2020-06-04 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2020-06-04 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Discussion Items

2minAdministrivia Andrea Loigman
20minRequestsStaff note on requestsWe have a team who can pick up Staff notes on requests in Q3. Let's review the wireframes and decide if we want to enable the Assign/Unassign feature or not.

Mockups: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_UxsQ66sD_RVSRNqnQVa69AIn7FDQnie
25minMaterial type(OLD ACCOUNT) Erin NettifeeMaterial type as needed by RM

RM has different needs/uses for material type than RA.  They have proposed using a default material type for orders (like they will for loan types).  We need to decide if this works for RA and make suggestions for changes/workflows.

Slide deck:


if time allowsDue datesNot naming/renaming the fixed due date schedule data entry table

Meeting Outcomes

Functional Area

Product Owner

Planned Release (if known)

Decision Reached


Link to supporting materials


e.g. loans, fees/finesNamee.g. Q4 2018, Q1 2019Clearly stated decision
  • Because...
  • Because...
e.g. mock-up, JIRA issue


Andrea Loigman: Please review the User field document linked in the agenda. Khalilah and Maara will attend a future meeting to talk about user fields.

Erin Nettifee: Material Type as needed by Resource Management

The RM group would like feedback from RA group regarding orders and material types. Currently, loan type/material type is a required field on the item record. An item record can be created when an order record is created. Orders and inventory share the same list of material types. RM has two proposals that RA needs to review and provide feedback:

  1. All UI orders use default material type (how loan type is now on PO line). No item material type field on the order (because the default is used such as on order, pending, unspecified, etc.). Once the item is rec’d the item material type is set to the actual value.
  2. A separate order material type field created for orders to use. Default value used for item material type in PO line template. Order material type also available that only lives in orders, not in inventory. Two separate lists—one for inventory and one for orders.

RM would like scenario 1, so that they could set the default, which would pull from inventory settings.

What impact would scenario 1 have on requests and reporting with Resource Access?

There is concern that two material types would not be correlated for the same thing.

RM says they don’t always know what (type) they are ordering (when they create the order), e.g., monographic series where material type may be book or serial. They want to set the material type on item’s arrival, not when the order is created.

Discussion on this topic to continue Monday, June 8 meeting with possible RM rep joining.

Take a look at the slide deck.

Cate Boerma: Staff notes on requests

Assigned/Unassigned feature on request staff notes. Do we want to keep this feature where within the requests app, when a staff note is created, it could then be assigned to other requests’ staff notes? So we could potentially use an identical note for multiple requests.

Kalilah came and showed the RA group a notes component. The assign/unassign feature in notes is not going to be used in the Users app, mainly due to privacy concerns on staff notes on user records. But do we want to use it in the Requests app? YES

Question, if the note is assigned, what’s the notification scheme? Notes are assigned to the request record, not to the patron. Possibility of leveraging this for a workflow for multiple groups would be interesting.

Looked at request cancellation screen, which has fields for “reason for cancellation” and “additional info for patron” David B. wants to know if “additional info for staff” could be added (e.g., reason for cancel = unavailable, but additional info for staff = not on shelf, item found damaged, etc.)

What should display under the Assigned accordion on the Request notes?

For: ABA Journal (A14813848587)

Requester: Auer, Darius

Group asked to add Request date:

Also, group discovered that Request details screen, although it has updated date/time info for the request, did not include Create date as a field here, which is needed.

Note from David Bottorff regarding UXPROD 2112: New trigger for overdue and recalled (both statuses combined) to notices – https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/UXPROD-2112

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