2021-10-26 Acquisitions Meeting notes

2021-10-26 Acquisitions Meeting notes


Attendees (41)


Discussion items


No Housekeeping today

EDIFACT related questions from the dev team 


Need to clarify about rush orders.  

Exporting orders in edifact orders, plan is to do that based on organization on set time frames.

  • There could be occasions that you have a rush order you want to send immediately. There are a few ways to do this. But are there rush orders you want to send in Edifact format, and if so, do you expect them to be sent immediately on their own file?
    • Peter Sbrzesny: We would use, but probably not need an immediate function. Once a day would be enough. 
    • Dennis: Would it be alone on that EDI file? Or would it be part of a bulk file?
    • Peter: Right now they would send a single email to the vendor.  These are sent to a specific address noted in the vendor record. 
  • Dennis: When there are questions about an order, I know there are occasionally a need to edit an order. Sometimes might need to resend the order to a vendor on a different file. I think the main use case would be the vendor did not receive the file. Is it possible edits may have been made to the order, before you resend the file. Is it problematic if changes you may have made in the order is included?
    • Peter: I would want the updated information to be included. If an error message is received as the reason the file wasn't received, we would make the adjustments then resend the file. 
    • Dennis:  Is it possible a conflict could happen with a vendor, would you need to reference the original file?
    • Peter: We would be able to present the original file we keep in our system. 
    • From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone 12:21 PM Very unlikely in our case to need update on the EDI order file sent but vendor didn't get for some reason that we need to re-send it. If there is any question regarding titles in the order file, our vendor would reach out and contact us via email.
    • Dennis: A key component is if we would store a copy of the file. Folio isn't really equipped for storing files at the moment.  We could treat the same as vouchers, So we could keep all the information about the EDI, but when you request the file, it will actually recreate the file. The other way to do this would be to store the records, but we would need to talk about how long to store and other details. Are there any concerns if we only keep track of the order information, but it's recreated when the file is requested. 
      • Peter: The information included in the regular log should be sufficient. 
      • From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone: We used to get order confirmation from the vendor acknowledging receipt of the EDI order file listing titles ordered, etc.  Would EDI ordering work in similar ways as in our previous ILS?
        • Dennis: There is a specific receipt response. 
      • From Peter Sbrzesny to Everyone 12:27 PM
        Many of our vendors are sending receipt confirmations but some don't. Confirmations are sent to a certain email address.
      • Dung-Lan: She gets an order confirmation from vendor once they receive the file.  It's a confirmation they got the orders. Once she has the order confirmation, doesn't need to keep the file. 
      • Dennis: Proof of transmission is different than exactly what was transmitted. If changes were made to the order, then the order may not look exactly like the file that was sent did. 
      • Dennis: To summarize: There are not specific use cases that make it critical for folio to keep an exact copy of what was transmitted. It should be enough to be able to reproduce the file with the exact orders that were included in the original, though they might include some updated information. 
        • There are 2 versions of resend: 
          • Resend the order export file itself
          • Resend the order in a new export
  • Dennis: Are there situations where you want different purchase order lines to be in different export files for some reason? Only reason I can think of is if you want a confirmation email sent to different people. Would you want some pol's sent by EDI's and others not by EDI? 
    • From Peter Sbrzesny to Everyone 12:42 PM No, that would only make everything complicated.
    • From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone 12:42 PM I would separate the order lines in different POs if I need to send them via different methods.
    • From Masayo Uchiyama to Everyone 12:42 PM we have never done it in Cornell.
    • From Natalya Pikulik to Everyone 12:43 PM We would not do it on separate po lines
    • Dennis: Would this be a useful feature?
      • From Natalya Pikulik to Everyone 12:43 PM i do not think so
      • From Masayo Uchiyama to Everyone 12:44 PM Not for me.
      • From Peter Sbrzesny to Everyone 12:44 PM no
      • From Natalya Pikulik to Everyone 12:44 PM Too confusing
    • Dennis: Would you create an order that needed different vendors?
      • From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone 12:45 PM Not very likely what you just described, Dennis.
      • From Peter Sbrzesny to Everyone 12:45 PM +1
      • From Masayo Uchiyama to Everyone 12:45 PM +1

45 minutes after the hourContinue to review receiving enhancement mock-ups
  •  https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1uMGr1_HJ2yVzcJq_fTgUlibOmf8O7_SZiQCyyx4MdVc/edit#slide=id.gf8b007a9f0_0_10
  • It was useful to edit a single piece, as well as a bulk edit of many pieces. 
  • In this scenario, we have expected pieces, and already received pieces.  You would be bulk editing either expected or received pieces. Is there a use case to bulk edit all, both received and expected?  User can overwrite fields of selected pieces by inputting values and clicking Save all. 
    • From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone 12:45 PM Yes!
    • From Scott Perry (he/him) to Everyone 12:49 PM How narrow are the permissions?  Can the ability to bulk edit received pieces be a different permission than the ability to bulk edit future pieces?
      • Yes, We could separate the permissions in any way. We can make bulk edit a specific permission.  
    • From Dung-Lan Chen to Everyone 12:52 PM Yes, bulk edit "location" is needed for both received and expected pieces!! :)
    • From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 12:53 PM Wouldn't we want to bulk edit received pieces as Items in Inventory?
      • Dennis: Yes
    • Dennis: To summarize:  It is worth while to have a separate permission to bulk edit. Is it worth while to have separate permissions for editing expected pieces vs received pieces? 
      • Sara Colglazier: Yes
    • Dennis; The extension of this, how could we potentially create pieces more quickly, creating and managing pieces in bulk. To be discussed at a later date. 

Closed Captioning transcript of the meeting

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