2020-12-10 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2020-12-10 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Sharon Wiles-Young

Mark Canney

Erin Weller

Andrea Loigman

Andy Horbal

David Bottorff

Cornelia Awenius

Monica Arnold

Molly Driscoll

Amelia Sutton

Kimie Kester

Brooks Travis

(OLD ACCOUNT) Erin Nettifee

Rameka Barnes

Cate Boerema (Deactivated)

Martina Tumulla

Cynthia Lange

Cheryl Malmborg

Darcy Branchini

Donna Minor

Jana Freytag

Discussion Items

  • Quick Update from PC
  • last Meeting this Year: 12-14-2020 // 12-17-2020
  • First meeting next year:  
10MinUpdate on the Review of the governance and vision & strategySharon Wiles-Young

Governance report: RA SIG comments on Membership were brought into the revised governance document. Levels of membership: Membership requires a MOU 

Nurturing partner 80K commitment; Enabling partner 50k commitment; Sustaining partner 10K commitment in addition to 20 hours project support; Supporting partner 3k commitment in addition to 10 hours of project support; contributing partner 10 hours of project support

other way to get on governance is to be an open participant- have login to wiki and JIRA and some involvement without a membership commitment/MOU commitment

15MinDocumenting how RA Staff works in FOLIO

Request by the Support SIG.

Given the following:
  • Fewer PO Resources 
    • POs should focus on development - not training, or answering implementer questions
  • Increased number of libraries going live in Iris
  • Bug identification requires an idea of how the system is supposed to work

The Support SIG would like to request that all FOLIO community members start writing up 'documentation'.  Ideally the SIGs would take this on.

The "documentation" would:

  • Provide instruction on how to use an app
  • Could use test rails, and demo videos  as sources

  • Provide the basis for 'real' documentation
15MinBug fest - review / questionsWe'd like to review and discuss some aspects of the recent bug fest

Meeting Outcomes

Functional Area

Product Owner

Planned Release (if known)

Decision Reached


Link to supporting materials


e.g. loans, fees/finesNamee.g. Q4 2018, Q1 2019Clearly stated decision
  • Because...
  • Because...
e.g. mock-up, JIRA issue

Molly & Jana to add to early 2021 agenda to formulate planDocumentation is necessary, especially from a practitioner perspective.
Potentially a "documentation-fest" format; MSU tech writer to play a role.
Meeting schedule

Meet 12/14 and 12/17 (if topics available); then next meeting will be 1/7/2021.Holiday time off and re-opening schedules
Jana will cancel the calendar events for those meetings that have been eliminated.


Sharon: Product Council took some of RA SIG recommendations around membership in the FOLIO Community

  • Being a member/participant is a formal commitment
  • See various labels above in agenda.
  • How the Community will maintain a distinction between membership and participation; and balance the two
  • Slated to come back for approval around 2/1/2021
  • By summer 2021, there should be elections for Tech Council, etc.


  • Brooks: MSU trying to bring on some technical writing interns (hopefully starting in January) to focus on technical documentation for FOLIO Community
    • MSU will be facilitators for their participation in the Community
    • Did discuss this at recent PC meeting
  • Erin N.: Exported test cases from test rails to Excel spreadsheet in RA SIG folder
    • Advocates for cleaning these up as basis for documentation
    • Reminded everyone of the Information and User Guides for FOLIO
    • Contributors shouldn't worry about formatting, etc.; it's more important to get the information there first and foremost.
  • Molly & Jana will determine a time in early 2021 to bring this back to an agenda to establish a plan for moving forward.

Cornelia: Has been doing a lot of Bugfest testing and wants to hear some follow-up from POs on the status of failed tests/questions she had.

  • Will reach out to Holly on a specific fee/fine issue
  • Claims returned notices sending - Darcy believes this is a spec bug and will file it; will check all statuses to ensure that the triggering events for notices are appropriate.
    • Darcy believes this is not related to hold expiration notices sending after hold pickup - that is likely a regression because it was spec'ed out.
  • Darcy indicated that technical debt was accumulated in this release that they are working on cleanup.
  • With multiple notices, Darcy requested that these be batched up and sent to her (along with notice policy) for investigation because it is difficult to establish patterns in troubleshooting.
  • Brooks advocated for the inclusion of the notice policy in the loan; all other policies are referenced in the loan record (loan policy, overdue fine policy, lost item policy). 
  • Cheryl encouraged everyone to either add comments to the Bugfest retrospective or attend the meeting on 12/14 (it conflicts with RA SIG, as an FYI).


  • Erin Nettifee will be the new Service Points PO!
  • Still seeking a Requests PO - very pressing; even an interim would be beneficial.
  • Meeting on Monday, 12/14 for Holly's topic
  • Is there a need for any more 2020 meetings?
    • Hold both meetings next week (12/14 and 12/17 - if topics available)
    • Cancel meetings the two weeks of holidays
    • First 2021 meeting: 1/7/2021

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