2021-10-28 Product Council Meeting Notes

2021-10-28 Product Council Meeting Notes


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Discussion items

5 minAnnouncementsJesse
  • Lucy: Shanghai library conference: IT4L 2021 was held last weekend.  Over 40 public and university libraries and 10 companies attended.  Over 4000 people watched the conference live stream.  An expert committee of 38 was formed during the opening session.  Four experts gave keynote presentations on the future of libraries (two from academic and two from public).  An experts face-to-face panel discussion occurred, moderated by Keven Liu, Deputy Director of the Shanghai Library, discussing topics like the biggest challenges facing libraries, how to promote new library platforms, and what are the pain-points. See the summary page for links to the keynote recordings. 
25 minRoadmap updatesKristin Roadmap Update Slides, which includes a link to the Roadmap Themes list.  Some work has happened to bring these to a new Roadmap Jira project.  UXPROD issues can get linked to themes and subthemes in this new project.  Take note of the breadcrumb links near the top of the page to navigate through the hierarchy of the Roadmap project.  A next step is working with the product owners to make sure that important work areas are covered.  The roadmap group is working on a visualization of the themes.  They have also set a completion deadline of November 18 to turn this to the Product Council for spreading to the rest of the project.
25 minElastic Search in InventoryCharlotte

Update about Elastic Search: Search in Inventory using Elasticsearch - Kiwi - Google Slides.  As part of development, they included extensive work on facets, but during Bugfest found that libraries need the possibility to have the drop-down menus for the search box before using the facets.  The development team went back to determine what could be done in the remaining time before the Kiwi release.  The UI developers can do the drop-down menus for the search box with the static filters that the Inventory had under the Postgres search engine, but will not have the dynamic facets with the hit counts.

The FOLIO Implementors group reached a consensus earlier this week that the slide 4 plan was the way to go.  PC members today registered no objections to this plan.
Next steps for Elastic Search

  1. ROAD-7 Inventory Search
10 minPC roles for review of significant functionality changes Jesse

When a new major component is added to the platform...for instance, adding ElasticSearch...there are many downstream impacts to that (for the FOLIO operators, for instance).  Adding these components have a cost, so it is important to convey the value of adding the new component.  When trying to build the Kiwi release, it caught the devops people by surprise that mod-search was included and that the platform now needed ElasticSearch.  What would be valuable to have?  Advice from the developing team on how to deploy.

Now that ElasticSearch is being used for Inventory, will the technology be used for other modules and apps?  The implementation that is there now is quite specific to Inventory, so can it be used in—say—ERM.  Can it be assumed to be there?  What are the impacts of expanded memory needs, for instance?  One role that PC has (in conjunction with TC), is determining whether the component should be used elsewhere.

The ElasticSearch proof-of-concept was put in as a test with a separate UI.  The intention was that ElasticSearch would be used by other apps as well (such as the Users app).  It isn't as simple as a plug-and-play at this point; there is some work that a product owner and development team will need to do.

The new components also add dollar costs to expansion...additional infrastructure required to run these components.

15 minRanking and Community input group charterMartina S.

Charter proposal

Initially raised by the SysOps SIG and discussed in PC a few weeks ago. Martina, Tod, and others worked on this proposal.

As priorities are set, it is important that they remain constant for a period of time, and the process should reflect that.  It would be good to check in with the POs about the logistics of the transition period; they have been relying a great deal on the existing rankings.  Might this be an annual process?

It would be useful to invite SIG members to the working group since it will be SMEs that will have a large part in the ranking process.  In the transition, it is also important to try to carry forward the existing rankings that libraries have made.

The PC approves the charter as it is now.  The working group should form in the next two weeks and come back to PC at that time with the roster of members and any changes to the charter.

5 minAgenda topic generationJesse

Action items
