2021-02-03 Meeting Notes

2021-02-03 Meeting Notes




Björn Muschall

Maura Byrne

Monica Arnold

Brooks Travis

Uschi Klute

Catherine Smith

Andrea Loigman

Nancy Burford

Christine Tobias


  1. Documentation for the applications is going to go back to the SIGs to manage.  The other SIGs have been doing the documentation for the relevant apps.  So we will have to do the same.  Please take a look at these two pages:
    1. https://wiki.folio.org/display/FOLIOtips/Introduction+to+FOLIO+Permissions
    2. https://wiki.folio.org/display/UM/User+Management+Documentation+Needs
  2. We set a due date for this Wednesday for feedback on the Patron Expiration feature.  Björn won't be there to hear it, but I think that we should try discussing it regardless.  There are two documents for this as well:
    1. The JIRA ticket:  https://issues.folio.org/browse/UXPROD-2389
    2. The Google Doc:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nCqKKMusDHxjfhPL9OROGiYH8S1bifh-yRU-lm5Go6w/edit

Discussion Items



DocumentationMaura, SIG
  • Discussion about  UM documentation needs - Maura asked for SIG thoughts on creating documentation on Tips/Tricks Wiki page
  • Discussion about Folio Wiki vs. Official new docs.folio.org page which is maintained via GitHub
    • RA SIG has already done documentation on this page
    • but there seems to be not a process yet for other SIGs to contribute
    • the current status is that documentation could/should be started by SIGs on wiki but with structure and approach done for RA documentation to transfer this to docs at a later time
    • discussion re basic vs. advanced topics; e.g. sys user (API) topics 
    • SIG want to start with more basic frontend functionalities
    • Maura will create a wiki page with some initial headlines for basic functions
    • joint follow-up about this initial draft in two weeks

Feedback on Patron Expiration feature.Björn, SIG
  • discussion of first feedback on this feature from document above
  • use case 4 on the document above can be crossed out or deleted; the function is good as it is
  • discussion about modal yes/no (feedback from Erin)

    • alternative could be to have no modal but other kind of indicator; but then we would lose Cancel option

    • SIG votes to keep the modal but

  • Björn will ask dev team re further modal development

    • whether modal can be optional

    • whether modal text can be configurable (but with tokens for patron group and days)
    • new sentences should be in next line
    • patron group and days should be highlighted (e.g. bold)
  • Björn will ask dev team re expiration date calcualation, it should be:

    • IF the exp date is in the past THEN calculation from today, IF exp date is in the future or today THEN calculation from given exp date

Note: we missed to discuss visibility of recalculation button; should follow up next week

Björn will add feature requests based on this iteration 1 feedback to the Jiras.

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