2020-5-14 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2020-5-14 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Discussion Items



Topics we like to take to the Monday Meeting


References from Darcy: 

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oMN1Jv18auepK8cuobnuYCiAENMr67JDnQQ0a9txpTc/edit - Patron Notice Documentation, mostly for folio admins and operators

Patron notification system (under construction) - more technical documentation on notices. Includes more detailed API documentation and a beautiful workflow diagram.

Jumping into demo.

Three pieces - Notice policies, Templates, and Circulation Rules.

Templates need to be done first, as policies refer to the template.

Templates - you have to pick a category. There are UI / UX changes planned for this option to clarify what applies to which behavior.

Tokens allow you to bring in pieces of information into the body.

All of check-in and check-out notices are sent as multiple notices (so she checks the multiple loans box.) Built around the check in and check out sessions. There's a table in the admin/operator documentation about what's supported based on different triggering events.

Multiple notices has a loan loop identifier - so you want to make sure that the item details and things end up inside  the loan loop. Right now you may have to move the item tokens manually in the body.

Contact information is not available as a token yet, but there is a feature for it.

Brian: How does multiple loans token work - so if it's more than one loan, it just repeats the tokens between the multiple loans indicator?

Darcy: Yes. So sometimes I'll add a dash dash at the end to put a separator in so that one appears in the list of items.

If there's no value for something, the token is left blank. There's no conditional logic in there yet. 

Anya : do you recommend a natural language notice first before working with tokens?

Darcy: Yes, that's a good idea. I'm also planning on sharing samples for each notice type. That was suggested in another meeting, and I think that it is a good idea.

Brooks: What happens if the items in the multiple section have different notice policies? EG, five items on policy A, five items on policy B, all checked out together, but policy A and policy B have different check out receipts.

Darcy: I think we landed in a scenario where they would send separate notices, but I need to check.

Brooks: EG, a use case where five items are hourly (where I want to include time,) and five are longer term (where I may only want to include date.)

Darcy: That's a good use case. I will test to confirm behavior. (Darcy Branchinican you update us with what you find?)

Now looking at notice policy.

Templates show up in drop-downs based on the category chosen. (E.g., for the demo template that was categorized as loan, it won't show up as a possible request notice)

Real-time notices only apply right now if triggering event is based on loan/date time - so they are planning on deprecating this and eliminating it. So ignore that for now.

Then we had to switch to BugFest because of issues with the diku_admin account on snapshot.

Some buggy behavior - for example, send before ___ minutes can only take a value between 1 and 100.

Multiple notices will happen with send in real time right now, even if they are short term, because short-term notices don't get bundled.

Darcy demo'ed and we got a notice. Hooray!

Brian: question about notices for manual adjustment of fee/fines.

Darcy: notices for manual fee/fines are set up much differently. It's in users → owners. For example, on bugfest - other circ desk. You need to go into manual charges and pick the owner. Then you either need to have default charge notice / default action notice specified, or i can do specific ones for different fee/fine types. 

Category of fee/fine charge is only for manual charges.

Automated fee/fine emails are not available yet in FameFlower. 

Category of fee/fine action is also only for manual charges. 

We will discuss fee/fine tokens at Monday's meeting.

  • Permissions for Circulation set up (Covered 2/20)
  • Patron Groups (Covered 2/20)
  • Locations (Covered 2/20)
  • Loan Types(Covered 3/2)
  • Material types (Covered 3/2)
  • Overdue Fine Policies (Covered 3/2)
  • Lost item fee policies(Covered 3/2)
  • Request Policies (Covered 3/2)
  • Request cancellation reasons (Covered 3/2)
  • Patron notice policies (Covered 3/2)
  • Patron notice templates (Covered 3/2)
  • Fixed due date schedules (Covered 3/5)
  • Staff slips  (Covered  on 3/5)
  • Loan policies (Covered on 4/16)
  • Circulation editor (Covered on 4/23)
  • Process of putting it all together (Covered 4/30)
  • Notices (Darcy demoed on 5/14/2020)

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