2023-10-10 Acquisitions Meeting notes

2023-10-10 Acquisitions Meeting notes



  • Housekeeping 
  • Business -

    • Discuss how multi-volume sets are handled

Discussion items

  • Next meeting, this Friday (10/13) at 1 pm
  • Poppy Bug Fest runs this and the next week from 10/9/23 - 10/20/23, please participate if you can.  More info see Poppy Bug Fest wiki
  • Reminder - Discuss "EDI ordering" planned for next Tuesday, 10/17/23, at 1 pm
  • Dennis can't make the meeting today (child sick/doctor visit)
 :04 Multi Volume sets
  •  Discuss how multi-volume sets are handled
  • Sara: It has been a question in slack about how people handle multi volume sets.
    • There are different ways people are managing them.
    • There are different scenarios.
      • A library knows it's multi volumes when creating the po. 
      • A library doesn't always know it's a multi volume set upon ordering. 
      • Another scenario is we order and pay an invoice thinking it's one volume but it's actually 2 volumes. 
  • Lisa Smith: Every couple of months I look for orders that shouldn't be opened. It's a maintenance thing, It's also a training thing, If a receiver sees the last item is received, they should update the order to fully received. 
  • Lisa: If ordering a multi v set, we'll set up the independent receiving workflow and set up a piece for each volume. When the person receives the last volume they should go back to the order to fully receive it. 
  • Sara: In her library, Acquisition people also do the cataloging. 
  • Sara: We have Gobi integration. Their selectors order in Gobi. It (the record) comes in from Gobi as a quantity of 1 with 1 price, but it comes in with 3 pieces. 
  • It would help if Quantity in the price and Quantity for number of pieces  received were independent, it would solve the problem.
  • Kristin Martin 12:31 PM
    I'd need to check in with folks dealing with this, but I think we're along the lines of Michigan State.
  • Sara: Would like to see this as an implanters topic. 
  • Joe Reimers (EBSCO) 12:35 PM
    I'm documenting what I can here. I'll need to have a conversation with Dennis about how to handle this. 

  • Joe to Sara: Please go ahead and add this to the implementers topic list. I do think this needs to be looked at.
  • Kristin Martin 12:35 PM
    Can we send our multivolume sets to you too? (smile) 

Action items


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