2023-10-27 Acquisitions Meeting notes
2023-10-27 Acquisitions Meeting notes
Aaron Neslin | Kathleen Norton | Sara Colglazier |
Alexa Benzaid-Wiilliams | Kimberly Wiljanen | Scott Perry |
Ann Crowley | Lisa Maybury | Susanne Gill |
Annika Zierhut | Lisa Smith | Susie Skowronek |
Carla Lindenmuth | Lucinda Williams | Sven Thomsen |
Catherine Tuohy | Martina Karlsson | Sylvia Hamann |
Dennis Bridges | Martina Schildt | Timothy Nelson |
Dung-Lan Chen | Mary Moran | Victoria Anderson |
Jackie Magagnosc | mu44 | Zorian Sasyk |
Jean Pajerek | Nancy Pelis | |
Joe Reimers | Peter Breternitz |
Current: Friday, October 27, 2023
Housekeeping -
- Please fill out App Interaction SIG survey regarding if text fields across apps should be responsive or not if you have a few minutes (survey opens thru Nov. 10)
- Poppy Bug Fest testing cases thru Friday, Nov. 3 - THANK YOU FOR PARTICIPATING!!!
- Presentation by Molly Driscoll and Poppy documentation discussions with her planned for Nov. 14 (Tuesday) at 1 pm Eastern
- Next meeting - Tuesday, Oct. 31, at 1 pm Eastern
- Reminder - U.S. Daylight Saving Time ends Sunday, Nov. 5 (you may need to adjust meetings on your calendar if you have a local Daylight Saving Time that is on a different schedule)
PC Update -
- postponed to the next Friday meeting (Nov. 10) as Kristin M. is out of the office
Business -
- Dennis plans to review new Acquisitions related features planned for Quesnelia Release (spring 2024)
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
:03 | Housekeeping | Dung-Lan |
:10 | Quesnalia Release | Dennis Bridges |
:27 | BugFest Poppy |
Action items
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