2024-08-20 Acquisitions Meeting notes


Aug 20, 2024


Aaron Neslin

Julie Stauffer

Okay Okonkwo

Ann Crowley

Kathleen Norton

Peter Breternitz

Anne Campbell

Kimberly Pamplin

Peter Sbrzesny

Daniel Huang

Kimberly Smith

Rachel Sneed

Daniel Welch

Kristin Martin

Sara Colglazier

Dennis Bridges

Linh Chang

Scott Perry

Dung-Lan Chen

Lisa M English

Shay Swindlehurst

Dwayne Swigert

Lisa Maybury

Susanne Gill

Heather McMillan

Lisa Smith

Susie Skowronek

Heiko Schorde

Lucinda Williams

Suzette Caneda

Jackie Magagnosc

Mary Moran

Timothy Nelson

Jean Pajerek

Masayo Uchiyama


Joe Reimers

Molly Driscoll



 Discussion topics












  • Housekeeping -

    • FYI - Coming up soon WOLFCon 2024 (Sept. 24th-26th) program available here. To register here.

    • Next meeting - Tuesday, August 27, at 1 pm Eastern

    • Announcement (Dennis Bridges)

      • Forming a new group made up of a few people interested in the renewal process, talking about workflow innovation for the process. Currently only have one integration, with EbscoNet. Talk about things folio can do do streamline renewals. Review suggested items, outline your own workflows, and your own pain points.

        • Dung-Lan, will this group focus on renewal with other vendors besides Ebsco?

          • Dennis: My pov would be to drive innovation with EbscoNet, but that is not a constraint of what we would be talking about.

        • Sara: Are you thinking of renewal in a broader sense of including payment?

          • Dennis: Yes, the whole process.


New participant in folio acq sig

sswindlehurst: New participant from Smith college, acquisitions and cataloging specialist.

Sara Colglazier 12:10 PM
Shay / Smith College is part of Five Colleges, too! Welcome Shay!


Bindery UAT


  • Discuss Bindery UAT (Joseph Reimers)

    • UAT’s happen while still in development so now is the time to participate

    • One thing not tested was how folio handles hold requests for the bound volume. The QA does work though.

    • UAT Summary:

      • 9 participants (6 from community and 3 LOC)

      • 67% Successful in binding

      • no testing of request transfers.

    • Feedback Summary:

      • Fairly complex workflow

      • binding always creates a new holdings

        • Bug has been reported

      • List of pieces not arranged logically

      • Barcode should be required

        • Look into creating a setting a setting to require a barcode or not.

  • Potential showstoppers:

    • None reported as long as the holding bug is fixed

  • Suggested enhancements

    • Require barcode (possibly as configurable setting)

    • Improve piece sorting on bind items screen

      • Change default to sort expected date

        • UIREC-392

        • Eventually would like to sort on multiple columns

  • Next steps:

    • Holdings bugfix

    • There was more but I missed it.

  • Upcoming UAT schedule

    • Order on behalf of member tenant (Aug.26)

    • Duplicate Invoice (Sept.2)

    • Centralized role management (Sept.9)

    • Display credits separately in financial activity (Sept.16)


Upcoming central ordering UAT & documentation (Dennis Bridges)


  • Upcoming central ordering UAT & documentation (Dennis Bridges)

  • Ramsons UAT

  • UAT order on behalf of member tenant

  • Only relevant to a system that is leveraging the enhanced consortium support functionality.

  • But in a system where you have multiple tenants connected together, it’s now possible to have central ordering.

  • This is a feature that needs to be enabled.

  • Possible to create orders centrally creating Inventory , holdings, and items in the tenant it belongs too.

  • UAT primarily happening with library of congress because they will be running in an environment like this, but is open to others.

    • Let Dennis know if you are interested in participating in the user testing.

  • Dennis: Potentially testing with a national library model, then another with a consortia type model. Keep an eye out in Slack for information.


Slack Question from Molly Driscol regarding expected behavior for receiving and a closed record.


  • Slack Question from Molly Driscoll  7:31 AM
    Hi, everyone! Can someone tell me the practical impact of updating a serial record's status to 'Closed'?

  • We have the Serials, app and the 1st step in that workflow is to create a serial record that ties to the corresponding purchase order line, and on the serial record there is a status dropdown where and it's a required field where you're specifying. If it's an active status or a closed status. I had made an assumption that closed would maybe maintain a record of the serial and past predicted pieces and things like that, but not allow you to generate new predicted pieces or new pieces for receiving. However, in Q. Bug fast, I was able to do both of those things on a serial that had a closed status. So I was just trying to g:ain a little bit of insight into what the impact of that status field actually is

    • Peter: I think Closed should mean that it is no longer active, so to generate pieces would have to create a new predicted pieces

    • Molly Driscoll 12:39 PM
      Thank you for the additional information, Peter! And thank you, Dung-Lan, for the follow-up!

    • Lisa Smith, Mich State 12:39 PM
      Sometimes an unexpected piece comes in that needs to be added.

    • Molly Driscoll 12:40 PM
      I would think you can still do that manually in Receiving, rather than using the Serials app to generate a subscription cycle's worth of pieces.

    • Heather McMillan 12:40 PM
      There is sometimes a difference in what we thought we were paid through, and what the publisher has us paid through.

    • Molly Driscoll 12:41 PM
      I believe the status field can also be updated back to Active if circumstances change. But Peter, please correct me if I'm wrong!

  • Molly is going to report it as a bug.


Implementers Topic 138


  • Implementers Topic 138

  • Filter by multiple funds in Invoice app

  • We've needed to pull invoice information for reporting for our Special Collections, which uses multiple fund codes.  We had to do this fund by fund.  It would have been more efficient if we had the option to select multiple funds for filtering.  Also, the results limit to 1000 records.  Can this amount be raised?  It's not enough for larger reports, which we need to do from time to time.  Our workaround is to break up the exports by month (or sometime biweekly) instead of fiscal year.

  • Dennis: If choosing multiple funds, would you want ‘and’ or ‘or’.

    • Lisa: ‘or’, want any invoice with one of these funds.

  • Dennis: Re results limit, Is it way more than a 1000, or only a little?

    • Lisa: I am not sure.

    • Scott Perry (UChicago) 12:51 PM
      Perhaps by a specified time period?

    • Dennis: Does anyone have an idea of how many invoices are in their system? How many open invoices, how many approved?

    • Peter Sbrzesny | VZG 12:52 PM
      About 30,000 per year

    • Scott Perry (UChicago) 12:53 PM
      ~ 24,000

    • Dennis: I think we recently changed this limit, trying to find the story.

    • Lisa: I have noticed in orders, if I have to many results, I get no results.

      • Dennis: In the Q release, limits have been changed. I think in previous releases, the limit was 40K, then doubled to 80K, and more recently to a 100 or 200,000. The indexes are being refactored because filtering is taking longer with that many orders.

    • Lisa: If I remember right we can search multiple funds in orders, but not in invoices.

    • Dennis Bridges 12:56 PM (Edited)
      This is the recent performance issue related to invoice filtering https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/MODINVOSTO-182
      That will release with Q CSP 3

    • Dennis looked it up, it’s been increased to 100,000.

 Action items
