2021-09-13 Capacity Planning Meeting

2021-09-13 Capacity Planning Meeting




Guests: Oleksii Petrenko, Marc Johnson

Discussion items

Time reservedDescriptionPresenterDetails/Comments
10 minutesStatus update

Juniper Hot Fix #2

Kiwi release preparation

Lotus release GA date

20 minutesCirculation Performance Proposal
10 minutes (carried over  from last meeting)Plans for Zak

Zak's last day as a community developer is September 24.  Zak mentioned that he will spend part of his time doing community work.  What will this entail?   

Update: Zak will stay on team until December 31, 2021.  Also, Holly will be part-time starting February 1, 2022. 

10 minutes (carried over  from last meeting)Prokopovych Team Capacity

As of December 31, when Zak is no longer on the Prokopovych team, we will have the following capacity:

  • 1.0 FTE backend devs (at any given time)
  • 1.5 FTE frontend devs (firm, given Michal and Matt consistently give their planned time)

Given the volume of issues assigned to the team, and expectations by the project, we need more devs.

In order to manage expectations, please note that...

  • We are merging the ElasticSearch FE changes (UXPROD-3046) with only 20% test coverage (Falcon didn't write any tests and we don't have time to write all of the tests before Kiwi is released).  Zak has created JIRA tickets for the test coverage and Michal will work on the tickets for Lotus.
  • We will not finish the RTL/Jest tests by the end of September, as required.  We are starting on them in Sprint 123 (which started today) and will continue working on them as part of Lotus.
  • We will not likely generate any Karate tests before the September 17 code freeze.  Our BE devs have been asked to work on other tech debt.  Holly is working with the POs to define what tests are needed.  We will plan to generate tests as part of Lotus.

Prokopovych priorities between now and September 17 code freeze (see our Scrum Board)...

  • CIRC-1181: Performance of checkout process.
  • UXPROD-3046:  Implementing ElasticSearch FE changes and completing as many test as possible.
  • Other tech debt, such as inventory performance and permissions fixes.
  • CIRC-1182: Performance of check-in process.  (Will be worked on by Marc after CIRC-1181 is further along.)

Update:  Looking into adding 2 devs to our team.  If that doesn't happen, we could reassign modules to another team.

10 minutes (carried over  from last meeting)Institution Ranking

We currently have 29 institutions with a Rank field in JIRA.  Anya has requested that we add 33 more.  The process we are using has become unwieldy.  Our plan was to use the "points" to plan most work, but then use the "rankings" to determine what to do next when nothing is highly ranked for the team/epic.  Perhaps the POs should work with the appropriate SIG to determine what to work on when nothing is highly pointed?  Then we can eliminate the ranking process.  Thoughts?

Update:  We will use the pointing exercise to prioritize. If a PO doesn't have highly pointed features, that PO should go to the PO group to see if they can take on highly pointed features for another PO.  If that doesn't resolve the issue, the PO should talk to the Capacity Planning Team. 

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