2021-09-21 Acquisitions Meeting notes


Attendees (41)


  • CURRENT:  Tuesday, September 21, 2021

    • Discuss displaying invoice line amount on POL instead of invoice amount
    • Discuss instance matching behavior
    • Continue Discussing renewal integration (Ongoing order information
    • EDI Orders 

Discussion items

  • UAT - lots of feedback, will discuss next Tuesday of user feedback for the receiving testing recently done. 

  • Discuss instance matching behavior
  • UIOR 763
  • Dennis: We are approaching the code freeze for the Kiwi release
  • UIOR 763
  • Don't have time now to implement everything before the code freeze. Want to revisit this discussion to improve the matching and address some major concerns on where the incorrect match is happening most often. 
  • When you create a po, then open, and you have not manually connected an instance, 
  • If we say ignore all the invalid ID's, would that help?
  • Sara: The only time that becomes iffy is because in many records the print issn is the identifier even in online records.  
  • Dennis: This only affects connecting pol's to instances. 
  • Sara: Then the linking ISSN isn't an issue. 
  • Kristin: 1st Question,  is this for Kiwi? Dennis: Yes
  • 2nd Q: In Kiwi, can we move a po from one title to another?
  • Dennis: We want to do this with Kiwi. It's possible.   
  • Kristin: How does the title match work?
  • Dennis: I think it's just based on the product ID. 
  • Peter: 12:23
  • Dennis: 12:26 08: Does the group think we are causing more problems by refining this logic by ignoring invalid ISBNs? Are we causing more problems down the road?
  • From Kristin Martin to Everyone:  12:26 PM I think you definitely are causing FEWER problems.
    From Susan.Martin@mtsu.edu to Everyone:  12:27 PM +1
  • From Scott Perry to Everyone:  12:27 PM +1
  • Sara: This is only applicable to order integration? 
  • Dennis: it depends. When you create a pol, you may run into this logic. 
  • Kristin: for people already implemented, how much of a problems is this?
    Susan: We do a lot manually, and have not implemented Gobi API. 
  • From Jean Pajerek (Cornell Law Library) to Everyone:  12:31 PM Yes, we (Cornell) have had this problem with GOBI orders. 12:31 CC
  • Natalya Pikulik: 12:33 discussed problems they are having.  They overlay the original the record. 
  • Dennis: The other thing you can do is unopen the order to make the change. Downside is the system will ask you to delete the pieces and unrelated item records. 
  • Virginia: This would be a way to change the instance connection if it's an e resource. 
  • Sara: The connection between orders and inventory is created from orders to inventory, correct? Dennis: Yes
  • Sara: 12:36 chat transcript
  • Dennis: Yes
  • 12:46: Conclusion re mapping, will result in few problems if refine the logic to exclude invalid identifiers.
    • Invalid ISBN,
    • Invalid ISMN,
    • Invalid ISSN,
    • Invalid UPC

  • Discuss displaying invoice line amount on POL instead of invoice amount
      • 12:48 

Right now there is a related invoice accordion for order and order lines. 

I think the confusing bit here is the amount is the full amount of the invoice, both in the po and on the pol.. 

Solution: Invoice summary has total amount. 

Problem: Would not see any adjustments that happened at a higher level. 

Sara: 12:53 in CC I look at the invoice line price all the time. Increase from year to year, or for queries from others asking for information. 

Julie: It happens all the time to have multiple po's on one invoice. I want to see the single line over time than the total of the invoice. 

Scott Perry: If your additional charges are not assigned to the po line, then I don't care if they are on the po line. I really want to see the po line. 

  • Continue Discussing renewal integration (Ongoing order information

  • EDI Orders 

Action items
