2020-09-14 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2020-09-14 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Holly Mistlebauer

Emma Boettcher

Cornelia Awenius

Schwill, Carsten

Brooks Travis

Andrea Loigman

David Bottorff

Monica Arnold

Mark Canney

Darcy Branchini

Andy Horbal

Cate Boerema (Deactivated)

Kimie Kester

Donna Minor

Cheryl Malmborg


Molly Driscoll

Jana Freytag

Discussion Items


Address handling

Address handling of aged to lost items with no fees charged

10MinOverridesOverriding renewal failures when renewal would not change due date
10MinSettingsSettings for check out override notes
15MinUser expirationHow user expiration displays in Check Out app
5-10MinStanding agenda item for Support tickets

Meeting Outcomes

Functional Area

Product Owner

Planned Release (if known)

Decision Reached


Link to supporting materials


e.g. loans, fees/finesNamee.g. Q4 2018, Q1 2019Clearly stated decision
  • Because...
  • Because...
e.g. mock-up, JIRA issue
LoansEmma Boettcher
When renewal would not change due date, allow override with date picker

LoansEmma Boettcher
Override patron blocks/expired user at check out at beginning of session; override when scanning items with option to apply to future items in session

LoansEmma Boettcher
Settings to make comments not required is a nice to have; users will rank in more detail when feature is created


Holly is testing aged to lost and she noticed a bug in the Lost fee policy. If "charge amount" plus "processing fee" equals zero, the loan will automatically go to Lost and Paid. Any fee will keep loan open. To prevent premature closure if actual cost is not entered in a timely way, is it enough to ask at the policy creation, "do you really want fees to equal zero?". Also, Holly introduced a new setting, "for lost items not charged at fee/fine close the loan after {interval}. The extra validation is valuable and perhaps sufficent for now.

Emma discussed Renewals and overrides (for failed renewal). If Renewal would not change the due date what do we want in the override modal? The group settled on the override with a date picker. Second, if there are multiple items involved in a checkout session do we want the ability to apply the override for an entire session? The group was in favor of this functionality. Third, is it sufficent to have a setting to require a comment for all override actions or is it desirable to be able to specify comment or not for specific actions? Group agreed it would be very Nice to have (ability to pick whether comment is required). Last, is it OK to display patron information if patron block not overriden? Yes.

Molly Driscoll discussed UICHKOUT-644; a bug discovered by MSU relating to proxy patrons who are attempting to checkout to themselves. Sometimes a stripes error presents.