2020-02-03 Resource Access Meeting Notes

2020-02-03 Resource Access Meeting Notes



Discussion Items

10minHousekeeping Andrea Loigman
30minSIG ReconsitutionAll

Recap from previous meeting - discussing reconstituting meeting into one traditional PO-focus, and one testing meeting.

What would the testing meeting agenda focus on?

  • Anya - example with EBSCO implementers.
    • PO gives short talk.
    • Ask implementers to come with questions, proposed workflow design, show how they've implemented. It's like a support group structure - a safe place to support each other.
    • State audience: decision makers, practitioners, etc.
    • Always have a goal for the meeting.
    • They have these focused for the next six months (wow). Each month is a different topic.

Andrea - so people have to do homework? Anya - yes.

Anya - it's important for people to talk. For people who are in the trenches to implement, show their screen. Here's a cool idea, etc.

Cheryl - important to acknowledge people are at wide varieties of implementation. Important to give background, so people who aren't as far along aren't lost.

Darcy - at Cornell, we've been inviting other schools to visit us to talk about things. It's really helpful.

Andrea - this can be really helpful with onboarding new SMEs, as well.

Anya - sample agenda for an ERM-focused session (from chat)

sample agenda : Setting up Agreements structures as FOLIO current state in edelweiss PO: Demo of Agreements: 15min MSU: Demo of set up: 10min U of A: Demo of set up: 10min FC: Demo of set up: 10min Target Audience: Decision Makers and Practitioners Goal: For each beta to understand how and when they are going to add their Agreements into FOLIO and what kind of data is a ‘must-have’ for their own workflows. Is there data/workflow missing? We will Khalilah Gambrell join us ... however I would like for MSU, UofA, and FC to demo ... WHAT DOES DEMO MEAN? well - it could mean talking through what you were thinking about setting up Agreements, it could mean asking questions, if could mean coming with an ERM contract and setting up the agreement live with a group of supportive people.

Anya - topics are driven by the implementer libraries. They suggest what they are focusing on right now. EG, 2 of the 3 are going live on ERM first, so they are focusing on ERM first.

Erin - we also need this to be focused on generating documentation. Not just implementers, but for onboarding as well.

Brian - in terms of building an agenda - Simmons is focused on items that they need for go-live, and that's what they are testing on.

OK - so consensus.

Mondays - same pattern along. 

Thursdays - Testing focused meetings. Anya has volunteered to run them as long as we start 15 minutes later.

When would this start? This Thursday, Magda wants to talk about title level requesting.

Anya - we should start on the twentieth so we have time to gather topics and have agreements on what to prioritize, when.

Carsten - knowing the topics ahead of time will be helpful too for generating local feedback.

Anya would like to keep these meetings timeboxed at 45 minutes. 

Brian - we're also focusing on alternative workflows, could this also be a potential discussion topic? Group - yes, this is a natural path for this since this group will identify gaps. 

Anya - what topics might we want to see?

Brian - testing check in and check out - is the proper loan rule implemented?

Anya - so maybe start with settings? Loan type vs. material type vs. ... 

Group - yes, that sounds like a great place to start.

Brian - we think our rules are written well, so this could be a good demo.

Cheryl - I might be able to also volunteer a UChicago test server for this work. Anya - we can also use bugfest

Jana - bugfest test scripts could also be a source of documentation. 

Maybe this group can use TestRails? Should we reach out to Anton? 

Anya - we need testers, so that likely wouldn't be an issue. Need SME testers in particular.

Anya - I will gather some test cases and work with Brian & Brooks to find good examples for discussion, identify demos and audience. And we will record these, for people who aren't able to attend. 

Andrea - do we need another wiki section? Erin - No. Just keep doing meeting notes until you feel like you need something different. Path of least resistance.

Meeting Outcomes

Functional Area

Product Owner

Planned Release (if known)

Decision Reached



relevant notes from - 1/30 meeting:

Andrea proposed that, as some of us move toward implementation and we seem to be slowing down, we meet once per week.
Jana suggested alternating between regular sessions and testing & feedback sessions; Erin concurred.
Erin proposed:
Monday: PO meeting
Thursday: testing & documentation
David expresses concerned re: slowing down; we have much to do.
Jana: as we move forward & go live, will we have fewer people in this group? We should take advantage to keep meeting.
Erin, Andrea: could someone else run the second meeting?
Cheryl: what did you have in mind, re: testing, problems?
Anya would like to do this if we could meet one half hour later.
Jana also volunteered if she could share the responsibility.
Andrea proposed that she and Anya and Jana would discuss this.
Mark: which meeting would be the PO meeting? Monday or Thursday?
Andrea: we will continue this conversation during Monday’s meeting; we will start at 15 after the hour.

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