2020-05-28 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2020-05-28 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Discussion Items

2minAdministrivia Andrea Loigman
30minDeliveryDelivery fulfillment service pointsReview deck and decide on option and priority of features: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1FIzV1P7va_3yX0oLE7XauGPLZHA05NTOFutto_QNybg/edit#slide=id.p
15minItem status sub-groupEmma BoettcherUpdate from the item status groupShare outcomes as described on this page: https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/display/AppInt/Item+status+%28item+state%29+subgroup
if time allowsDue datesNot naming/renaming the fixed due date schedule data entry table

Meeting Outcomes

Functional Area

Product Owner

Planned Release (if known)

Decision Reached


Link to supporting materials


e.g. loans, fees/finesNamee.g. Q4 2018, Q1 2019Clearly stated decision
  • Because...
  • Because...
e.g. mock-up, JIRA issue
  • The introduction of delivery fulfillment service points specified in the user addresses works well for Duke and seems fine for Chicago, MSU and Cornell
  • For other institutions (e.g. Simmons, U of A, Lehigh and 5C) the current implementation (without the delivery fulfillment SP) might actually work better.
  • We might need to consider a third approach, as well, which would assume that the primary SP for the item's effective location was the delivery fulfillment SP
  • Too many variations to cover in a group meeting.   Cate will reach out to folks at Simmons, U of A, Lehigh and 5C to understand their needs and we'll circle back as a group after.
  • Back to the presentation.  For those who planned to use the proposed model, we agreed:
    • Specifying the SP in the address is the best choice
    • It wouldn't have to be required for every address, only those addresses that are used as the default delivery address
    • If, when creating a request, a staff member chose an address without an SP specified, they wouldn't be able to save
    • Institutions that allow patrons to choose a delivery address in discovery would probably opt to exclude addresses without a SP
  • Also, would be nice if you had the option to check out to the requester even if you weren't at the delivery fulfillment SP (Cate thinks this will probably just work but need to test)


  • Cate - Deliver Requests

    • implemented Q42019, identified gap to specify service point

    • current function is that checking in at any service point checks out item to patron and prompts item to be mailed

    • enhancement is to capture fulfillment service point for delivery requests, other service points place status to in transit

    • need to rank UXPROD-2429

    • would there be an ability to override and check out material from a different service point? Cate believes FOLIO may already support this by simply going to the checkout screen and checking out the "in transit"

    • What about libraries for which the current model does work? Would the enhancement need to be optional? delivery service point is selected at the user record level (either a single one or at the address level). Cate will have a conversation with Donna at Alabama and Simmons to see whether we can find a solution for all or if configuration might be needed.

    • Do we need a setting for a library or system or location level default service point? One that would be used if it's not set at user level? Probably easier to only pick the delivery service point in only one place-Cate

    • It sounds like having fulfillment service point at an address level is needed.

      • staff UI will show all addresses but there is some validation error if address selected does not have a valid fulfillment service point

      • if showing address selection option to patrons via discovery layer addresses that are not set up with fulfillment service point should not display to patrons

      • there should be a validation error if selecting an address for deliver in user record that prompts for fulfillment service point? Yes

    • Simmons model would be that delivery fulfillment could happen from any service point or from the item location's primary service point

    • 5 colleges? is there another use case?

    • how many models are needed? Can any two be combined?

    • Institutions to reach out to: Simmons, Alabama, Lehigh, 5 Colleges (Susan Kimball from 5 College Consortium--sjkimball@amherst.edu)

  • Emma Item Status Subgroup update

    • permissions, etc.

    • custom item status, name, behavior, etc.

    • changing item status from item record-what should and shouldn't be allowed

    • slide deck is linked to from agenda

  • Andrea will try to schedule a time for users group to meet

  • No meeting Monday, will determine if Thursday is implementers meeting or standard meeting forthcoming