2021-07-09 Acquisitions Group Meeting Notes

2021-07-09 Acquisitions Group Meeting Notes


Alexis Manheim

Amelia Sutton

Ann Crowley

Ann-Marie Breaux (Deactivated)

Dan Huang

Dennis Bridges

Dung-Lan Chen

Dwayne Swigert

Eric Hartnett

Heather McMillan

Jackie Magagnosc

Janet Ewing

Jean Pajerek


John Ballestro

Julie Brannon (old account)

Kathleen Norton

@Katy Kazee

Kimberly Pamplin

Kristin Martin

@Linh Chang

Lisa Maybury

Lloyd Chittenden

Monica Arnold

Martina Schildt

Martina Tumulla

@Mary Moran

@Masayo Uchiyama

Nancy Pelis

Norma Flores

@Okay Okonkwo

Owen Stephens

Paul Trumble

Peter Sbrzesny

Sabrina Bayer

Sara Colglazier

Sarah Dennis

Scott Perry

Scott Stangroom

Shannon Burke

Shyama Agrawal


Paula Sullenger


Tracy Patton


@Victoria Anderson

Virginia Martin


Discussion items

Minute taker

@Heather Thoele


  • Housekeeping (15 minutes max) 
    • Moving to one Slack channel - Acquisitions Group 
    • Moderating discussions when there's a "hot topic" 
  • Updates (5 minutes max) 
    • Product Council Update - Kristin 
  • Implementers discussion (20 minutes max) 
    • Fiscal Year Roll Over / Fiscal Year Close : feedback from those who did this 
      • Missouri State (Tracy Patton)
  • EDI Ordering (20 minutes max)
    • Continuing the discussion 


Adding rough agenda times. Not a hard line, but an idea to keep things moving forward to get us through as much of the agenda as possible. 

  • Moving to one Slack channel - Acquisitions Group 
    • Would like to move to one slack channel. Conversations on both that do not get posted on both sides. It would be beneficial to have the conversations in only one spot. 
    • Will put RM slack on hold, with a note to join the Acq channel. 
    • In Sept will re evaluate.  
    • Kristin: Can RM be re named to Acquisitions? Is has the largest number of people in the group. 
    • Susan: Will look into that. Will reach out to Peter. 
    • From Owen Stephens to Everyone:  08:06 AM  +1 from me
      It is possible to rename the channel but it may be challenging if you want to change it to the same name as an existing channel
    • 08:07:15 From  Owen Stephens  to  Everyone : It’s called a SIG in the wiki I think
    • Moderating discussions when there's a "hot topic"
      •  When a topic has lots of people wanting to talk, lets start using the raising hand to speak. This will allow more people to say something. 
        • At Duke, they have people putting their name in a chat. 
        • Kristina: They are adopting this practice in a lot of meetings. 
        • Dennis: Chat idea is clever, so you can see the line up of who is next. But, do you find that when you are in a discussion that you end up jumping from one topic to the next? Are their rules about jumping topics? Has it been a problem?
          • Kristin: In zoom usually the person in the upper left is the one.
          • Martina: When you are sharing your screen you can't always see who has their raised. 
          • Susan: You are right, I have two screens and have to scroll to see who has a hand raised. 
          • From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone:  08:10 AM Can someone show me how to raise my hand. I cannot see where / how I do that in my zoom
            From Owen Stephens to Everyone:  08:10 AM I wonder if moving to asynchronous written responses might also be an option for these topics - if they are “hot” enough to need moderation maybe they are hot enough for wider consultation?
            From Virginia Martin to Everyone:  08:10 AM You use "Reactions" Sara
            From Susan Martin to Everyone:  08:10 AM +1 Owen
            From Virginia Martin to Everyone:  08:10 AM Agreed with Dennis - that's why I think chat works better than hand raising.
            From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone:  08:10 AM Where is "Reactions"?
            From Owen Stephens to Everyone:  08:11 AM It may depend on which Zoom client you are using whether the reactions / raise-hand option is present
            From Kristin Martin (she/her) to Everyone:  08:11 AM Under More"
            From Virginia Martin to Everyone:  08:11 AM In my Zoom display, I see it along the bottom of the gallery view - Participants, Chat, Share Screen, Record, Reactions
            From Bill Verner to Everyone:  08:11 AM I think that generally people are pretty respective and responsible about being on topic
            From Lloyd (Marmot) to Everyone:  08:11 AM There are two things in Zoom that look like raising hands.  One is in Participants, the other is in reactions.
            From Bill Verner to Everyone:  08:12 AM Though perhaps we could have a rule where if you put your name in chat & you're going off-topic, you indicate. Such as: BILL (*badgers)
            From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone:  08:12 AM Thanks Lloyd, I found it now in Participants
            From Lloyd (Marmot) to Everyone:  08:13 AM @Sara, I don't know which one the moderator will watch.
            From Sullenger, Paula to Everyone:  08:13 AM I think if someone uses the "raise hand" option their box moves to the top of the first page.
            From Lloyd (Marmot) to Everyone:  08:13 AM There are two things in Zoom that look like raising hands.  One is in Participants, the other is in reactions.

