2023-03-07 Acquisitions Meeting notes

2023-03-07 Acquisitions Meeting notes



College of Holy Cross

Mary Moran


Ann Crowley

Jackie Magagnosc

Masayo Uchiyama

Duke University Libraries

Julie Brannon


Ann-Marie Breaux

Dennis Bridges

Joe Reimers


Martina Schildt

Nina Stellmann

Peter Sbrzesny

Sven Thomsen

hebis - UB FFM

Sylvia Hamann

Peter Breternitz

GBV - University Library Marburg

Patrick Daus

hbz, Cologne

Martina Tumulla

Michigan State University

Kimberly Wiljanen

Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU)

Kimberly Smith

Missouri State

Dwayne Swigert

Mount Holyoke College/5C

Aaron Neslin

Jenna Lanterman

Kathleen Norton

Nancy Pelis

Sara Colglazier


Beverly Geckle

Skidmore College

Dung-Lan Chen


Alissa Hafele

Darsi Rueda

Linh Chang

Shelley Doljack

Suzette Caneda

Texas A&M University Libraries

Emily Robertson

Heather McMillan

Kimberly Pamplin

Okay Okonkwo

Shannon Burke

Victoria Anderson

Winter White

University of Chicago

Julie Stauffer

Kristin Martin

Scott Perry

University of Colorado Boulder

Steve Selleck

University of Missouri System


Scott Stangroom


Rhonda Fuhrmann


  • Housekeeping -

    • Next meeting - Tuesday, 3/14/23 at 1 pm Eastern
    • Orchid bugfest started March 6, please participate if you can
    • Friday, March 17 (9 am Eastern) - Discuss Implementers Topics #75 & #81 

    PC Updates (Kristin Martin ) -

    • It's been a while. You can find full minutes here

    Business -

    • Presentation/Q&A - Chicago's Invoicing/Voucher Workflow (Huge thanks to Scott Perry!!)
    • If we have time after Scott's presentation/Q&A, we may continue discussing Implementers Topics

Discussion items

  • Next meeting - Tuesday, 3/14/23 at 1 pm Eastern
  • Orchid bugfest started March 6, please participate if you can
  • Friday, March 17 (9 am Eastern) - Discuss Implementers Topics  #81 
    • # 75 will be on the 31st
 :03 PC Updates Kristin Martin 
  • Notes for meetings prior to March 23, 2021 are available here.

    • Bugfest for Orchid is underway. You can find further Bugfest information here and the whole release timeline here.
    • Oleksii is looking for assistance in preparing the Release Digest for Orchid and moving forward (see the release digest for Morning Glory here)
    • Some brainstorming on WOLFCon, at preliminary stages - but interested in any SIG thoughts.
      • Contract not signed yet, but should be in Chicago. 
      • Hoping to have more working meetings and presentations. 
      • Planning committee will have first meeting Thursday
    • Onboarding Group continuing to refine presentation and piloting it with small group; Khalilah Gambrell providing onboarding for new development team from the National Library of Australia.
    • Interesting in recruiting more assistant POs or full POs from the FOLIO community, like the work Aaron Neslin is doing with Dennis.
    • Prioritization and Roadmap Group plans to share some preliminary work around the end of this month. Still looking for a good pilot project for new prioritization tool.
      • prioritization tool - looking at Airtable
  • If interested please let Ann-Marie (or anyone involved in Bugfest) know and they will help you get set up. 
  • Data import - started user testing for data import in a separate environment than Bugfest. 
  • Ann-Marie Breaux 12:18 PM
    And if anyone wants to do the Orders UAT, here's the link to the form, which includes the link to the separate Rancher env. Lots of discussion happening about it on the Slack #data-import channel. https://forms.gle/aUzoiXmQXTwN1fqMA
:14Chicago's Invoicing/Voucher Workflow
  • Chicago's Invoicing/Voucher Workflow
  • Doesn't have a slide presentation - will be in live in Lotus
  • Processes all invoices in folio
  • For over 20 years had direct feed into campus financial, it was important to maintain that connection
  • Campus will be moving to an Oracle financial management sometime in the next year. 
  • Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) 12:20 PM
    Scott: Do you Export all Invoices to Accounting?
  • darsi rueda 12:28 PM
    Do you update the status of the invoice when you’ve sent it to Accounting to get paid?  What do you select on and how do you make sure you don’t select it again?
    • When an invoice is set out, the disbursement number as pending. The invoice remains as pending (from the API service)until it comes back,  Then once they verify everything matches, then it's marked as paid. 
  • Does the University every pay multiple invoices to a vendor on the same voucher?
    • Yes
  • Shelley Doljack 12:34 PM
    What field is updated with “Pending”?
    • Dung-Lan Chen 12:34 PM
      Disbursement number field I think.
  • Ann-Marie Breaux 12:36 PM
    And speaking from experience at GOBI, it's delightful for GOBI to sort out all the payments from that one big payment! GOBI used to get payments from 40+ acq units at Harvard all smushed into one check. Fun!
  • Patrick Daus  12:37 PM
    How do you deal with changes in currency exchange rates between recording the invoice and the actual point of payment? Do you have any option to do changes to the invoice?
    • Currently wire transfers are entered in the foreign currency. We have to set these up. They go to approved sate until they get the exchange rate back. In folio, you can alter the exchange rate. Then save and pay it.
  • Julie Brannon (she/her) 12:38 PM
    Do you send any handling instructions to your AP system, such as "pay immediately", and if so, how?
    • Current system is very primative. Every thing is set to pay immediately. 
  • Dennis: Are there other organizations using Oracle?
    • Stanford is. We are about to attempt this too. 
  • darsi rueda 12:44 PM
    Happy to share but we’re new at this!  I’m not sure how to create an edge module
  • Ann-Marie Breaux 12:44 PM
    That would be great - if there would be a way to do something shareable - might also depend on how customized the configs in Oracle/Banner can be, and how much they might differ from university to university
  • Ann Crowley 12:44 PM
    We created our own feed program - mainly because we use a clearing account within our GL system Kuali
  • Aaron Neslin 12:45 PM
    In general, more edge modules instead of relying on APIs would be a good thing.  UMass has a complicated export system for invoices relying on the API
  • Julie Brannon (she/her) 12:50 PM
    And we still need SFTP or SCP secure transfer for the batch vouchers which hasn't been scheduled yet: UXPROD-2843 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • And we still need SFTP or SCP secure transfer for the batch vouchers which hasn't been scheduled yet: UXPROD-2843 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      Dennis Bridges 12:52 PM
      some good news on that front,  we have scheduled it for Poppy.

Action items
