2024-02-13 Acquisitions Meeting Notes

2024-02-13 Acquisitions Meeting Notes


Feb 13, 2024



Aaron Neslin

Joe Reimers

Natalie K.

Alissa Hafele

Julie Stauffer

Okay Okonkwo

Ann Crowley

Kathleen Norton

Paivi Rentz

Catherine Tuohy

Kimberly Pamplin

Peter Breternitz

Corrie Hutchinson

Kimberly Smith

Rhonda Fuhrmann

Daniel Huang

Kimberly Wiljanen

Sara Colglazier

Dennis Bridges

Kristin Martin

Sarah Kees

Dung-Lan Chen

Lauren Seney

Scott Perry

Dwayne Swigert

Linh Chang

Steve Selleck

Heather McMillan

Lisa Maybury

Sven Thomsen

Jackie Magagnosc

Masayo Uchiyama

Sylvia Hamann

Jean Pajerek

Molly Driscoll

Timothy Nelson

Jen Bolmarcich

Nancy Pelis

Winter White




Business -


 Discussion topics












  • Housekeeping -

    • FYI - Slack channel "folio-atlassian-migration" to get updates or to report issues related to the migration of FOLIO Project Issues (Jira) and Counflunce to Atlassian Cloud which took place February 4th

    • Custom fields progress presenation by Bjorn Muschall planned for Acq. SIG meeting on Tuesday, Feb 20 (1 pm Eatern)

    • Next meeting - Friday, Feb. 16, at 9 am Eastern



  • Discuss Poppy: Fiscal year is not populated on invoices created prior to Poppy (MODINVOSTO-174)

  • Invoices created before Poppy do not show a fiscal year.

  • There are a number of work arounds for finding invoices associated with a given fiscal year.

    • Searching by approval date.

      • For Poppy, added a fiscal year filter.

    • Can leave fiscal year open for a couple of weeks at the end of the year to be able to adjust the date for the fiscal year.

    • scolglaz 12:11 PM
      Will there be a scripting/backend way to assign the appropriate fiscal year to invoices?

      • no

    • Sara: Real benefit is in orders so that over time you see what was paid in each FY. Also in reporting, we use LD light. As soon as you have more than one payment in a fiscal year it becomes a problem to tease out what was paid for what FY, and figure out cost per use. Additionally, Invoice date is not a good indication of what FY it was paid in.

    • Dennis: How often are you pulling reports?

      • Sara: Often.

    • Kimberly Smith (MTSU) 12:17 PM
      I agree the invoice date is not a good filter to identify fiscal year. We "approve and pay" in one step, so I use payment date as a filter, but there are 2-3 each year that we are waiting for the 6/30 invoice and can't process until into the new fiscal year.

    • Scott Perry (UChicago) 12:18 PM
      For those who have ldp or metadb there is a derived table that associates the transactions and invoices by fiscal year.

    • Kimberly: The fact that there will be some years without a FY can be a problem down the road as the knowledge that early releases didn’t have the feature disappears.

    • scolglaz 12:20 PM
      But sadly those are not the reporting tools I have access to
      +1 to Kimberly
      Esp. down the road … in years to come!

    • scolglaz 12:24 PM
      And there is no manual option that can be added. I would so feel it was worth it to manually go back and assign ALL my FY2024s for sure …

    • Scott Perry (UChicago) to Everyone 12:24 PM
      How are invoices lacking a fiscal year tracked if you want to cancel an invoice?

    • scolglaz to Everyone 12:24 PM
      That was a question. sorry: Is there no way to let us do it manually?
      Also not Edit?

  • If you want to keep an eye on this issue, here is the link. https://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/MODINVOSTO-174

:28 There are a number of improvements we are working on for financial management. Management of transactions.

  • A lot of problems that occur in the acq domain relate to the management of transactions. Payments, pending payments, credits….

  • Many of the problems occur around fiscal year rollover.

  • Add interface elements that will allow users to fix specific issues more easily, either during rollover or throughout the course of the year.

  • We would like to do better at identifying problems and prevent them from happening.

  • Dennis reviewed mockups.

    • Will be adding a toggle to the page of 'run pre roll over diagnostic”

    • Will add a recommended actions column in the error log

      • There are repair scripts that can be run that will automatically fix some errors.

  • Kimberly Smith (MTSU) 12:40 PM
    We currently have to reach out for our hosting to run these frequently. I would love to be able to run this fix when I find the problems! Very Cool!

  • Ann Crowley 12:41 PM
    We currently waiting for the script to be run to clean up some encumbrances right now

  • There are currently 9 or 10 Python scripts being run to repair data. We are rewriting in JAVA and putting the scripts in folio.

  • There will be a progress indicator.

  • Molly Driscoll 12:43 PM
    More information about the script to which Dennis is referring:

  • Ann Crowley 12:45 PM
    When will we have access to this?

    • R release

  • Sara: When running the script, does all other work have to stop?

    • Not really, but if work is happening while the report is running, it may make the data outdated by the time the report is done. Probably should stop working though to ensure accuracy of report.

  • Scott Perry (UChicago) 12:50 PM
    We tend to stop all Acq activities when we do these sorts of things.

  • Kimberly Smith (MTSU) 12:52 PM
    If we were running locally, we may have systems run it overnight or with advanced notice.

  • Kimberly Smith (MTSU) 12:53 PM
    Thanks for showing this! Something to look forward to next year maybe!

:57 Dennis: Re sub group about data alignment

  • Has had three meetings.

    • Adding a field to the item record , 'Display summary' in the Q release.

 Action items


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