoming lines will try to match, will first look for po number, then look for vendor ref number. If it finds one, will link. Question in her mind, if there was a VRN in the incoming and didn’t match or matched multiple, would you want the vendor ref number for the invoice line to be changed to the ones in the pol? Or the ones in the POL to be added to the edifact line.
      • From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone:  12:58 PM - the second one.
    • Ann-Marie will put together some examples for us to see.
    • Dennis: What to do with the type? What if the numbers are the same, but the types are different? Which type is more accurate? The edifact or the po? Take up next time.

Discuss order renewal integration details and what data is most valuable to update.

Discuss receipt dates