2020-06-25 Resource Access Meeting Notes
2020-06-25 Resource Access Meeting Notes
- Andrea Loigman
- Brooks Travis
- Jana Freytag
- Emma Boettcher
- Cornelia Awenius
- Christine Dunham
- Sharon Wiles-Young
- Monica Arnold
- Mark Canney
- Laurence Mini
- Cheryl Malmborg
- @Ajay Menon
- David Bottorff
- Cate Boerema (Deactivated)
- mey
- Cate Boerema (Deactivated)
Discussion Items
Time | Item | Who | Description | Goals/Info |
2min | Administrivia | Andrea Loigman |
| |
40min | Circulation log | Emma Boettcher | Solicit feedback on circulation log wireframe, highest priority aspects
Meeting Outcomes
Functional Area | Product Owner | Planned Release (if known) | Decision Reached | Reasoning | Link to supporting materials | Comments |
e.g. loans, fees/fines | Name | e.g. Q4 2018, Q1 2019 | Clearly stated decision |
| e.g. mock-up, JIRA issue | |
Emma Boettcher Showed wireframe for circulation activity action log.
- Should we show the person who performed the action in the log display?
- Andrea: Yes.
- Carsten's email to the RA SIG mailing list: Yes, maybe, with restrictions on who can view, particularly around fees/fines
- Jana concurs
- Emma's takeaway: potentially make including operator data on an action in the log configurable by action or action type
- Andrea: Service column?
- Emma: Service Point, where applicable
- Emma: How to get here?
- Andrea: User record (pre-populate search), inventory item record, directly
- Cate: What about requests activity history?
- Emma: How granular to filter?
- Andrea: Columns sortable?
- Emma: Maybe?
- Andrea: What filter check boxes are selected by default? How does modifying filters affect the number of paged results displayed?
- Emma: Should show full number of results based on new criteria
- Jana: How are proxy relationship actions displayed in the log?
- Andrea: Include indicator for proxy transaction in the log and link to detail view?
- Emma's takeaway: Don't need proxy user info in the table.
- Emma: item information to display?
- Barcodes (patron/user, as well?)
- Blank user barcodes for anonymized loans
- Andrea: How do you get to the details?
- Emma: Ellipsis actions menu on each row
- Cate: requests details?
- Emma: Yes, just not in this mock-up
- Andrea: How to handle non-applicable detail links?
- Greyed-out vs. Invisible
- General consensus around greyed-out.
- Greyed-out vs. Invisible
- Include patron blocks?
- Override handling
- Search on description vs. separate actions for override transactions
- Separate actions preferred, but can live with keyword search
- Search on description vs. separate actions for override transactions
- Override handling
- Thin-thread on permissions: separate permissions for access to log (Brooks and Andrea)
- Andrea: Any places there shouldn't be a link to this?
- None indicated.