2023-10-31 Acquisitions Meeting notes

2023-10-31 Acquisitions Meeting notes



Aaron Neslin

Joanna Cerro

Nick Hardebeck

Ann Crowley

Joe Reimers

Okay Okonkwo

Carla Lindenmuth

John Banionis

Peter Breternitz

Catherine Tuohy

Julie Stauffer

Rhonda Fuhrmann

Daniel Huang

Kathleen Norton

Sara Colglazier

Dennis Bridges

Kimberly Pamplin

Scott Perry

Dung-Lan Chen

Kimberly Smith

Steve Selleck

Dwayne Swigert

Kimberly Wiljanen

Susanne Gill

Heather McMillan

Lisa Maybury

Sylvia Hamann

Jackie Magagnosc

Lisa Smith

Timothy Nelson

Jamie Jesanis

Mary Moran

Victoria Anderson

Jean Pajerek


Winter White


  • Housekeeping 
  • Business -

    • Joe will discuss a new feature planned for Quesnelia - restricting funds to specific locations

Discussion items

  • Housekeeping -

    • Reminder - Poppy Bug Fest continues thru this Friday (Nov. 3). 
      • There is a lot of unclaimed test cases. Please do what you can if you can. 
    • If interested, join Product Council meeting this Thursday at 10 am Eastern to provide feedback re: User Acceptance Testing discussions or leave feedback via Slack to Kristin Martin
    • Presentation by Molly Driscoll and Poppy documentation discussions scheduled for Nov. 14 (Tuesday at 1 pm Eastern)
    • Tentatively planned for Nov. 21 (Tuesday at 1 pm Eastern) meeting - Kim Wiljanen will demo Michigan State University Libraries' workflow using Data Import to create orders with MARC records for different type of orders
    • Next meeting - Tuesday, Nov. 7 at 1 pm Eastern (please note US. Daylight Saving Time ends this coming Sunday, Nov. 5)
 :09 Quesnelia - restricting funds to specific locations Joe
  • Quesnelia - restricting funds to specific locations
  • Will work in conjunction with Acquisitions Units. 
  • Begin by designating a fund where you plan to add a restrict use by location. 
    • This will open a location accordion from which you can add locations that are eligible for that specific fund. This will be a multi select with some faceting and filtering available. 
  • If you select a fund first that is not restricted, then all locations are available. 
  • If you change the fund assignment, then it will come back and require the proper association. If you edit the fund to make a fund restricted, then it's going to depend on if the po is open or pending. If it is open it will let you continue to pay against it. if it is pending, then it will block it. 
  • Joe - Does anything think this is something your library will use?
    • Kimberly Smith - I think our library would find it interesting from the standpoint of special collections area if they had their own set location. Problem might be in ordering a copy for special collections and one for the stacks at the same time and not being able to put on the same po. 
    • Lisa Smith - Mich State 12:18 PM
      It's interesting.  We do have some funds that we want to use only for certain locations.
  • Joe - The way this is laid out right now there is no mechanism that restricted funds align with restricted locations at the invoice level. Right now, invoices don't look at locations. Is this a problem for anyone from the invoice side. 
    • Scott Perry (UChicago) 12:24 PM
      To confirm—this can be disabled?
      • Joe - You can click the check box,
    • Joe: You can reassign the finds from the point of invoicing because those protections aren't there. 
    • Group had no thoughts on this. 

Action items
