2021-10-19 Acquisitions Meeting notes

2021-10-19 Acquisitions Meeting notes


Attendees (45)


Discussion items


Receiving Note

  • Checkbox: “Must acknowledge receiving note”
    • Creates pop-up module with receiving note and forces user to confirm that they saw it.
    • Currently must edit from title record in the receiving area.
  • Suggested that users be allowed to set this in the PO line so it can be done at point of order
  • Earliest this would be released is in Lotus.
  • Confirmed would be great to have.

Receipt Not Required

  • Confusion, specifically with reference to the different formats. (Physical, electronic, mix)
  • Currently there is a general receipt status for POL.
    • If you have physical and electronic combination POL, you cannot make the decision that the electronic is receipt not required and physical receipt is required.
  • Being able to adjust this in settings would be helpful.
    • Make decision at a higher level of whether you are receiving electronic items or not, etc.

  • Allow user to specify receipt not required by format on POL with a toggle for each format.
  • Seems like overall status for the POL would still be valuable.
  • Would need a matrix:

  • From Virginia Martin to Everyone 12:13 PM

This approach to Receipt Not Required is very interesting!

I am glad to see it broken out by format for sure

  • From Bill Verner to Everyone 12:13 PM

+1 Virginia

  • Would no longer be editing the POL status with a dropdown. Have to take actions on a POL to set its status and this would be based on how you built the POL.
  • If you set defaults, would not necessarily even have to interact with these toggles.
  • Major implication is that when set to "receipt not required" you end up with no pieces in receiving.
  • From Virginia Martin to Everyone 12:16 PM

I would see us doing this a lot as we have many P+E subscriptions and only receive the print

  • From Shyama to Everyone 12:17 PM

Can we set the default by Acq unit?

    • At the moment the default is set for the formats in general. (For physical, electronic, other.)
    • Can be overridden by a template.
    • Ex. – In settings set electronic as “receipt not required.” Box toggled automatically. If using a template, it might override that default.
      • We see this with the re-encumber toggle. System by default checks this box, but template can override.
    • Could accomplish through different templates for different acquisitions units.
  • Sara: Let’s say we have one set to receipt not required and one has receipt required. I go to pay my invoice, it’s smart enough to know not to close the order if I have not received all my physical pieces?
    • That’s right. Still have the status in the background. If you are receiving something, POL will be set to awaiting receipt. POL needs to fulfill the requirement still of fully received and fully paid before it triggers a closure. If receipt not required for all formats would close once paid.

Critical Fields

  • Difficulty in identifying critical fields, what data is really important to how a purchase order will behave
  • Highlight critical fields by using an information icon to draw attention to these fields
  • Already currently use in interface, e.g. POL "Manually add pieces for receiving"
  • Looking at different styling options for these information bubbles:

  • Do we want a toggle to display or hide these information bubbles?
  • From Julie Brannon (she/her) to Everyone 12:34 PM

Would we be able to configure our own descriptions locally?

    • Thinking description would be specific to behavior of the system. Is there a specific reason why you are thinking you might want to do that?
    • Kristin: Maybe if you were trying to put instructional information.
  • From Virginia Martin to Everyone 12:34 PM

This does not feel like a "game changer" to me, but perhaps it will be more clear when going through a use case.

  • If you make it configurable definitely adds another dimension to it. Probably begs the question of, should you be able to pick where it appears? Which would get complicated.
  • Can definitely talk more about use cases for populating some of your own contextual information in the order form.
  • From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone 12:37 PM

I don't mean to sidetrack but It would be great if we can customize the fields to de-clutter the POL screen, i.e. for one-time orders, we don't see any ongoing orders related fields and vice versa.

    • From Bill Verner to Everyone 12:39 PM

A low rank in the pointing exercises does not indicate a lack of interest - it indicates that other problems are more critical.

    • From Julie Brannon (she/her) to Everyone 12:39 PM

At Duke we're still very interested in custom fields so that we can capture a separate order material type

    • From Martina Schildt to Everyone 12:39 PM

Same here

  • Martina: We would need the custom fields at some point, because we would need to add statistical codes to use the orders app. To be able to customize the UI would really be great. A lot of times discussing whether something is needed or not. Could decide for ourselves which fields would be displayed or not.
  • Dennis: Seems like a logical step from where we are. Adding more and more fields obviously causes a problem. Unfortunately some of the functionality required is not built into what is currently custom fields functionality. Searching, etc.

  • From Bill Verner to Everyone 12:41 PM

This is the problem with pointing - it masks larger functionality problems

Also, when institutions need to find multiple workarounds in order to facilitate viable implementation, customization becomes significantly more important

  • From Martina Schildt to Everyone 12:42 PM

+1 Bill

44min.Bulk Update PiecesDennis
  • Functionality that is possibly more focused on serials receiving.
  • Stems from some of the feedback from the UAT that talked about wanting to set information for all pieces. E.g. toggle for display on holdings.
  • A few use cases that would make it necessary to say, “For this title record, I want all pieces to display on holding.” Could set at title level, but it might be valuable at this stage to talk more about bulk updating piece information.
  • Want to override certain settings for all pieces or certain selection of pieces.
  • Trigger bulk edit, select which pieces you want to bulk edit. Once you have selected pieces (one, many, or all), need ability to say I’m ready to edit or cancel. Buttons with actions adjust based on selection.
  • Once you click "edit all" would essentially see the piece editing screen. Whatever data you put in here will override the data in that field for all of the pieces you have selected.
    • Could set expected receipt date, add comment, change location or holdings, etc.
  • When ready click “Save all” or “Cancel” or maybe “Quick receive all”
    • Is “Quick receive all” necessary here? Or delete all?'
  • From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone 12:51 PM

This is great!  When this bulk editing is expected to be available?  The bulk editing location is exactly what we need right now.

  • Julie: Is this for expected or received pieces?
    • Dennis: Assumption would be that you would not edit expected and received at the same time. Would that be logical? Can you think of an instance where you would want to edit all at the same time?
    • Julie: Don't see use case for editing expected issues.
  • Dung-Lan Chen has example with conflicting locations from migration. For all those issues received, it would be nice to do a global bulk edit with the new location. Use case for why you need to bulk edit stuff already received.
57min.Bulk Create PiecesDennis
  • Would like to continue talking through this next time.
  • Will also have to come back to EDIFACT export functionality. Questions have come up from dev team. 

Chat Transcript
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