2021-11-04 Product Council Meeting notes

2021-11-04 Product Council Meeting notes



Discussion items

5 minutesAnnouncementsKristin Martin

Reminder: Next week is SIG convener update meeting

From FOLIO Weekly Update Meeting (Kirstin attended):
31 failed test cases are not have defects (possible growing of Kiwi bugfix scope) → FIXES MUST BE COMPLETED BY MONDAY SO THAT THEY CAN BE DEPLOYED AND VERIFIED IN TIME FOR THE BUGFIX RELEASE FREEZE. 
PC is asked by that group:

  • To remind PO's to REVIEW FAILED TEST CASES and either close, defer them OR CREATE DEFECTS in Jira for those that must be fixed for KIWI. 
  • Ask the PO's to REVIEW THE BUGFIX labeled ISSUES and TRIAGE THEM

→ Maybe post this to PO channel?

10 minutes

Update on Criteria for Accepting Code

Looking for an additional volunteer from PC and TC

Kristin Martin

New group was formed to include Kristin Martin, Tod Olson, Ian Ibbotson, and Kirstin Kemner-Heek. Working on charge.

There seems to be an assumption that if something isn't part of the build that it isn't part of FOLIO; it would be healthy for the project to dispel that assumption.  The TC is aware of this and the competing needs for a definition of "FOLIO"—including something that is a minimal platform and something that is what a library would need to run its operations.

The Privacy SIG is concerned about having statements beyond technical considerations, such as statements about personally identifiable information in modules and compliance with regulations like GDPR.

"Criteria for Accepting Code" may not be the proper name for the document because the discussion is not about accepting code itself, but accepting module functionality.  We do have collective control over what goes into a flower release.

The desire from the TC to have something that is easy to release is not reflective of something that is functionally useful.  This tension needs to be resolved.

Given that there are several distinct meanings of "FOLIO"—the technical platform, the flower releases, the marketplace of apps concept—there is a need for defining the criteria and concerns for each type of meaning.  What does it mean to be part of the LSP versus part of a release that we are stamping with a flower name.

Tod Olson will bring this back to the TC and suggest that someone from that group and/or the Sysops SIG to join the effort in drafting this document.  Having about 6 core members with the ability to reach out to others as needed is what is desired.  (Harry volunteered to join the effort.)

60 minutes

Strategic Initiatives

Review FOLIO Vision, Strategic Objectives and Initiatives with Community Council assignments.

Desired Outcomes:

  • Review and assess CC's assignments. Are they accurate?
  • Identify what we see as strategic priorities for the next year
  • Identify action items for the PC
Kristin Martin

See notes from 2021-10-07. Updates on SWOT Analysis and performance documentation.

Anya and Sharon got feedback from recent implementors for the SWOT analysis.  They are editing those notes and are now working on a timeline to send out a SWOT analysis to each implementing site.  They expect to send this out by November 8 with responses returned by the end of the month.  There is already great feedback about community engagement; there is concern about the community and the release process and not so much about the product itself.  There is a need to split out a SWOT for the community/process and one for the product itself.  Does the analysis and commentary so far reflect a difference between to-be-implemented libraries and already-implemented libraries?  Some of the community concerns are about how voices can be heard when people cannot join the SIG, for instance.

CC went through the FOLIO Vision, Strategic Objectives, and Initiatives document to identify what was its responsibility and what CC thought resided in the domain of the PC.  If there is disagreement, that can be worked out.  The CC also tried to distill the requirements into higher-level statements.

The TC has been addressing these as "near-term", "mid-term" and "long-term" rather than as years.  The sequencing might change; the relative positioning in relationship to the whole is what is important.  It hasn't been part of the plan to write up a report on these topics at the end of the year, but that could be useful to do as part of accountability to the community.  Would the Community Council want to take this on?

10 minutesUpcoming topics brainstormingAll

Action items
