2020-10-29 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2020-10-29 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Discussion Items

  • Special meeting on Unavailable status in CDL/ETAS environment
How do we need an unavailable status to work?  Do we need a special/extra version to support these circumstances?

Meeting Outcomes

Functional Area

Product Owner

Planned Release (if known)

Decision Reached


Link to supporting materials


e.g. loans, fees/finesNamee.g. Q4 2018, Q1 2019Clearly stated decision
  • Because...
  • Because...
e.g. mock-up, JIRA issue


On Monday, Emma Boettcher posed the following question to the RA SIG: how do we need an “unavailable” status to work?  Do we need a special/extra version to support these circumstances?

In Emma’s original proposal, items with an “unavailable” status would be unrequestable and unholdable.

Need a status to support CDL and ETAS. Can “unavailable” be it? For CDL purposes, physical copy should be requestable if digital copy was checked out, but not otherwise.

“Unavailable” status was intended to be a catch-all status for things that don’t fit into other categories. This would suggest that CDL/ETAS might need its own status.

Project ReShare doesn’t have any concrete proposals for CDL within FOLIO at this time: will endeavor to understand the system and work within it to develop a solution.

Cornell is using ETAS. Digital items currently being tracked by HaithiTrust, not in ILS.

Seb Hammer talks about importance of flexibility when talking about CDL: which collections are eligible can change in response to circumstances such as the COVID-19 global pandemic.

If well-coordinated parity can be maintained within the local ILS, would potentially solve problems related to number of copies and impact on CDL. For this to happen, items need to be simultaneously checked in/out in multiple systems. This is where a status would come in.

UChicago has ~100,000 items with unavailable status, and they are a mixed bag. They wouldn’t be able to use an “unavailable” status in FOLIO if items with this status are requestable.

All of this seems to weigh in favor of creating a new status for CDL/ETAS. A flag or something else that could be attached to a status of “Checked Out” might work, too. Not good existing path to the latter, unfortunately.

Per Emma: adding a new status wouldn’t necessarily be a huge lift at this time, but it would be good to explore all alternatives first.

Two questions on the table at this meeting: 1) will “unavailable” status work for CDL/ETAS (answer: probably not), 2) what does a new status for CDL/ETAS/etc. look like/how does it behave?

There are other potential solutions in FOLIO for CDL/ETAS, such as a temporary loan type + modified loan rules. Cheryl Malmborg will work with Index Data to explore this further. Timeline = next sprint begins in two weeks, so it would be great to know before then if we want to request a new status. RA SIG will talk about this again next Thursday.