2020-09-28 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2020-09-28 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Holly Mistlebauer

Mark Canney

Monica Arnold

David Bottorff

Brooks Travis


Molly Driscoll

Cheryl Malmborg

Emma Boettcher

Andy Horbal

Cate Boerema (Deactivated)

Cornelia Awenius

Joanne Leary

Kimie Kester

Donna Minor

Rameka Barnes



Jana Freytag

Discussion Items

20minAdd Grace Period
Add Grace Period for Recalls and move both grace periods from Loan Policy to Overdue Fine Policy
20MinRequest Policy override

Discuss feature proposed by Brooks to allow staff override on requests: UXPROD-2649 - Getting issue details... STATUS Do folks agree this is important? Let's talk through how this should work

15MinPreventing local pages

Let's review new design. See last page of this small group's document here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vVL-ci_WuIxYLhe4-Kmor-h_g24998T_8g6oDO5bSTk/edit?ts=5f638d67

Draft UXPRODs:


  1. Does this design work for folks?
  2. Do we want to prioritize override functionality separately or include in the features?
  3. How granular should the override permissions be for request policy stuff like this?
  4. Need to decide what to do with this old feature: Allow Request Policy to Control Request Fulfillment Options

5MinStanding Topic: live libraries ReportMolly Driscoll

Meeting Outcomes

Functional Area

Product Owner

Planned Release (if known)

Decision Reached


Link to supporting materials


e.g. loans, fees/finesNamee.g. Q4 2018, Q1 2019Clearly stated decision
  • Because...
  • Because...
e.g. mock-up, JIRA issue
Requests (preventing local pages and other policy changes)TBD

SIG liked the designs laid out in the UXPRODs

Override functionality is very important, but it could be a separate feature

Use case for override in this case would be for a patron who has temporary injury or permanent disability asks for local page.  You might want to allow that.  Might actually make sense to put something on the user record in that case, as opposed to creating override functionality in requests.  Needs further discussion.

Question about how this would work when patron are creating requests from discovery.  Answer: they would need to call the library or come in and have the staff create the request (with override).  If we put some flag in the user record for injured/disabled patrons, they would not need to call the library.

Requests (overrides)TBD

General discussion about overrides in requests

  • Overall very important
  • Could have just a single "requests override" permission
  • BUT, if possible, there may be some use cases where a special permission for override to allow recall would be helpful (because it is higher impact)

Need to come back to overrides and look at each of the scenarios and how they could be handled.


  1. Add Grace Period (Holly):
    1. Mock ups for Settings page for Overdue fine policy:
    2. Question (Joane): Would the overdue recall fine be added to the overdue fine or would it be separate?
    3. Question (Brooks): Bug on overdue recalls (extension of loan period after recall): CIRC-801 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      1. David: in some scenarios (like the fixed due date schedules) it would be good to have the loan extended
      2. Cheryl: It would be good to be asked if the loan should be extended? (new feature)
      3. Brooks: it could be treated as a renewal
    4. Overdue is calculated from due date/renewal date
  2. Request Policy override (Cate)
  3. Preventing local pages (Cate)
    1. Does this design work for folks?
      1. Yes
    2. Do we want to prioritize override functionality separately or include in the features?
      1. Separate:
      2. included:
      3. Overrides could be adressed elsewhere? User permissions for patrons?
    3. How granular should the override permissions be for request policy stuff like this?
      1. current request permissons:
        Requests: All permissions

        Requests: Move to new item, reorder queue

        Requests: Reorder queue

        Requests: View

        Requests: View, create

        Requests: View, edit, cancel

      2. we are coming back to that topic later
  4. Live libraries report
    1. The support SIG met and this bug was reported by MSU: CIRC-923 - Getting issue details... STATUS

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