2020-08-13 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2020-08-13 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Emma Boettcher

David Bottorff

Schwill, Carsten

Holly Mistlebauer

Sharon Wiles-Young

Joanne Leary

Brooks Travis

Elizabeth Chenette

Laurence Mini

Cheryl Malmborg

Mark Canney

Monica Arnold

Kimie Kester

Rameka Barnes

Molly Driscoll


Kelly Drake

Andrea Loigman

Jana Freytag

Discussion Items

2minAdministrivia From the PC:

The Reporting SIG is seeking a Test Data Developer for the LDP and an SQL Developer for Resource Access and User Management reports. Please see details on the Technical Skills in Demand page. 

20minCirculation logRecord create/update/delete actions for manual blocks in circulation log? If so, what about them should be recorded?
20minLost items requiring actual costHolly MistlebauerAgreement on format of report and UI for creating report on lost items requiring actual cost (draft)

Meeting Outcomes

Functional Area

Product Owner

Planned Release (if known)

Decision Reached


Link to supporting materials


e.g. loans, fees/finesNamee.g. Q4 2018, Q1 2019Clearly stated decision
  • Because...
  • Because...
e.g. mock-up, JIRA issue
Circ LogEmma Boettcher
Record manual blocks in circulation log, with all information possibleOnce a block is deleted, no record of it remains on patron record in FOLIO


It was agreed that it would be helpful to have manual patron blocks be tracked in the Circulation Log, especially as this data may not be being recorded anywhere else. It was agreed that it is good to record all the information for all the different types of block actions (create, modify, delete and expire). The difference between the delete and expire action was explained: delete refers to those blocks that are manually removed by library staff, whereas expire refers to those blocks that expire automatically based on the expiration date entered when the block is created (expiration date can also be manually changed later). Source for deleted blocks would indicate the name of the staff member who deleted the block, whereas for an expired block the source would be System.

A question was asked regarding whether the expiration date refers to the beginning of the day (12:01 AM / 00:01) or the end of the day (11:59 PM / 23:59). Emma said she would check on this. Emma also mentioned that when creating a block the three block actions (borrowing, renewals and requests) are all selected by default, you would need to manually uncheck any block actions if desired.

Cheryl asked about a way to tell which records in the log go together (how to see which created-block-record that a specific deleted-block-record in the log refers to). Emma answered that there must be a Block ID that would allow this to be done. Carsten suggested to add a "drill down" feature for the log, that allows to only show entries for an object (with the same object ID) after clicking on it in the whole list.

The question was raised as to whether blocks are being captured in the LDP, and more generally, what information was being recorded in the LDP. Jana will contact Sharon about having someone in the Reporting SIG join one of the RA SIG meetings to talk about what they have done. Jana will also ask Sharon specifically about whether blocks are being recorded in the LDP.

Holly showed (see link in Discussion Items above) the draft version of a Lost Item Requiring Actual Cost Report. She adopted the suggestion of making Patron ID, Item ID and Loan ID be links that can be followed to look up the patron, etc. Holly said she can make the log exclude items that have already been billed, to cut down on the length of the log. Also, items that have been paid for, etc. would not be in the log, because their status will have changed. It was agreed that with the change of making the Patron, Item and Loan ID columns contain links the log is good the way it is.

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