Susan: Will not have to do this all the time, but sometimes it's hard to get more voices in the conversation. 

From Lloyd (Marmot) to Everyone:  08:14 AM There are two things in Zoom that look like raising hands.  One is in Participants, the other is in reactions. Which one are we using?
From Owen Stephens to Everyone:  08:14 AM I only see one option to raise my hand
From Kristin Martin (she/her) to Everyone:  08:14 AM  Kristin: Another idea to keep discussion going is to return to the Discuss platform. We've "discussed" this at the PC.

Dennis: Yes, I am not opposed to using Discuss. The struggle is there are so many places discussions are happening and sometimes end up with fragmented discussion. When we had Discuss going, there was a little it of po's trying to aggragate conversations. Not opposed to Discuss, not not my favorite idea to push another form for discussions. Would like to see more people use the wiki and slack for conversations. 

Susan: Will put this on hold to discuss again.  Visually, like the hand raised, so names do not get lost in chat. The person that raises their hand does move to the upper left. 

Owen: Lloyd said there seems to be two options to raise their hand. He only sees one. Need someone other than the speaker monitoring who is raising their hand. 

Susan: Usually the convener is not sharing the screen. We can monitor who is raising their hand. 

Kristin: She doesn't put the presentation in full screen so she can see the activity across the top of the screen. 

Martina: As the convener to moderate that, we can try hand raising and if it doesn't work we can change. 

08:15:14 From  Owen Stephens  to  Everyone : I don’t like Discuss tbh
08:15:32 From  Owen Stephens  to  Everyone : But just personal preference! But agree with Dennis about fragmentation
08:16:34 From  Dung-Lan Chen  to  Everyone : Discuss platform?!
08:16:44 From  Owen Stephens  to  Everyone : https://discuss.folio.org

08:21:46 From  Owen Stephens  to  Everyone : The other thing about raising hands is I think you have to specifically lower hand afterwards so you don’t keep your hand raised the whole time (if I remember how this works in Zoom correctly)

08:22:24 From  Dennis Bridges  to  Everyone : Is there a keyboard shortcut for “Raise/Lower hand”?
08:22:39 From  Sullenger, Paula  to  Everyone : Owen, that's correct.  You have to lower  your hand.  The other reactions like thumbs-up time out on their own
08:22:41 From  Ann-Marie Breaux  to  Everyone : Discuss seems like it has really atrophied in lieu of Slack channels
08:23:02 From  Owen Stephens  to  Everyone : Option+Y on Mac
08:23:30 From  Owen Stephens  to  Everyone : https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/205683899-hot-keys-and-keyboard-for-zoom

Product Council Update. 22 minutes after the hour. 

Link is in the agenda.

  • Spent a lot of time discussing the organization and how to keep the SIGS engaged. 
  • Discuss seemed to be an extra burden 

Implementers discussion. 23 minutes after the hour. 

Tracy Patton

Missouri state - brief discussion about implementing FY rollover. 

Worked great in production

Allocations and encumbrances worked correctly. 

Main reason it worked well - a lot of practice. 

Participated in user testing. Thought she knew what she was doing in testing, but made lots of mistakes. Order records she thought were marked re encumbered and were not. 

Did FY close in Bug Fest. Was a good experience to go through all  of the steps. 

While getting ready to move into Iris, in the dry run it worked perfectly. When it was time to do the real thing in production, she felt comfortable. 

Extremely helpful to do lots of screen shots of what you are doing. 

Screen shot fy where you have the entire list of group and funds. 

Screen shot of each ledger since it shows balances. 

Screen shot the settings for roll over process. 

One ledger we don't roll over encumbrances. 

Getting ready - prep work, is essentially the same as any other system. But Iris was the first time had access to a csv file.  Also did a manual approach, used the orders app to sort open orders and closed out a few orders that needed to be deleted. 

Also used the filters to make sure that everything that had been paid was marked received. And that everything marked received had been paid. 

Also inactivated a couple of funds before they rolled over. 

Had a decision to rollover left over allocations. 

One problem , did not know beginning balances for new FY. Potentially could have had to make a lot of adjustments. 

Virginia: Can you talk about the volume? How many funds? How many ledgers? 

Tracy: Before we moved to folio, under a 100. Maybe 78 or 79. Some of them had not been active for a while. Looked back 5 years and made the decision to transfer to folio or not. Now have 66 funds.

Have three ledgers. 1) Foundation, 2) Serials, 3)  Majority of funds from academic department. 

Have about 20 open orders. 

Using the filter to select awaiting receipt or fully paid was really helpful. Using fully received and awaiting payment.  Even with a lot of orders, using the filters is helpful. 

