2020-03-02 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2020-03-02 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Discussion Items

5minHousekeeping Andrea Loigman
20minUsers UIUsers card sort results
30minItem stateEmma BoettcherResults of item status assignment

Meeting Outcomes

Functional Area

Product Owner

Planned Release (if known)

Decision Reached

ReasoningLink to supporting materials


Item state/item status
Damaged: will not add a damaged value for item status in FOLIO. Will write story to notify staff of damaged items at check in/check out 
  • Functionality people expect from damaged status can be accomplished with loan type (e.g., "Severely damaged")


Emma Boettcher--Results of item status assignment

Specific question related to “Damaged.” Is this an item status?

Can damaged items be checked out or recalled? How is damaged used? Is it mutually exclusive of other statuses?

Some institutions check out damaged and rely on the system to give circulation users an alert at check out and at check in. Circulation would not be prevented, but the alert would let Circulation staff/students know they were checking out or checking in a damaged item. These would be items that may have slight water damage or some notes written in the book.

Some institutions allow recalls on damaged items.

Jana Freytag: Damaged is extra to other statuses. Their current system asks for permission to lend it. Could be circulated, requested, etc. Could set permission to lend even with damaged as status. When lending damaged items at their institution, a “desk” password is needed to allow the special check out. Carsten mentioned that they have two basic types of damaged: slightly damaged (can be loaned); severely damaged (in house use only).

Some institutions check out damaged items and the check-out process requires a supervisor override; but if it’s just scribbles in the book, then they just put a note in the item record and put Circulation Review on the item. Circ review and cat review are just warning flags; they don’t have any other functionality.

Duke doesn’t require overrides from staff to check out damaged items. Example: older items that are not candidates for replacement or repair are stored in archival quality boxes and placed on the shelf. These items are available for check out.

Emma: This sounds like an issue that could be resolved using loan type. Does it make sense to leverage this field at checkout? Like for missing pieces. This is check out and check in. Yes, per Andrea and Andy – Yes this would work.

Enhance check in and check out process to show when an item is damaged. Locations currently using damaged status could change this to a loan type. Use loan type to mark if item is severely damaged.

Compound statuses attached to a single item?

Some institutions have compound statuses attached to items in their current systems. However, in previous FOLIO discussions, it was decided that compound statuses would not be used, which seemed to catch people off guard in a recent discussion.

Specifically today, we are discussing lost and recalled; when the item was recalled came before it became lost. Darcy Branchini says you can have both. Item state = Lost. The recall = the request.

Discussion of migration issues with requests. We will have to make a choice when we migrate to choose the ultimate status the item will have. Recall isn’t an item state, but it can exist in FOLIO as a type of request.

Migrate the open requests and go from there to determine if an item is recalled or on hold. Request will always say what type of request it is.

Duke is synching records during migration and copying changes over.

Joanne Leary says they can have up to four item statuses on their records currently. She is most concerned about requests. But if those go into another category with FOLIO that’s good. Info is still there in FOLIO just reflected in a different way.

Patty Wanninger--Users card sort results (left column was added during this meeting)

Possible RA SIG order??

User management SIG

Proposed User Record

Current User Record

User info

User Info




Custom Fields


Patron Blocks




Extended info



Contact info

Contact info

Custom fields


Patron blocks


Patron blocks

Patron Blocks





Extended info


Contact Info





Contact info


User Permissions

Extended info

Extended info

Custom fields

Service points

Service Points

Service points

Service points


User perms

User perms

User perms

Custom fields

Discussed initially at a meeting on 2-19-2020, link:


Not sure when these were ranked initially whether people understood what each category meant or what would be folded into these different fields.

There is a patron block flag on the records at the top.

Patty suggests that we test these out by opening FOLIO circulation and check items out to patrons, then open the patron record as you would when you work with it at the front desk, or whatever the workflow is that you’re trying to test.

Clicking on Patron loans takes you to User info = bug

JIRA to make these fields customizable at the Tenant level: Yes Patty will be putting this in as a feature.

Most people prefer Proposed User Record column?

Who will be using Custom Fields? Will the field show up even if you have no custom fields? Patty will ask that question.

Some institutions will use custom fields for patron stat codes and departmental info, etc.

Where are the additional ID fields in these fields?

Which institutions use more than barcode for look up? Duke uses barcode and net id. Another institution uses external ID. Additional ids are custom? You may need extended info field to show up if you use something other than barcode. What’s the first number or ID field we need? For searching we don’t need it that high up?

Patty will email the spreadsheet to the group. Group will respond – we can finish this conversation on the hour prior to the start of the Thursday meeting.  

Thursday's regular meeting topics will begin at 15 minutes after the hour as usual.