2021-05-17 Capacity Planning Meeting

2021-05-17 Capacity Planning Meeting




Khalilah GambrellX
Mike Gorrell
Harry Kaplanian
Holly MistlebauerX
Jakub Skoczen
Mark VekslerX

Guests: Matt Connolly, Oleksii PetrenkoAnn-Marie Breaux (Deactivated)Darcy BranchiniCharlotte Whitt

Discussion items





30 minutes maximum

Approvals for R1 2021 Hot Fixes:




quickMARC - changes to MARC 006 handling 

Monitoring - data import

Questions to answer:

  1. What is issue?
  2. How many people are impacted?
  3. What is effort to fix it?
  4. What will it take to test the fix?

These hot fixes were approved by the Security Team per Mike Gorrellhttps://folio-org.atlassian.net/browse/MODEXPW-17

Data Import: See the Ready for CPT section of https://folio-org.atlassian.net/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=11810

All approved.  Holly will add new "Hot fix approved" field to JIRA for flagging when a hot fix has been approved by the Capacity Planning Team.

CompletedNew module for Juniper: FOLIO-3159 Add edge-caiasoft module to testing env/testing and snapshot VMsKhalilah Gambrell

FOLIO-3159 Add edge-caiasoft module to testing env/testing and snapshot VMs

Capacity Planning Team doesn't approve new modules

Saved for next meetingNew FOLIO Release Strategy DiscussionOleksiihttps://folio-project.slack.com/files/UT7HMJPMX/F0207C89GDT/newfolioreleasestrategy.pptx?origin_team=T1EPYQDAQ&origin_channel=C020W533U3A
Saved for next meetingDiscuss what is going to happen next with optimistic locking

Per a request from the FOLIO Implementation Group, all optimistic locking features have been combined in the Umbrella JIRA UXPROD-3058, and points from related features have been added together:

Saved for next meetingReplacement of POs for Course Reserves and Overrides/Permission EscalationHolly Mistlebauer

Kelly was the PO for Course Reserves–she was also the group convener.

Darcy has passed Patron Notices and Print Slips to Julie, but she also has Overrides and Permission Escalation assigned to her. 

I don't believe the pointing exercise results in Course Reserves, Overrides or Permission Escalation features getting a lot of points, but someone needs to answer questions, address bugs, etc.

Saved for next meetingDiscuss results of Kiwi pointing exerciseHolly MistlebauerThe Prokopovych POs are already getting nervous about the many highly-pointed features we have for Kiwi.   The top 30 features are for only 4 teams (Prokopovych, Vega, Foliojet, Thunderjet) and a handful of POs.  We need to address this issue now, given that there are many stories to write for some of the features, and they impact other teams.  The Kiwi pointing results are available at https://folio-org.atlassian.net/wiki/x/F5Z