2022-06-28 Acquisitions Meeting notes

2022-06-28 Acquisitions Meeting notes



  • Alissa Hafele, Ann Crowley, Ann-Marie Breaux, Bethany Blankemeyer, Bill Verner, Dennis Bridges, Dung-Lan Chen, Dwayne Swigert, Heather McMillan, Jackie Magagnosc, Jean Pajerek, John Ballestro, Julie Brannon, Julie Stauffer, Kathleen Norton, Kimberly Pamplin, Kimberly Wiljanen, Kristin Martin, Linh Chang, Lloyd, Lucinda Williams, Masayo Uchiyama, Nancy Pelis, Okay Okonkwo, Sara Colglazier, Scott Perry, Shannon Burke, Suzette Caneda, Sven Thomsen, Victoria Anderson, Winter White


  • Housekeeping -

    • Propose to cancel this Friday's meeting due to July 1, Canada Day

    Business -

    Review key features re:

    • The ability to change instance connection of POL
    • The ability to create Orders from Instance
    • The ability to create invoices from Orders

    Discuss Implementers' Topics - see Acquisitions/Resource Management Implementers

Discussion items

  • Any objections to cancelling Friday's meeting?
    • no. 
    • We can push product council updates to the next Friday. 
    • Ebsco will be off Monday and Tuesday, but everyone else will be working. So not cancelling Tuesday's meeting. 
 :05Follow up questions from Ann-Marie from her presentation last week.  Ann-Marie 
  • https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1IjZpSjVOcXYnPyBp2rgGvWHCf6lThDtj9LTtODR6Npw/edit#slide=id.g135ea6a1163_0_39
  •  Do orders need to be approved before they can be opened?
    • It is not required. But if "Approval required" is checked, then yes. 
    • Does anyone require approval? 
    • From Kristin Martin to Everyone 12:08 PM To be clear, if we don't require approval, this doesn't apply?
    • From Julie Brannon (she/her) to Everyone 12:08 PM Duke isn't currently requiring approval for orders
  • With the po numbers, there is a setting that allows the library to over ride the default po number folio assigns. If your library is set so po's can be edited, should that setting be applied to orders being created via mark records coming in? 
    • From Julie Brannon (she/her) to Everyone 12:11 PM I can't think of a use case where we'd want to edit that
    • From Bill Verner to Everyone 12:12 PMI don't think we would need to do that
  • If you have an incoming MARC record, would you sometimes be trying to map the po number from an incoming marc and sub field?
    • no use case identified, but will wait for more feedback before making a decision. 
    • If we allow you to map it, there could be unintended consequences we need to account for. 
    • From Alissa Hafele to Everyone 12:19 PM I'm not sure if we do this, but I am checking with a colleague.
    • From Kimberly Wiljanen to Everyone 12:21 PM Mich State receives 2 types of marc records  for our shelf ready books -- 1 with books which are firm ordered and 1 for approvals that do not have po #
  • Demo some changes in Morning Glory
    • changing the connection between an instance and a po line
    • creating orders from an instance: (:43 minute mark in video)
      • With Morning Glory, will now see an option that allows you to create a new order for this instance. 
      • From Julie Brannon (she/her) to Everyone 12:49 PM Two questions:
        • 1) ) for creating a line by adding it to an existing order, does it check the status of the order number you enter (making sure it's not for a closed order?
        • 2) At Duke we'll only have one POL per order, so will that popup generate an error if we enter an order number that already has one POL added?
      • From Bill Verner to Everyone 12:50 PM
        If we don't enter anything into the order field, will the system generate an order # automatically?
        • Dennis: Yes
    • creating invoices from an order record :52 minute mark in video
      • This is not getting released in Morning Glory, but there is a question. 
      • Workflow is different between a single line order vs a multi line order.
      • At this point there is no add to existing invoice. 
    • From Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) to Everyone 12:55 PM
      Not directly connected to what you have been showing, but in Moring Glory (or with what flower) will a POL that has Package checked off, show when connected to a piece in Receiving and then also in Inventory on the Instance, and other records?
        • On the Instance, it's Lotus.

Action items


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