2020-10-19 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2020-10-19 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Laura E Daniels

Charlotte Whitt

Joanne Leary

Cammie Wyckoff

Jessica Janecki

Schwill, Carsten

Andrea Loigman

Monica Arnold

Felix Hemme

Mark Canney

Kimie Kester

Cheryl Malmborg

Natascha Owens

Cate Boerema (Deactivated)

Emma Boettcher

Brooks Travis

Jana Freytag

Discussion Items

  • Holiday (Jana) next week
55minBound-withs materials

The MM SIG has been working on a solution to representing bound-with materials and needs feedback from us about how this should work with loans

Meeting Outcomes

Functional Area

Product Owner

Planned Release (if known)

Decision Reached


Link to supporting materials


e.g. loans, fees/finesNamee.g. Q4 2018, Q1 2019Clearly stated decision
  • Because...
  • Because...
e.g. mock-up, JIRA issue


Bound-with model proposals were presented by Charlotte and other members of the MM group. RA members were asked for their input on how each model would affect circulation - specifically requesting, checkouts and fines.

Model A - Primary-to-Dependent items model:

  • The primary item in the volume is linked to multiple dependent items. The primary item has the barcode. The dependent items are linked to separate holdings, which in turn are linked to multiple instances.
  • The dependent items inherit some properties of the primary item (such as loan type, material type, item status). The inherited properties cannot be changed on the dependent item records. Any edits to the primary item will be passed down to the dependent items.
  • A search on the primary item's barcode will result in the display of all instances that are part of the bound-with volume

Model B - one shared item is linked to multiple holdings records

  • Does not affect other item records' properties (but will affect the other items' status)
  • Eliminates the possibility of multiple instances of checkout, recall and fine for a single physical item

Other variations of these models are also being considered.


    • The model must not result in multiplying the items checked out or fined when only a single physical item is checked out.
    • In order to retrieve a requested item, circ staff need to have the call number of the physical volume, rather than the call number associated with the title that is being requested.
    • When an item is searched, the result must have an alert to notify the staff that the requested item is contained in a bound-with volume
    • When a notice of any kind is sent, the messaging must clearly inform the patron about the bound-with nature of the volume ("Note: multiple titles are bound together in this volume"). This is critical. Library staff will not know which of the titles the patron wanted or checked out, and the patron won't recognize the title of the volume displayed on the notice.

Other questions and comments should be entered at the end of the slide deck.