Dennis: You were talking about weather or not to roll over allocations. Did you use fund type to organize? Had you planned to use that for rollover? Did you decide it wouldn't give you enough control to roll over allocations? 8:35

Tracy: We are not encumbering serial orders. 

Dennis: Did you use fund types?

Tracy? Remind me what that is? I am thinking we didn't use it since I am not sure. 

Dennis: You define and create fund types in setting. 

Tracy: I think it our set up it's operating, or foundation... I didn't use it. Because what I needed was more tied to the ledger and group set up. We had a lot of discussion about that field when we were implementing. What to put in there and how to use it. I had difficulty setting up the folio structure to mirror the banner system the university uses. Tended to shy away from it. 

Kristin: You said 20 open orders? Was that firm orders? 

Susan: Yes

Kristin: For ones that were paid and received. what did you do so they would not re encumber?

Tracy: For one time orders, it gets closed?

Kristin: Did you have any orders that were open because you were waiting on it?

Tracy, no, but in theory it should work. 

Chat question: Were the settings in rollover saved?

Dennis: Not yet, It's a feature that will be coming. 

Tracy: That's why we used screen shots. 

Susan: Great to hear positive experience. 

08:27:41 From  Dung-Lan Chen  to  Everyone : Tracy, is there a doc somewhere describing fiscal year rollover rules & prep work, etc.

08:35:38 From  Ann-Marie Breaux  to  Everyone : It would definitely be helpful to have a Tips and Tricks page for FY rollover prep/checks/things to watch out for

8:37:09 From  Peter Sbrzesny  to  Everyone : Are the seetings for rollover saved in a log file or something similar?
08:37:47 From  Scott Perry (he/him/his)  to  Everyone : +1 to Peter.  Are the settings retained for the next time?
08:39:53 From  Dennis Bridges  to  Everyone : Unfortunately not in the current version. This is one of the most common enhancement requests we heard during UAT testing. It would be very useful

08:43:22 From  Ann-Marie Breaux  to  Everyone : Something that might be good as a topic in a few weeks - having a couple implementers talking about loading EDIFACT invoices and what they did in terms of storing match points.

EDI Ordering


Dennis Bridges

Export FOLIO orders in EDIFACT format

Last one to discuss: 

Allow user to edit open order and set it to export. After save this order should be included in the next EDI export

  • When we know files are being uploaded later in the day to the FTP location, someone may notice that an order was included on the wrong file. To correct this they will edit the order and indicate it should be exported and save. This should allow this order to be included in the file before it is uploaded to the Vendors FTP location at the set time.

Dennis: Am I missing any detail or any other use cases where you might need to edit this setting? is it possible you might want to change this after the ex[port is done? Essentially remove the export? 

Ann-Marie - simpler the better. Want to check it for the exception, not the rule. 

Susan: I can't think of a time i would want to go back and remove it to resend. I think it would be more confusing to the vendor and you run the reisk of getting duplicate orders. 

Martina: I agree with Susan. 

Susan: I think if you discover you sent something you didn't want, you would just contact the vendor. 

Dennis: Ok, we'll say it needs to be before the export is sent. You want to be able to edit, check or uncheck the boc. 

Dennis: There are two components: 

  • Should this be an automated export
  • And which automated export
    • In the immediate future the only possible export is edifact. 

Have this information captured in the organization record. 

Ann-Marie - you have the format and transport mixed up. 

From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone:  08:51 AM
Super important to keep the format (EDI, in the international EDIFACT format) distinct from the transmission method (FTP, SFTP, e-mail, etc)

Dennis: That's a good point. So csv might be sent by email or ftp. Maybe should be method and format. 

Susan: Two pull down menus? Like choose csv, then choose ftp or email?

Dennis: We'll go through this workflow a little more. What we want you to pick is the method. Then you pick the details of that method in a different part of the record. The goal is as little decisions needed as possible in the po.

With some organizations, there may be some orders you want to automate orders, and not automate others. 

Option two  puts the choice to automate or not is tied to acquisition method. 

For each acq method, you indicate if this should be automated or not. Rather than appear in organization record, is tied to acq method. 

From Ann-Marie Breaux to Everyone:  08:57 AM
Maybe we do it like the Accounting code setup in Orgs - where the vendor-level Accounting code (or Order format/transmission details in this case) is the default for that vendor, unless the library sets something different at the level of a specific account within the vendor record. Then when an account is assigned to a particular order, it uses the specific info for that account, and if none, it uses the default for the vendor

Dennis: When looking at an order, you select your acquisition method and that reveals or unlocks the fields associated with it. You can still choose to not export. 

Ann-Marie: This is still vendor by vendor orientated. It's probably no more than you top ten vendors you interact with that can accept edifact. Others might just be an email. Once I pick a vendor, that should start to condition how do I send orders to them . Not based on a setting based on a vendor. 

Dennis: That is a fair point. There is an easy way to implement that.  Will demonstrate that. Next week as we are at time today. 

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