2020-07-09 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2020-07-09 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Discussion Items

2minAdministrivia Andrea Loigman
20minItem StatusItem status updateSIG is informed of the progress of the Item Status Group - Deck
20minSearchingItem search and select popuphttps://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/UXPROD-284

Item search and select popup is like the user search and select but for items. Used to browse and select an item record when you don't have the barcode in hand. This is needed for check out, check in, requests and possibly also acquisitions.

Kimie has a mockup for review and discussion.

Meeting Outcomes

Functional Area

Product Owner

Planned Release (if known)

Decision Reached


Link to supporting materials


e.g. loans, fees/finesNamee.g. Q4 2018, Q1 2019Clearly stated decision
  • Because...
  • Because...
e.g. mock-up, JIRA issue


Custom fields in Users app: Andrea Loigman asks that we visit the link from Khalilah Gambrell to test:


User acceptance deadline for testing is Monday, July 13.

Item status update: Emma Boettcher gave the group an update on item status and shared details in a slide deck:


Looking at a 3-part item state

  1. Availability: Is this item available to circulate? (currently “item status” in FOLIO; e.g., on order, in process, paged, awaiting pickup, checked out, available, missing, withdrawn; not repeatable, required)
  2. Needed for: What processes need to happen with this item? (e.g., cataloging, digitization, preservation, reserves processing; repeatable, not required)
  3. Process: What are staff doing with this item? (e.g., cataloging, digitization, preservation, reserves processing, staff search; not repeatable, not required)

We would configure the names of the Needed for and Process categories.

We would edit needed for and process fields in item records and could add a needed for note and/or a check in note.

Checking the item in moves it through the needed for process.

Future enhancements could include:

  • Assigning priorities to certain types of needed for processes (right now it works by order entry)
  • Configuring each process type to alert or not at check in.
  • Eventually using needed for and process of inputs in workflow engine

Someone asked whether a slip would print that could travel with the item. Currently no, but group members agree that would be helpful.

Travis, Brooks L “The routing slips should be usable for this?” It’s not a routing slip, but routing slip code could be used, but that’s a new feature.

Cynthia Lange “I think having printed slips would be crucial and having the pop up only show at the home (or pickup) library would be helpful.”

Concern was expressed about possible issue with “in transit” related to needed for process.

Group members are excited about having this feature.

If libraries don’t use the needed for process feature, they could still use dummy patrons/requests for departments, but that could require request queue manipulation, has impacts on circulation statistics, and dummy patrons could accrue unwanted fines.

Andy Horbal “This presentation also does a great job of clearly explaining a complex topic.”

Item search and select popup: Cate Boerema and Kimmie Kester asked what info the RA SIG group would like to display on the popup result list when searching items from check in, check out, requests, and acquisitions when you don’t have the barcode of the item.


Mockup: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qOlgbA0BNq4-AF9AbavAQGfKAkZxxp5G?usp=sharing

Group members asked to include effective location, effective call number including volume and enumeration, and they requested column headers and wondered about having the list collapsed by default and including the number of items for each title in the collapsed view.

Travis, Brooks L “Would it be better to just do a flat layout, and just repeat the title information, wrapped, in the first column?”

Would this behave the same way it would in inventory searching?

Could we make this mirror inventory searching? With the same options available as item searching there?

Cynthia Lange “We have also had patrons return chargers or other equipment with the barcode missing.”

Kimmie and Cate suggested revisiting the use case and checking with Dennis for details about pre-order searching in the Orders app.