:10 | Serials Publication Patterns | Dennis Bridges | - Serials Publication Patterns
- How publication pattern functionality will integrate with receiving.
- Building a serial record associated with a publication pattern, linking with a purchase order line.
- Folio will use publication pattern to generate expected pieces
- Could be one pattern or more than one pattern
- Multiple levels of enumeration and chronology possible
- ~:14 - demoing in Snapshot
- :15 - How to take label and get it into a piece record?
- Peter - New development. Owen just showed it today. Have to put something into brackets, quite complicated.
- Serials app will generate label (which could be quite complex) - can technically include enum., chron., and volume information, e.g. Vol.1 Issue. 1 (January, 2023)
- Pattern will define what label should be for every piece
- Want to get data as far down the workflow as possible
- Enumeration and Chronology fields in "Add piece" modal also appear in item records and are accessible to discovery platforms.

- Sara - in previous system Enumeration and Chronology were machine readable fields. Had to be strict about how it was formatted. Human readable would go in caption. Having problems with how information is pushed out to EDS.
- Scott Stangroom 12:24 PM
https://groups.niso.org/higherlogic/ws/public/download/18121/Z39.71-2006_%28R2011%29.pdf - Discrepancies between Discovery, Inventory, Receiving, and Publication Pattern
- ~:25 - demo of item record, where the Enumeration entered lands: Effective call number and Enumeration under Enumeration data accordion.
- In Discovery - you get the enumeration data from the Enumeration field in Enumeration data accordion.
- Enumeration can also be output in MARC format.
- Because it is possible to have that data come all the way from Serials Pattern through Receiving to Item and eventually Discovery - in short term considering populating fields in this way.
- Need to have a conversation with a number of different groups (Metadata, etc.) and iron out some of the discrepancies
- In short term proposing to keep as simple as possible.
- Take location data from pattern as single string → populate in Enumeration in piece.
- Sara - one group to remember is the Access people. They deal with the items. If you go to inventory and look at something with hundreds of items. Having something like that is really dangerous because now you have huge sorting issues. Have to rethink how we deal with millions of items that are already set up differently.
- :32 - demoing of inventory record with large number of items.
- Issue of months because they are letters
- Issue number along with volume, but not always
- Working with periodicals in inventory becomes really problematic
- In serial pattern, broken down by most granular level - could filter by any means wanted very effectively. All parsed out in pattern.
- At one point talking about taking all of the granular data so that you have the label parsed into all of its individual pieces. No mechanism for managing that in Inventory, Receiving etc. at this point.
- Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) 12:34 PM
And we cannot forget the system needs regarding Item level requesting via a front end. - If we want to improve, need higher level perspective and then take philosophy and carry it through the system.
- Two reasons to bring this up:
- Proposing that in the short term information is carried from Serials Pattern in a single field that is accessible to discovery platforms (most likely enumeration).
- Unfortunately caption field that lives in the piece might make more sense, but once you get to Inventory there are other fields labeled caption that mean other things. Don't exactly mean the same thing. (Another thing to resolve). In short term, treat as simple as possible.
- Create a subcommittee to look at this problem and find a solution.
- Lisa Smith, Mich State 12:38 PM
Also, Mich State migrated our item 'volume' info from our old system into the FOLIO item 'volume' field. - Currently in Item record, there is "Year, caption" field, but there is no "Caption" field. - "Year, caption" field has different intended purpose. Also not available to discovery. Would have to take information from there and put in another field for it to be available to third party systems.
- Caption field was intended to represent higher level description, but there has never been a field in the item record that corresponds with that that can be populated.
- Adding the field to items is not a short-term solution, and still may not be ideal way to do this.
- Dung-Lan Chen 12:44 PM
our print journals' receiving history (issues/volumes info) got migrated into Inventory in Items under "Volume" and "Year, caption" columns and the holdings show up accordingly in our Library Catalog (VuFind). So we've been adding items for print journals following the migration practice for new issues to show holdings in Library Catalog. - How will we bulk change whatever has been done into the new way?
- Question for the subcommittee
- If there are changes made to the item record, that group would need to talk about how they migrate from the current fieldset to the new one.
- Maybe legacy items are not impacted and have to use bulk edit or begin using new fields moving forward. Maybe old fields supported for a number of releases and then deprecated. Multiple ways this could be addressed.
- Julie - What I want to see is a main, supplement, and index, which would be corresponding to the holdings statements further up on the record. Agree it is something that needs to work in conjunction with inventory. Want to take receiving information and pass on to discovery system.
- Jackie Magagnosc 12:52 PM
Main, supplement, index would make the staff here at Cornell Law so happy - :55 - Receiving history accordion when not tied to item records
- Enumeration/chronology needs to keep freedom of input format per library
- :58 - Discussion around holdings statements
- Would like to see trio of holdings types in Serials Receiving (supplements, indexes, etc.)
- Julie - Historically could have separate labeling. Would like that in a way that is clear and sortable.
- Sara Colglazier (MHC/5C) 12:59 PM
It then all depends whether your Discover layer shows the Holdings Statement--ours does not! - In order to move forward, need to discuss with folks from other areas. Need a group to get together with the sole purpose of figuring this out. Could bring the information back to their own SIGs.
- Consider if you would like to be involved.
- Perhaps we could use Friday time slot for some of those discussions. Dennis and Owen generally have that time available.