Time | Item | Who | Notes |
| Housekeeping | Dung-Lan | Housekeeping - - Poppy Bug Fest runs Monday, Oct 23 thru Friday, Nov. 3 (more info see - Bug Fest 2023 Poppy wiki)
- Next meeting, this Friday (10/27), at 9 am Easter
:05 | Poppy overview of changes |
| - Poppy Release Notes
- Dev team working on consortia functionality more lately
- Dennis will find a place to store presentation he is presenting today.
:16 | Demo of changes on FY |
| Dennis - FY demonstration of change - New is that when creating an invoice, if user has appropriate permission, they will see a FY drop down box when creating or editing an invoice. Now can choose a FY (if you have permission)
- At the moment, can not pay on future fiscal years
- Question: If you don't have permission, what do you see?
- Only the current fiscal year. And for when someone does have permission, if they don't make a choice, it will default to current once you choose your first fund.
- Question: Last time I filtered, there was a limit how many records can be displayed. Is that still the case?
- Dennis: I think there was a bug, the system would only retrieve so many (maybe 20K). I will have to see if that has been changed in invoices. It has been changed in other apps. Maybe it was 1k... not sure. At one point the number of pieces was limited.
- Question: Can you edit the FY in an invoice once it's created?
- Once the invoice is approved, you can no longer edit the FY.
- Kimberly Smith (MTSU) 12:26 PM
Would you then have to cancel the invoice and reissue in the correct fiscal year?- Yes - if it was approved. You can cancel it.
- Scott Perry (UChicago) 12:28 PM
Can you cancel an invoice in the previous fiscal year?- If you have an invoice in a previous FY, you can still cancel it. You still have to meet the criteria of associated budgets. May release encumbrances.
- Scott Perry (UChicago) 12:29 PM
How does the system know the fiscal year for an invoice created prior to poppy, or is this only possible for invoices beginning with poppy?- Dennis: I want to say it determines this because of the budgets. So even if processed 2 years ago, it's the budget record telling what FY to process it against. But I need to confirm this.
- When looking at related invoices, will now also see the FY the invoice is related too.
- Scott Perry (UChicago) 12:32 PM
And wearing my reporting hat, is this a new data element in the invoice?
:32 | Voucher change |
| - In the voucher area, settings, invoices, you can now specify an SFTP location or FTP.
:36 | Changes in Open order |
| - Open order
- Can now edit 'assigned to', renewal date, and vendor.
- subscription area can not be edited.
- Must say subscription and manual renewal.
- Kristin Martin 12:38 PM
Do you have a list of fields that can be edited newly in Poppy?- It's a series of stories, so there is not a specific list of what is editable in acquisitions. Right now it's a series of JIRA tickets.
- Scott Perry (UChicago) 12:39 PM
Can you change the order type from one-time to ongoing (and vv)? - scolglaz 12:40 PM
And sorry if I missed it, but for the future, will we also be reviewing which fields can be edited on the POL while Open? - Acquisitions Interface Fields
- This hasn't been looked at in a while, but we can work on updating it if we get permission.
- What fields are editable is maybe something for the documentation team to look at.
- Kristin will reach out to documentation team about it.
:47 | New permissions |
| New permissions have been added - Organization - can now assign permission for someone to only see organization records but not edit.
- Also can view acq units without editing them.
- Finance - Added a view only setting in finances.
- Separated the permission for export fund and expense class codes to give more flexibility.
:51 | Lots of changes |
| - Not really a lot in Acquisitions with the Poppy release, but overall there have been a lot of changes.
- Lisa Smith - Mich State 12:52 PM
And did I see that sub start/end dates will be added to the related invoice line data?- Dennis: Yes, that is there. There were some label updates here.
- At another meeting we will go over what developers are working on for the Q release. We will be adding a lot of Acquisitions functionality. Like claiming.
- scolglaz 12:55 PM
And … And sorry if I missed it, but for the future, will we also be reviewing which fields can be edited on the POL while Open?- Dennis: Some of these are from the implementers topic list. The best thing to do would be to look at the related JIRA story.
- Acq Sig Topics
- Kimberly Pamplin 12:57 PM
Implementer's topic # 94 - If what fields are editable is a problem, this would be good to take to the documentation team.
- Sara: Will add what fields she would like to be able to edit to the implementers list.