2018-07-13 Meeting notes




Discussion items

Eric Hartnett
Minute taker


Gap Analysis - see Product Council minutes for update on where it stands. Also see Capacity Planning worksheet which helps identify areas where developers are needed. Will help early implementers see if the functionality needed is going to be there at the time they need to go live. Also, FOLIO Epic Priorities will also help with resourcing. Some things not ranked highly have dependencies which shift how they're ranked.

Packages in Inventory - Descriptive metadata would be updated in MARC which would then update Inventory. If you don't use MARC you would update in Inventory. Packages subgroup in MM SIG is going to flesh out the fields needed. Still trying to figure out how it will interact with ERM. If you're going to attach acquisition data to something in Inventory, it will also attach to ERM - you won't be able to do it directly in ERM. This leads to ERM depending on two apps instead of just one. This may not be the permanent solution.

Meeting next week - Kristin will be out so someone else will need to convene if we're going to have a meeting. Finance has been added to snapshot but there's no sample data in yet. Email agenda items to Kristin and Kristen Wilson.

Discuss Posts of Interest:

Vendor User Acceptance TestingDennis is running the the test with 5-10 people. Format similar to previous testing with eHoldings and Users. They're using a spreadsheet of scenarios that users must go through. Need to note environment they're working in. Testing should run from Monday, July 16 through Wednesday. After analyzing finding, it will be summarized to the RM SIG, probably in a couple of weeks. Template will let users know about some of the known issues with the app. This is round 1, there may be another in the future depending on how much adjustment is needed.

eholdings app integration workflow

Integration between Orders, ERM, Inventory, and eHoldings. Assumptions - we will have libraries that use all apps; some libraries will not use all apps. eHoldings includes Mod-kb - backend for the app which is the connection to a knowledgebase. UI-eholdings is the front-end which will display license info, selection status, coverage, and order info - this information would be pulled from Orders and ERM. Orders can provide information to mod-kb (activate/deactivate, coverage, order info), which would be displayed in the UI. ERM could also be source for activating/deactivating, coverage, license info, etc.. Mod-kb could associate package to an agreement in ERM. Metadata from mod-kb could be provided to Inventory. Plan in the fall to enhance EBSCO kb to include more ERM type information like contacts, admin, and license.

Batch Loader subgroup update

Lives under the MM SIG. On subgroup page, if you log in, you'll see a paperclip of the documents that the group is working with. Have talked through use cases and where data used in those case would come from. The scope of the group's work covers MARC Bib records, EDIFACT invoice, MARC holdings, MARC authorities, delimited/flat file, and Order API. If an instance record in Inventory is not tied to to a MARCcat record, you would edit it in MARCcat, Otherwise, you would edit it in Inventory. The process → obtain file; match rules (does this already exist in FOLIO?); load rules (how should the file be loaded, parsing data); CRUD in various FOLIO Modules (creation of records, updates/overlays of records, load report (stats, errors, log). Still figuring out if they fall within scope (TBD): retrieving records; scheduler; queuing/sequencing; preview/test loads; load reports and logs (how detailed); roll back/undo loads (could be difficult when connected to financial information); how much integration with initial data migration?

Filip has started joining the meeting and UI discussions have begun.

Next steps → Currently discussing matching. Will then move on to parsing and CRUD. Working out the UI. Discussing storage/sync actions between inventory, generic storage, and MARCcat. The goal is to complete development by October.

Action items
