2023-10-17 Acquisitions Meeting notes

2023-10-17 Acquisitions Meeting notes



  • Aaron Neslin

    Emily Robertson

    Kimberly Wiljanen

    Robert Heaton

    Alissa Hafele

    Heather McMillan

    Kristin Martin

    Sabrina Bayer

    Ann Crowley

    Jackie Magagnosc

    Linh Chang

    Sara Colglazier

    Carola Bauch-Schuster

    Jean Pajerek

    Lisa Maybury

    Shannon Burke

    Catherine Tuohy

    Jenn Colt

    Lucas Moder

    Steve Selleck

    Christopher Daniel

    Joe Reimers

    Mary Moran

    Susanne Gill

    Conny Scharzer

    John Banionis

    Molly Driscoll

    Susie Skowronek

    Corrie Hutchinson

    Juleah Swanson


    Suzette Caneda

    Daniel Huang

    Julie Stauffer

    Natalya Pikulik

    Sylvia Hamann

    Dennis Bridges

    Kathleen Norton

    Okay Okonkwo

    Timothy Nelson

    Dung-Lan Chen

    Kimberly Pamplin

    Peter Sbrzesny

    Victoria Anderson

    Dwayne Swigert

    Kimberly Smith

    Rhonda Fuhrmann

    Winter White


  • Housekeeping
  • Business -

    • Discuss EDI ordering - looking to hear successful stories and any issues/roadblocks of unsuccessful efforts to help find solutions and for others who haven't implemented to learn

Discussion items

  • Housekeeping -

    • Reminder - Poppy Bug Fest claiming test cases thru this Friday (10/20/23) - more info see Kimberly Pamplin Slack message reminder
    • Check out Implementers SIG meeting notes & recording (10/17/23) re: Serials: development progress and plans (A presentation by Owen Stephens)
      • There will be a part two, so keep an eye out for that. 
    • Next meeting - next Tuesday, Oct. 23, at 1 pm Eastern
    • Don't forget BugFest starts soon.
 :05 EDI Ordering

 Business -

  • Discuss EDI ordering - looking to hear successful stories and any issues/roadblocks of unsuccessful efforts to help find solutions and for others who haven't implemented to learn
  • Suzanne Gill - Administrator for Bavarian Library Network. 
    • Did a demo of EDI ordering 
    • Demo in Orchid Folio. Had started testing in Nolana. 
    • One of the original problems was the account number in default integration in settings. Could not export anything. That was because the export module had to be enabled. 
    • Dennis: Default integration should not require an account number. 
    • Natalya Pikulik 12:16 PM
      Cannot invoke "org.folio.dew.domain.dto.VendorDetail.getVendorAccount()" because the return value of "org.folio.dew.domain.dto.CompositePoLine.getVendorDetail()" is null (NullPointerException)
      • Dennis: 'Vendor is null'  is a different issue. 
      • Jenn Colt: There was a critical service patch that was meant to fix the EDI syntax, and after that we started getting this message. 
    • Dennis: With Poppy the module doesn't have to be restarted anymore. 
    • Corrie to Suzanne: You noticed a big difference between Nolana and Orchid. I noticed in your EDI you had a 13 digit ISBN set to type in. I have not figured out how to do that.  It labels it as an IB and the vendor wants it as an EN. 
      • Dennis, that has been fixed in a service patch as part of a syntax update. 
    • Corrie: Another big issue is the colon and being able to rename the convention because the vendor wants to be able to dictate the name of the file. 
      • Dennis: Yes, that is in the plan. 
    • Dung Lan - Is Gobi (YBP) the only vendor successfully accepting EDI orders? 
      • Dennis: I know we were working with another library that is not working with YBP. 
      • Corrie Hutchinson 12:30 PM
        I’m trying to set it up with Baker & Taylor.
      • Kimberly.Smith@mtsu.edu 12:31 PM
        So, our library just set up GOBI API ordering not EDI ordering.  Is there a preferred method with FOLIO/GOBI?
      • Molly Driscoll 12:33 PM
        I think the API is the best option for firm ordering with GOBI (IMHO). The tech spec you have with GOBI will likely impact which methods you use. If you have accounts that aren't eligible for the API integration, EDIFACT might be worth investigating with your GOBI rep.
      • Kristin: What institutions are using the EDI Ordering? 
        • Kristin Smith - MTSU
        • John Banionis 12:33 PM
          We're using GOBI API
        • scolglaz 12:33 PM
          5C in a modfified way
        • Jenn Colt 12:34 PM
          Cornell too
        • John Banionis 12:34 PM
          At Villanova
        • mu44 12:34 PM
          Cornell is using GOBI API for ebook ordering
        • Daniel Huang, Lehigh University 12:34 PM
          I think we placed maybe one GOBI order this fiscal year at Lehigh
        • scolglaz 12:35 PM
          We have them come over as Pending
        • Daniel Huang, Lehigh University 12:35 PM
          (we don't use the GOBI API and we don't order from GOBI since we're a ProQuest shop)
          • Question: what happened to Jean Ward from PQ working on API things?
            • Dennis: Have not heard from Proquest in a while in regards to this. 
        • John Banionis 12:36 PM
          We were able to develop an order creation script for JSTOR DDA triggers based on received MARC records
      • Sara: Recently met with Harrassowitz rep about if there is a fokus API, in Europe, the German libraries use the EDI method. From Harrassowitz's point of view, it's not where they will put their energy.  It's up to the customers to approach vendors like Harrassowitz to express an interest in this functionality. 
        • John Banionis 12:40 PM
          We just do EDI invoicing for Harrassowitz
        • Susanne Gill (BVB) 12:41 PM
          In Germany (Bavaria) it's more EDI invoicing. The orders a sent via Email
        • Peter Sbrzesny | VZG 12:41 PM
          At GBV EDI ordering is quite common.
      • Kristin Martin: EDI is for the vendor to send the library invoice information. Right now, we can't upload orders?
        • Dennis: Right now, marc order creation is possible through data import. but you can't create orders via edi import. Folio will export order records, and import invoicing. On the road map is claiming functionality via edifact. 
        • Kimberly Smith (MTSU) 12:45 PM
          Thank you for the clarification!
        • Molly Driscoll 12:45 PM
          Due to the heroic efforts of Peter Murray, this is now on YouTube and may be helpful in clarifying opitons: 
        • Molly Driscoll 12:45 PM
          (WOLFcon presentation from Dennis & Ann-Marie)
        • Jenn Colt 12:46 PM
          We are still using Lehigh not data import.  
          The matching for DI doesn’t work for us
        • wiljanen 12:47 PM
          Mich State is using Data Import with Marc records
        • scolglaz 12:48 PM
          I would love to see Mich State
        • Molly Driscoll 12:48 PM
          This is a video Ann-Marie created to review creating orders using data import with MARC records, if anyone is interested in viewing:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ivj9Wbfl7zu7FI53o8p4IbSEO3HrsUlx/view?pli=1
12:50Poppy release
  • Dennis - putting together a slide deck for release notes on Poppy.  When he is ready Dennis will review with group. Probably next Tuesday.